01/10/17 06:57AM
I won't be uploading for a while
So....I'm honestly feeling really sad about making this post, but I have to make it public.

I won't be drawing for a while. My dad found out I drew a lot in college and how it has affected my grades greatly. Knowing this, he smashed my drawing tablet and confiscated it from me( I dont know if its broken or not), but long story short, I cant draw. I only have myself to blame since I havent focused enough on college, but dont get me wrong, I dont regret ever drawing and uploading here. Ive improved my art a lot and met a lot of lovable people.

For now, I can't upload anything, but I'll still be around.

I'm really sorry

(changed the clickbaity title, my bad)
01/10/17 07:00AM
We are the ones who are sorry.
I feel terrible for you...
You have all my support Myuk.
01/10/17 07:05AM
That's terrible you're one of the top artist around here.
01/10/17 07:07AM
No...this is terrible, I'm so sorry.

If your tablet truly is broken, I will help fund its replacement or outright buy you a new one. And you can hold me to that.

Do what you need to do to get your grades back on track, but draw whenever you can. You are far too gifted to give up the progress you've made.

Send me a private mail or hit me on Skype any time you need to talk. I'll have your back in any way I can.
01/10/17 07:09AM
I hate abusive parents so much...I hope everything turns out ok for you. Best wishes.
01/10/17 07:10AM
Your dad looks like my uncle, he does not like what I draw.
I support you.
01/10/17 07:13AM
Sry to hear Myuk. Hope things improve for ya bud.
01/10/17 07:15AM
My heart goes out to you Myuk. Please be well. Feel free to PM me if you need to chat.
01/10/17 08:14AM
OOf, that's rough. :c Hope things work out for you somehow.
01/10/17 09:03AM
Ouch Myuk that's really rough. Still even if we don't have your drawings it's good to have you here!
01/10/17 09:15AM
Arrrrgggh noooooo...
I actually had a similar situation years ago... it's important that you focus on your studies but being treated like that is terrible and humiliating... I think you should improve your grades for now, but when you restart drawing never show or tell your dad anything. Let his keep the broken thing and get a new one, maybe with the help of the people here. Being treated and hurt like that means your dad doesn't deserve to know about your talent.
01/10/17 09:42AM
While I can understand confiscating the tablet and your dad's reasons why he would do such, smashing it out of anger because of what happened is inexcusable. I hope things work out for you, though, and I hope that you'll be able to both get your grades back in order as well as get back to art. >.<
01/10/17 10:14AM
Best wishes for you Myuk D:
Some parents don't really seem to qualify for their right of existence >.<
01/10/17 10:35AM
I'm sorry to hear that Myuk! :/ Parents can be brutal. We will still support you every step of the way.

Although, I'll be repeating myself when I say: You have demonstrated competency with your art and if you set your mind to it, you will do the same with your grades. You just need to have an intrinsic value and commitment to school work. It's very important.

I hope you find your way in that regard.

01/10/17 12:57PM
Myuk said:
So....I'm honestly feeling really sad about making this post, but I have to make it public.

I won't be drawing for a while. My dad found out I drew a lot in college and how it has affected my grades greatly. Knowing this, he smashed my drawing tablet and confiscated it from me( I dont know if its broken or not), but long story short, I cant draw. I only have myself to blame since I havent focused enough on college, but dont get me wrong, I dont regret ever drawing and uploading here. Ive improved my art a lot and met a lot of lovable people.

For now, I can't upload anything, but I'll still be around.

I'm really sorry

You have my support.
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