01/15/17 05:00AM
Story Commissions [OPEN]
[spoiler=So... I could use a few bucks. And I like to write. So why not both?]Yeah, since I haven't been making any manips for some times I figured I'd do some writing. Anyway, here's me answering some questions:

How does this work?
Two kinds of Stores. Commissions (You know how those work, right?) and stories I write and sell.

Costs? How much is this?
Commissions will be $1-$5, you get to name your price. Most stories I pre-write then sell will cost only $1, to keep it reasonable priced.

Do we get any refunds?
Yes. I do have a refund system planned. If you find what I wrote unenjoyable, I will give it a second rewrite after talking it out a bit more. If after that you're still not happy with it, I will give you your money back.

How long will these stories be?
After reading a comment, All stories will at least be 1000 words. I aim to make what you're reading enjoyable, not long. Focusing on length alone can easily result in filler/padding.

How do we contact you?
Just PM here and we'll talk out the details.

How do we pay you?
Through PayPal once we get a price set.

How long will this take?
Only a few days to be honest. That said, if I take more than two weeks for some reason, you're welcome to a refund.

What can't you do?
Yaoi. Just never comes out right.
Bestiality. Of Animal fucking in general (Sorry MLP Fans)
Intense Violence

...Coming Soon. It's not that I've never wrote, but most of it is... old shame kind of stuff. I'm hoping to write something better to give away for free, but that'll take a day or two at least.

I will add additional notes as needed.

As of right now, there are no Commissions finished
As of right now, there are no Stories for Sale
01/15/17 07:02AM
how u want contact
how u want pay
what u not comfortable doing
01/15/17 07:07AM
Yumberduddle said:
how u want contact
how u want pay
what u not comfortable doing

^This. Except for the last one. I think I'm more tame than you.
01/15/17 08:06AM
Yumberduddle said:
how u want contact
how u want pay
what u not comfortable doing

Okay. (Can't believe I forgot this) Just PM me your ideas here on Hypnohub. I'm setting up a PayPal for this. I'm going to add what is needed to the first post now.
01/15/17 07:27PM
$10 for 1000 words is a much more reasonable price. You should also link examples of your work so people know you're not terrible and put an estimate of how long it takes you to finish a story of some given length so people know about what to expect.
01/15/17 09:57PM
akaece said:
$10 for 1000 words is a much more reasonable price. You should also link examples of your work so people know you're not terrible and put an estimate of how long it takes you to finish a story of some given length so people know about what to expect.

Good Point.

I do agree to put in examples. I have plans to give away a story for free at first (already have someone giving me some ideas for a commission. Might do one of them for free).
01/17/17 02:33AM
You may also wish to list some fandoms you have at least a basic handle on, since a lot of us would likely think of fandom hypnocommissions first.

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