01/15/17 06:41AM
Seeking Artist(s) for RPG Maker Project
Hello everyone,

I'm still in the midst of trying to make a game with RPG Maker. I have no shortage of resources except for art work. I need an artist to draw many face sets, an artist to draw many battlers, and an artist to draw many CG scenes.

I am willing to pay but keep in mind I'm working with a fixed budget. If any artists are willing please contact me via this thread or d-mail if you'd prefer. If anyone knows of capable and willing anime style artists please let me know so that I can make more progress in developing my game.

I should note that yes; my game is hypnosis themed.
01/15/17 06:49AM
LillyTank said:
Hello everyone,

I'm still in the midst of trying to make a game with RPG Maker. I have no shortage of resources except for art work. I need an artist to draw many face sets, an artist to draw many battlers, and an artist to draw many CG scenes.

I am willing to pay but keep in mind I'm working with a fixed budget. If any artists are willing please contact me via this thread or d-mail if you'd prefer. If anyone knows of capable and willing anime style artists please let me know so that I can make more progress in developing my game.

I should note that yes; my game is hypnosis themed.

ayyyyye i'm game! send me some details!
01/15/17 07:09AM
PenKen said:
ayyyyye i'm game! send me some details!

I sent you a d-mail.

I'm still looking for artists.
01/18/17 05:12AM
LillyTank said:
I sent you a d-mail.

I'm still looking for artists.

Honestly if i were you i would try not to rely on someone else for art for a game. Because i've done it first hand and in my experience everytime i try this 2 things always happens:

1. The artist takes forever to complete one sprite. (This is probably because this is not their project and it is not their main focus.)

2. The completed sprite isn't really what your looking for. (This probably because you have to explain the story to the artist. Since the artist is not the one who came up the game)

Because of those two scenarios is why the game that im making im doing 100% myself which is also hypnosis themed because i can complete it at the pace i want to do it in and im not waiting around for the artist to finish the sprites or backgrounds you need for the next scene. You can continue to look for artists if you want im just saying that if you do it this way be prepared to make this game according to the artists schedule.
01/18/17 06:07AM
I'm always interested in this sort of project. Send me some details if you'd like. =)
01/18/17 08:30AM
Black--Wave said:
I'm always interested in this sort of project. Send me some details if you'd like. =)

I sent you a mail.

AmatureManga said:
Honestly if i were you i would try not to rely on someone else for art for a game. Because i've done it first hand and in my experience everytime i try this 2 things always happens:

1. The artist takes forever to complete one sprite. (This is probably because this is not their project and it is not their main focus.)

2. The completed sprite isn't really what your looking for. (This probably because you have to explain the story to the artist. Since the artist is not the one who came up the game)

Because of those two scenarios is why the game that im making im doing 100% myself which is also hypnosis themed because i can complete it at the pace i want to do it in and im not waiting around for the artist to finish the sprites or backgrounds you need for the next scene. You can continue to look for artists if you want im just saying that if you do it this way be prepared to make this game according to the artists schedule.

I hear what you're saying but I still what to give this a try. I've already got nearly all the sprites I need and a reliable sprite guy who gets back to me in a timely fashion for any paid work. Thanks for your concern. I'm also interested in your project. Is it RPG Maker as well or are you using something else?
01/19/17 01:09AM
LillyTank said:
I sent you a mail.

I hear what you're saying but I still what to give this a try. I've already got nearly all the sprites I need and a reliable sprite guy who gets back to me in a timely fashion for any paid work. Thanks for your concern. I'm also interested in your project. Is it RPG Maker as well or are you using something else?

No I'm actually making a visual novel using a free visual novel engine it's different then using RPG MAKER because you have to at least have basic knowledge of the computer programming language Python
01/19/17 02:34AM
AmatureManga said:
No I'm actually making a visual novel using a free visual novel engine it's different then using RPG MAKER because you have to at least have basic knowledge of the computer programming language Python

That's impressive but you do know that there is Tyrano Builder and coming soon Visual Novel Maker, right? It's cool that you know Python but it's not really a necessity for what you're trying to do anymore.
01/19/17 02:58AM
LillyTank said:
That's impressive but you do know that there is Tyrano Builder and coming soon Visual Novel Maker, right? It's cool that you know Python but it's not really a necessity for what you're trying to do anymore.

Well for someone like me who's studying computer programming it's a good thing to know Python because it's an incredibly simple programming language to learn more programming languages I know the better
01/19/17 03:00AM
AmatureManga said:
Well for someone like me who's studying computer programming it's a good thing to know Python because it's an incredibly simple programming language to learn more programming languages I know the better

I see. Good to know.
01/19/17 07:46PM
Well, if I had the money to afford a new drawing tablet, I'd be offering my help with things like backgrounds. (My old tablet got stepped on by my brother's Great Dane, and multiple things broke. The screen got cracked, the motherboard snapped into 3 pieces, the charging port is completely fucked, and the ssd in it is split roughly in half, and some of the inside of the ssd flaked off.) I'm really good at drawing backgrounds that look somewhat realistic, while still being low resolution. Sadly, I do not currently have enough for a replacement drawing tablet, and it's not a high priority purchase, so I can't help out, unless you'd be fine with slightly lower quality results made using a mouse in MS Paint. (As a note, I'm good enough at using MS Paint that it'll still look somewhat professional. Just not as professional as something made on a tablet.)

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