01/13/17 11:21PM
Avatar From Scaled Down Image
Is there any way to add an avatar from an image that has been scaled down? I'm trying to set an avatar from the next to last panel in this image:

The only problem is that on the set avatar page, the image is scaled down, and the selection in the avatar preview window is super pixelated.

Is there any way around this?
01/13/17 11:24PM
I think the best option would be to find the original last page of it, upload it, then set your avatar from that.
01/15/17 08:20AM
HazelCapulus said:
I think the best option would be to find the original last page of it, upload it, then set your avatar from that.

That's pretty much the only way it could be done, to my knowledge.

Images of that length were obviously not taken into account when the avatar system was developed. Which isn't surprising, since they're sort of an exception to the rule in that they're rather rare.

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