01/02/17 03:48AM
Chain Blacklisting
There are certain kinds of posts that I'm trying to blacklist, but there's no general tag for them. I've been told that chain blacklisting will help, but I think I'm doing it wrong... can someone help me?
01/02/17 05:15AM
To chain blacklist, you just put two tags on the same line of your blacklist. So, "maledom malesub" on the same line will block any images that have BOTH those tags.
01/02/17 05:20AM
Mindwipe said:
To chain blacklist, you just put two tags on the same line of your blacklist. So, "maledom malesub" on the same line will block any images that have BOTH those tags.

Is it only two at a time?? I tried that and it didn't work. Is it because I'm on mobile?

Edit: Never mind! It worked! Thanks!
01/03/17 06:31AM
Defcon7 said:
Is it only two at a time?? I tried that and it didn't work. Is it because I'm on mobile?

You can do multiple. It's limited by how many you can manage to fit on a single line in the input box.


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