01/13/17 10:59PM
Anyone here played The Fall?
As in, the side-scrolling adventure/clumsy action game The Fall, by Over The Moon Games. Its connection to MC is pretty abstract, but I enjoyed it back when I played it, and realized today that hey, that might mean that other people on HypnoHub might like it, too.

Without spoiling much: You play as an AI in control of a powered combat suit. Your pilot is injured and not responding, you actually don't know whether they're dead, and you're looking for medical help for them in the hope that maybe they're not.

Thing is, you follow something akin to a set of Laws of Robotics for combat suits, and in your situation, protecting your pilot is not so much something you try your best to do but an absolute imperative. Some of the other characters you meet are similar, so for instance, an allied suit whose pilot is in fact dead would give absolutely no thought to self-preservation if there's even a slightest chance they can help your pilot by being taken apart by you. The few doubts you ever have are about whether you have could done an even better job following the rules.

The game kinda devolves into weirdly grotesque black humor toward the end, but I just found the opening parts really cool because of how they depict AI characters that follow absolute rules, and rules that put someone other than themselves as what really matters to them. I found myself avoiding jumping in the game because I didn't want to jostle the pilot's injured body unnecessarily... games where I get into character like that are a huge rarity. It's apparently ten bucks on Steam, and takes maybe three or four hours to play through. If it's the sort of thing you might like, that probably makes it worth your time, and hopefully worth your money, too.
01/13/17 11:10PM
Yeah, a friend of mine gave it to me last year. Not bad imo. Pretty creepy in some spots, too.
01/14/17 12:02AM
Still waiting on part 2. Loved this game.
01/14/17 08:36PM
I played it last year, didn't really live up to my expectations (the backtracking was annoying.) The start and the story in general is very cool though. Still played it through to see where it went.

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