01/06/17 12:32AM
Quick Update On Current Events
Hey guys! First of all I wanted to start off with an apology for being gone for so long. I needed a break, and I still feel like I need a break. But I need to get some work done, so hop in my picarto right now because I'm doing a stream:

Please don't ask me if I'm going to work on your commission RIGHT NOW btw for those who I owe a commission. That really gets under my skin. You are free to ask me about a status update but let me just work casually today, otherwise I just wont stream and everyone loses.

Second, Happy belated New Year to everyone here! I hope everyone had a fantastic time! This year for me I plan to make some changes. Once I clear the current batch of commissions. I will only be taking commissions via slots. I want to limit my commission intake and focus more on patreon stuff. Patreon is what REALLY helps me. I have some serious bills to pay and I want to create content for everyone to enjoy that I will enjoy making! If you're interested. My patreon link is right here:

For those who requested stuff from me on patreon, I will be getting those done hopefully tonight.

One last announcement. I also plan on starting a BIG project this year. This will be a SFW project and I plan on releasing it for FREE. The project is a comic series I've been planning ever since I was 11 years old. I want to actually start it this year. I'm just not sure how to go about sharing it with everyone. Or how to even share it with you guys. But I'll figure it out in the long run.

Welp that's about everything I guess. In case you missed the links. Currently hosting an art stream here:
support me on patreon here:

Have a great day!
01/06/17 01:12AM
PenKen said:
One last announcement. I also plan on starting a BIG project this year. This will be a SFW project and I plan on releasing it for FREE. The project is a comic series I've been planning ever since I was 11 years old. I want to actually start it this year. I'm just not sure how to go about sharing it with everyone. Or how to even share it with you guys. But I'll figure it out in the long run.

I'd say just make a forum thread for it. I see no reason why not.
01/06/17 05:50AM
Good to see youbak, hope the time of helped somewhat and looking forward to seeing that comic. If you've held onto the idea for that long I'm sure it'll be interesting.

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