01/16/17 04:08PM
Help for my bland furry tastes
Short Version:
I like furry femsub hypno without much added to it and would like help compiling some content.

Long Version:
So if you've stalked some of my lurkery posts you've probably noticed I like furry hypno smut. Thing is I only really like it in specific contexts, femsub hypno that can either be M/F or FF. So basically bland heteronormative tastes with exotic touches of furry in a giant hypno stew.

The annoying part is that anything more complicated than that tends to turn me off. The diversity of tastes is welcome, but hypnosis is my only fetish and the only thing that can arouse me. It's very easy for me to get distracted from it. Things that tend to distract me and turn me off include:

M/M: Never was able to get into it. I actually don't like the appearance of dicks in general, but tolerate them in M/F.

Virtually any form of bodily transformation (Robo, latex, genderswap, corruption, age regression, etc.): This is probably kinda strange considering my furry tastes, but transformation in general sort of just turns me away, maybe altering the body feels redundant when you're already making alterations to the mind.

Exaggerated/genderswapped anatomy (Oversized breasts, futa, cuntboy, oversized cocks): I like "realistically" proportioned bodies, even if I'm into unrealistic animal people. Oversized anatomy is pretty distracting, and as much as I've tried to get my dick to like futa and cuntboys, it just refuses and shrivels.

Certain Heavy Crossfetishism (Vore, BDSM, Feet, Diapers): There are probably more that fit in this category but those four spring to mind as immediate turnoffs to me, probably because they're all highly visible. Heavy inclusion of other fetishes seem to distract me from the hypno with their own weirdness.

MLP: Yeah, I don't know. I've tried, but it doesn't click for me. Something about it just feels weird and I can't get into MLP stuff even if it's furry/anthro stuff.

Finding furry hypno art that doesn't do one of these things is pretty hard. So I'm turning to the great power of crowdsourcing and asking if anybody knows where to find some content and if anyone has similar tastes, maybe we can help each other find some smut.

Some examples of what I'm in to:
01/16/17 05:22PM
Hmm, the only art I can think of that would fit the criteria is IAMANEAGLE's stuff. He draws his cute wolf girls being hypnotized all the time, though usually by snakes. He has a pretty cute art style though, and sometimes his stuff is even animated. If the snakes turn you off though, he sometimes just draws stand-alone pictures of his hypnotized wolf girls. :)

01/17/17 01:55AM
Nobody very good who's actively uploading consistently fits your search criteria that I know of. AnubisKiren has some stories you might like, though I don't like the guy enough to give him a wholehearted recommendation. Arh draws girls and boys being hypnotized, though BDSM features heavily and it's more boys than girls. Most of FA's hypno crowd in general (myself included) is way more into boys, for some reason. Inkbunny's not too good on quality, and Weasyl lacks for hypnosis pics in general.

When I was in your place a few years back, though, getting to the point where I wanted really specifically *just* hypno stuff explored in greater depth than most artists do, my solution was roleplay on f-list. You seem to be capable of putting words together into sentences and therefore have a *huge* one-up on most of the population there, so maybe you should give that a shot. Furry roleplay might eventually turn you gay, but that's life, eh? It's the only way I know of to get on-demand immediate hypno gratification - even throwing money at the screen usually means waiting a few months for anything to come out of it. F-list tips: find a picture of some hot chick on e621, come up with a personality and job for her to have (preferably a combination of those which invites hypnotists,) slap it together in a bio, sort hypnosis into your faves, write some custom kinks about the specific kinds of hypnosis you enjoy most, and bam, you take her into the Mind Control channel and look through the user list until you find someone you want to hit up for some action. Once you get past the whole stigma of the furry roleplay community being a festering boil, it's way more enjoyable than rooting through e621 for some mediocre kink-specific stuff. (I'll note that there are *plenty* of people there who have hypnosis in their "faves" list and say it's mandatory for play with them, so you're not going to be in bad company.)
01/17/17 06:57AM
Thanks for the suggestions you two. Unfortunately I've actually been trawling for this stuff for years now, back when sleepychan was still a thing. So I've amassed a sort of collection of bland furry femsub hypno from all over (some of which isn't even on the hub). Turns out, I've already looked at these artists/writers and probably alot others. I'm asking though because I've probably missed at least some things and maybe somebody with similar tastes can also benefit off the knowledge.

As for roleplay. I've tried quite a bit of RP in both non-erotic and erotic contexts, but the latter has never actually been able to entice me. I can't really get off of something that I had a hand in creating, even if emergent elements are added by others. It's one of the reasons I don't produce my own manips or stories for erotica. Plus, my lurkerish nature would probably interfere with the flow of RP in general.

That being said, I might check F-list out to see if I can enjoy being a voyeur to some hypno RP.

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