01/05/17 07:23PM
Starwars Parody/Youtube Skits with Hypnosis/Mind Control
I'm looking for some starwars parodies with hypnosis/mind control in them (probably with the jedi mind trick). I thought since rouge one is out now and there have been a shit ton of fan starwars stuff over the years surely there must be some with hypnosis/mind control in them right? Well I'm hoping this thread will help bring out some of that kind of stuff to share with the community (links to videos ect.). I'm also hoping to have this thread double as youtube skits with hypnosis/mind control in them as well as starwars stuff. I'm looking for only female subs (i.e females how have been hypnotized or used mind control on) in these skits/parodies. I don't care if a male is hypnotized/mind controlled too as long as a female as been too in the same parody/skit. Anyway I will leave a couple examples for you guys and gals to watch and I hope you all will like this tread. Hope to see more soon.

Starwas Example

Youtube Skit Example
01/05/17 07:33PM
I absolutely love that hypno ring ad. Would buy about 10 or so of those if I could.
01/05/17 10:50PM
I don't enjoy how testy you are about what specifically you want catered to you, rather than asking for a forum friend of sharing for all or discussing for all.

That said, have a skit that includes Jean Gray being briefly controlled by Xavier: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PWUedhop84

And one of Anne Hathaway with spiral eyes: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBUGgvAnFlM
01/05/17 11:47PM
bellchan said:
I don't enjoy how testy you are about what specifically you want catered to you, rather than asking for a forum friend of sharing for all or discussing for all.

That said, have a skit that includes Jean Gray being briefly controlled by Xavier: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PWUedhop84

And one of Anne Hathaway with spiral eyes: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBUGgvAnFlM

Thank you I enjoyed both clips (I think I have seen the X-men one before though). Also I didn't see anything wrong with asking for what I'm searching for specifically. I'm not the only one who as done so on these forums if you don't believe me just look at this thread hypnohub.net/forum/show/15613. I'm not trying to point fingers but the person who made it is only looking for females who are controlled in anime/cartoons only. That said this is what I'm looking for and I thought it would be nice not only for me but the community as well. However I think I get where you are coming from and I would be alright with only males getting controlled too. As long as I and others are told that's what it is before clicking on it. I just don't wanna waste my time watching a video I know I won't like for the reason I clicked on it to begin with. Also incase you took it that I meant all starwars parodies had to have the jedi mind trick that's not what I meant. I only was saying that they probably would be using the jedi mind trick. Again though thank you for sharing.
01/06/17 12:19PM
bellchan said:
I don't enjoy how testy you are about what specifically you want catered to you, rather than asking for a forum friend of sharing for all or discussing for all.

That said, have a skit that includes Jean Gray being briefly controlled by Xavier: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PWUedhop84

And one of Anne Hathaway with spiral eyes: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBUGgvAnFlM

Holy shit the few seconds of that X-men one is great. Do any of the other parodies have Professor X doing anything like that?
01/06/17 11:59PM
I always knew the time to post this would present itself eventually.
Heads up, it is mostly guys getting hypnotized.

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