01/16/17 04:20PM
Beware The Jungle's Delights [Game][WIP & help needed]
Hello everybody,

I'm posting here in order to gain attention and help on a little game project I started this early January, called Beware The Jungle's Delights, inspired by the Jungle Book's Kaa encounters.

//What is it?
This is designed as a 2D platforming game, where you take control of a boy named Siktaa (see Mowgli but with a green robe and turban ) and you'll have to traverse 6 levels while avoiding being captured by the snake Saanand. The game is Safe For Work, but is obviously designed around Kaa's hypnosis from the Jungle Book.

//How would it play?
Siktaa will be able to run, jump, crouch and crawl, climb on ledges and ropes. He has a hypnosis bar that goes up depending on the hazards (more on that later down the road):

Level 0: [normal eyes] no changes.

Level 1: [pupils have a color aura, expression is of awe] gives sluggier movements and you move a bit slower.

Level 2 : [hypno spirals go on slowly, expression is a bit of tiredness] inverts controls on top of the other effect.

Level 3 : [hypno spirals go faster, eyes wide open, grin] takes the control away from the player to go towards Aanand, but the player can still try to shake it off.

Level 4 : [eyes shut, grin] basically game over.

Depending on the level the ambient would fade into a typical Kaa-like theme (one instrument added for each level) and the background would fade out to reveal the spiral hypnosis.

The bar goes up if the player goes into contact with Aanand's coils (like having to climb a vine but it's actually Aanand and other situations), and/or if he/she hears/collides with his words (letters/words waving around, like projectiles and hard to avoid depending on the difficulty), and/or if he looks into Aanand's eyes if they go into spiral mode.

The player can deplete this bar by either not being in these situations or by either covering their eyes (but obviously you can't see) or looking away, or covering their ears (only if your arms are free), or push away.

//What needs to be done?
The game is planned to be made on Construct 2, as it is both easy to use and powerful.
I can already work on graphics as I've shown, level design, a bit of coding, and sound design, but I need someone who can compose, a bit of voice work (grunts and transition between levels/when the hypno bar increases [inspirations, "uuh"s "aah"s and so on] for Siktaa; hissings, jiggles, and lines for Saanand) and any help (even on the stuff I can already work on, this means a faster production time) and feedback are welcome.

Hoping this gets off the ground!
01/16/17 08:10PM
Well I for one certainly hope this gets off the ground! Seems pretty fun!
01/16/17 08:25PM
Should have two protagonists for optional gender, although i get how much more work that could be depending on the rendering being used.
01/16/17 09:26PM
personally, I love this idea. I'm not sure how much help I can provide, given my current setup, and having no recording software, but I'll certainly give any support where I can!
01/16/17 11:20PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Should have two protagonists for optional gender, although i get how much more work that could be depending on the rendering being used.

Oh man, you've no idea how much I would love to be able to play as a female counterpart character in a game like this. That would be my #1 recommendation to you.

But that's mainly just me being selfish... The sprite work looks great! I love the ideas you have for how things will work too. I'm a little worried that having the controls invert on hypnosis level 2 could lead to a quick game over, though. I know, personally, when controls invert in games, it usually leads me to a quick death. Especially if it's something filled with hazards like a platformer.

But, in any case, I hope this gets made, because I wanna play it!
01/17/17 01:46AM
The sprite work is great. If I had help to give, I'd give it - but I honestly have no idea how to do any of the things you need.
01/17/17 05:32AM
I agree with Mindwipe on control inversion, by the way. Level 2 and 3 should be progressive levels of slippery physics, if that's possible to do, make it possible for players to win but make it a lot harder for them to avoid the things they want to avoid.

If you're playing Shantae: Half Genie Hero, think of the controls with the Harpy, all momentum carries and you have to be more careful about your jumps.
01/17/17 12:18PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
I agree with Mindwipe on control inversion, by the way. Level 2 and 3 should be progressive levels of slippery physics, if that's possible to do, make it possible for players to win but make it a lot harder for them to avoid the things they want to avoid.

If you're playing Shantae: Half Genie Hero, think of the controls with the Harpy, all momentum carries and you have to be more careful about your jumps.

Alternatively, you can slowly lead into the 3rd stage (walking towards the snake uncontrollably) via something comparable to wind-physics - as the hypnosis bar fills, you start out moving more slowly, and eventually (I'd say when the bar fills slightly past half-full) Siktaa will start moving towards Saanand when no buttons are pressed, getting faster as the bar fills.

The points at which these control changes happen, you can also change the head-sprite - when you move noticeably slower, you introduce the "level 1" sprite. When the player is slowly moving towards Saanand, change the head-sprite to "level 2", and when the bar fills close to fully, use the "level 3" head-sprite.

If the bar fills entirely, you have a last-chance button mash or "waggle" (alternate "cover eyes" and "cover ears" buttons, fill up a bar above the in-game sprite's head) that puts the hypnosis bar back to around halfway - this bar would fill up slower as the player gets caught more, until eventually escape is impossible. In the meantime, Siktaa is slowly walking towards the snake (who I assume is on one edge of the screen) - if you don't manage to fill up the escape-bar before Siktaa reaches Saanand, game over.
01/18/17 07:41AM
Okay, so, in the interest of trying to help this move along, this is what you have and what you need, according to how I understand it.

What you have:
Graphics artist
Level designer
Sound designer (?)

What you need:
Voice actors

I know of a few people on here that do or want to get into voice work, but they're all girls. So I dunno if that would work for you if the only characters you have are male. I also assume that you need your VAs to have something better than a headset mic to record with (though if you don't, that would certainly increase the odds of finding someone).

There are several coders and programmers on this site, but the problem is finding one that is knowledgeable enough to use the engine you want and also free to work on a project like this. Needless to say, a lot of programmers have demanding jobs that don't necessarily give them a lot of free time. And unless I'm missing something, this is purely a passion project and not a paid project, right?

A composer will probably be the hardest thing to find, I think. I'm not sure of anyone here that composes music. But I've been surprised before.

I really hope you can get the help you need. We had a hypnosis-themed puzzle/dating sim being worked on at one time, but the team couldn't stay focused, and the whole thing fell through.
01/18/17 04:36PM

I am truly looking forward to this game! If you are struggling to find what you need here you can always try the hypnopics collective or perhaps ask cypress, the maker of overwhored? He might be able to point you in the right direction. Hope this helps ^^
01/19/17 02:22AM
Sorry for the delay, I have other things to work on and am not from the US -making communications a bit awkward on the time department-, but I have the time to work on all of them. I thank you all to your warm welcome and your suggestions, especially NamesAreForTheWeak's that I will take into consideration.

And Mindwipe, it is indeed a passion project, and you're right on the list, a bit less on the coding department. Construct 2 functions like Clickteam Fusion, as in there's no programming needed, you just drag and drop while occasionally entering values and functions, so coding won't be such a hassle, if there's a bump I'll just have to look around.

For voice acting, if there are only girls then it can be worked out: Siktaa can be voiced by one, as there's a long history of women voicing boys, they just have to tone their voice right. This also mean that Saanand will be female to make things easier.

Composing can wait, I've already tried to compose but it's a complete hassle with a keyboard. I'm planning on buying a cheap usb piano keyboard to compose, so if I don't get a composer I'll try to do it. I already have an idea on what to compose, even if it is a bit vague.

Two things I'd like to point out is :
1/ As I've said, I have other stuff on the go, not including IRL stuff, so don't expect this to be a very quick development, even if it is a small game.
2/ Even if I can work this mostly on my own, having extra hands would really help me making the game faster, as well as sharing ideas and feedback, so please contact me via PM if you want to.
02/21/17 11:09PM
Digging up the thread for a small announcement.

I've been reading this > and it was running around my mind for a while. So after some thoughts I might do some changes regarding the player character and Saanand.

Firstly, the game would make you choose between either a male or female character, either human or furry. Name is still the same though(Siktaa).

Second they will be a bit aged up because the game will be a bit lewder, e.g some clothing pieces could get off during gameplay (still thinking on what could do that), making snake-touching stronger on the hypno-side of things, also the game over sequence would have Saanand -now turned from a kaa-like to a big anthro snake like in the comic- screwing with Siktaa.

Now I have an internship going on but that will end at the end of next tuesday, but then I'll have some work to finish for early April, but that's okay because I'm well advanced in this and it shouldn't take long, and I'll try to work on the game on some times until I'm done with this work so I can fully invest myself in the game.

Some people might doubt me in making this game, but that's because I have IRL stuff to take care of first, and second I already have some experience in the game software I'm planning to use, and I have a great friend who knows how it works, meaning I will be able to get help easily on this side of things.

But for all the talks about changes, gameplay will still be the same. It's only cosmetics.

I would like to hear your opinions on this.
02/22/17 12:08AM
Life comes first, of course. We appreciate being kept up-to-date, but it's perfectly okay if you don't make much progress for a while.

Also, I think you'll find willing people to help you here. If nothing else, I'm sure a sprite-artist will be easy to find here, as well as someone who can code. At least 2 people on here have made games before, and I'm personally currently working on my Software Engineering major.

One thing I can tell you right now is "When you're already coding, it's too late to add to the design". If you're going to change the game at a fundamental level, like now when you're adding a character-select and a clothing-damage mechanic, do it early. Don't start coding, realize "Man, this would be cool" and then have to fit it into your existing codebase.

PS. On the subject of clothing damage, how do you see this? Because a lot of H-games have a fairly simple mechanic where clothing damage is aesthetic until the underwear comes off, which makes enemies able to do more damaging sex moves. Something like that could be reasonable - have the contact hazards (Saanand's tail, hypno-slaves if you're willing to include them) first rip at Siktaa's clothing (raising the hypno-meter only a little, but dealing clothing damage) and then when (s)he's nude they start using grabs/sensual attacks that raise the hypno-bar more.
02/22/17 02:14PM

YeDontKnowMe, do what you want to do =D and there is no rush for patience is a virtue ^^ I'd rather you take your time and enjoy making it then rush and be stressed (which is bad, m'kaaay?). And good luck with your internship and work stuff,better to get the important things IRL done first then there is no last minute panic xD

Also like the new ideas very much! This is gonna be an AWESOME game =D

Namesarefortheweak, that sounds similar to fifi's furry (it also has Kaa in!) with the clothes damage mechanic type thing + sex attacks.
02/22/17 02:24PM
YeDontKnowMe said:
Digging up the thread for a small announcement.

I've been reading this > and it was running around my mind for a while. So after some thoughts I might do some changes regarding the player character and Saanand.

Firstly, the game would make you choose between either a male or female character, either human or furry. Name is still the same though(Siktaa).

Second they will be a bit aged up because the game will be a bit lewder, e.g some clothing pieces could get off during gameplay (still thinking on what could do that), making snake-touching stronger on the hypno-side of things, also the game over sequence would have Saanand -now turned from a kaa-like to a big anthro snake like in the comic- screwing with Siktaa.

Now I have an internship going on but that will end at the end of next tuesday, but then I'll have some work to finish for early April, but that's okay because I'm well advanced in this and it shouldn't take long, and I'll try to work on the game on some times until I'm done with this work so I can fully invest myself in the game.

Some people might doubt me in making this game, but that's because I have IRL stuff to take care of first, and second I already have some experience in the game software I'm planning to use, and I have a great friend who knows how it works, meaning I will be able to get help easily on this side of things.

But for all the talks about changes, gameplay will still be the same. It's only cosmetics.

I would like to hear your opinions on this.

If you still need an artist or two maybe I could lend a hand? :)
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