01/09/17 02:56PM
Why are belly dancers popular?
As a guy who has this fetish, I'd like to hear your thoughts on why you like people being hypnotized to belly danceto begin with.
01/09/17 03:58PM
Because they dress like harem concubines and that's fucking hot yo
01/09/17 04:02PM
GrandDad said:
Because they dress like harem concubines and that's fucking hot yo

yeah that's basically it
01/09/17 04:03PM
For one thing the movements tend to be rather sensuous calling to mind sex just by watching them.
01/09/17 05:04PM
Harem garb is sexy
Exposed bellies are sexy
Dancing is sexy
01/09/17 05:56PM
revealing clothing is better than no clothing

yeah i'm aware the post is about dancing but the clothes part is preeeeetty good too
01/10/17 12:38AM
Everything that is listed here in thread succinctly summarizes why I love me belly dancer outfits in hypno-related situations.
01/10/17 02:28AM
Contorted said:
Everything that is listed here in thread succinctly summarizes why I love me belly dancer outfits in hypno-related situations.

01/10/17 03:17AM
Contorted said:
Everything that is listed here in thread succinctly summarizes why I love me belly dancer outfits in hypno-related situations.

Defcon7 said:

01/10/17 05:03AM
I'm gonna need some videos of these hypnotic bellydancers.

For uh...

Research purposes...
01/10/17 07:22AM
I think its mostly due to fetish itself. First some people are into bellies, then into weird clothes, then into belly dancers?

Dunno. I never got that one.
01/10/17 04:55PM
well, I can't say from personal experience what the appeal is on the sub side of things, but I imagine for some it may have to do with the role reversal thing.
As in, belly dancers are commonly portrayed as servants, subdued, there for the entertainment of their masters.

So seeing the commonly submissive archetype being painted with a dominant hue may appeal.

Or I'm just talking out of my ass, just wanted to add my two cents~
01/10/17 09:51PM
smeef said:
revealing clothing is better than no clothing

A fair point to the appeal of bellydancing. It's the enticement of that which is just out of reach. Clothes that suggest what's underneath, but just a wisp away...much more appealing than just nude

Done well, and a good bellydancer is a power game. The appearance of the submissive, performing for their master, sure, but you get a good bellydancer and the power lies with her. She is a tease...an enticer. The clothes, the moves, the whole ritual of it is intended to appeal to the viewer's libido, leaving the reward just out to touch, but with the suggestion that maybe....just maybe.
01/10/17 09:55PM
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
Strangely, I find it is one of the rare practice men cannot reproduce. While they can seduce women (&men!) with their own ways, belly dance is an area where women cannot be dethroned.

I sort of agree with that statement, due to the fact that I think it's just more acceptably attractive for women to have the type of belly needed for a really sensual belly dance. And I could be talking out my ass here, considering I'm not attracted to women, but I think the belly area is inherently a "feminine" source of attractiveness, if that makes any sense, i.e. because of pregnancy and all that.

01/11/17 12:31AM
DaisyHypnoCharm said:

Yeah, no. Get me some real links and then we'll talk :)
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