01/17/17 05:06PM
Pokémon Monochrome CYOA
Let's get started. You all have voted for a Pokémon CYOA but now we need to decide some elements for the story.




Are Pokémon anthropomorphic?:
01/17/17 05:12PM
Looking forward to seeing what wins, I've cast my votes.
01/17/17 07:57PM
More CYOAs? Can't have too many of these!

I mean, we probably could, but we don't yet!
01/18/17 01:06AM
Can we cooperate with Mewtwo for dominion over pokemons underworld?
We can have gang wars! And place one brainwashed cynthia as leader of Team Roket! And scenarios as
01/18/17 04:32AM
wow every single good option is losing
01/19/17 02:18AM
(Alright. So, I got everything I need time to start. Warning: this is my first CYOA so please feel free to creatively criticize me, as well as give me advice.)

Your name is Lance, an 18-year-old with a dream of becoming a Pokémon master. You were the oldest person in Pallet Town without a Pokémon seeing as how Red, Blue and even a teen named Ash beat you to getting the last ones. Since they weren't around, you finally have a chance to get a Pokémon.

Fully rested, you got up from your bed and got dressed. You wore a black cap with a pokéball logo on the front on top of your black hair. You fixed your round glasses, so your silver eyes could see. You wore a white t-shirt, black jeans, gray sneakers and a black backpack. Walking down the stairs, you see your mother in the kitchen, cooking up an egg sandwich for you.

Your mom looks up and sees you with a small smile. She wore a black apron, pink t-shirt, navy blue jeans and black sandals. Her black hair reached to her shoulders and her eyes were pink to match her loving and caring nature.

"Morning Lance," she says happily. "Go ahead and sit down for your breakfast."

When she looks away, you admire her figure, specifically her huge breasts and her round ass. You always found your mother hot, which made you feel a little bad since she took care of you your whole life. That didn't change your mindset though, seeing that you would love the idea of you getting in her pants.

"I'd love to mom, but I gotta go before Professor Oak runs out of Pokémon," you quickly tell her.

"Oh yes, go on. But hurry back, before your sandwich gets cold." You nod to her as you quickly run out of the house and heads towards the lab.

Later, at the lab...

You enter the lab to see scientists running left and right frantically, seemingly worried about something. One of the scientists notice you and pointed to the back of the lab. Heading there, you see a man with blue eyes and brown hair. He wore a lab coat, red collared shirt, tan pants and brown shoes. He gave you a small smile, which didn't hide his worried look.

"Oh, good morning Lance. Sorry about the mess, something... strange... has happened," the old man said.

'"No problem, Professor Oak," you tell the Pokémon Professor.

"Now, shall we get to the matter at hand. I understand that you're getting your first Pokémon. If you look at the table..." He points towards the table, which held three Pokeballs. You notice that a fourth one was on the floor. "Those three Pokeballs have a Charmander, fire-type, a Bulbassaur, plant-type, and a Squirtle, water-type. Please make your choice and select a Pokémon."

You look at the three Pokeballs, as well as the fourth on the floor, and made your final decision...

Choose your Pokémon (This doesn't affect the story, also if you want you can suggest what the Mystery Pokémon could be in. Depending on what the Mystery Pokémon is, it might be the only one that can affect the story):
01/19/17 02:29AM
I think we should go for the mystery Pokemon. I also throw in the suggestion that it should be a Magnemite, because that's one of my personal favourites.
01/19/17 02:52AM
grumble grumble grumble

stupid strawpoll

stupid hacking protection

grumble grumble
01/21/17 08:06AM
"Um... Professor Oak," you start. "What's this Pokémon?"

You point towards the pokéball, which the professor notices. His eyes widen as he walks over and grabs the Pokémon.

"Oh... it's just a Pokémon that's been causing some trouble as it refuses to listen to a trainer. Why? Do you want it?"

You considered your options and decided the Pokémon would probably give you an advantage, so you nod at the professor. Oak, hands you the pokéball and you open, revealing a Magnemite ( )


The Pokémon looks at you curiously as she floats up to you. Suddenly, you get shocked by it and fall over in pain, while Magnemite snickers.

"Is it too late to change my mind?" you ask, only to be disappointed by Oak shaking his head yes.


You frown as you and the Magnemite walk down the dirt road to the city up ahead. The clouds were starting to turn grey, signaling a storm.


You look down, seeing the Magnemite shaking in fear as you and it hear thunder nearby. You shake your head as it gets closer. Suddenly, lightning struck, scaring Magnemite. As this happens, you see a figure moving towards. At this moment, Magnemite created a shocking lightening bolt, hitting you and the figure and knocking you out.

You open your eyes to see that you are in a dark void. Standing there, you see a strange creature standing in the middle. ( )

"Where the hell am I?" you say to yourself.

"I could as you the same thing."

You turn your attention to the creature.

"You can talk?"

"Telepathically. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mewtwo," the creature states. "A psychic Pokémon."

"I'm Lance... what's going on...?"

"I believe we're stuck in limbo. The only way to be free is to wake one of us up, only problem is one of us has to wake up. I don't know what will happen to other unfortunately..."

You obviously didn't like the sound of that so you decide to do something about it
02/05/17 07:46PM
"L-Look, maybe we could work something out?"

Intrigued, Mewtwo says, "Alright, enlighten me."

"Well, you still don't know the full extent of your psychic abilities, maybe I help you do it?"

"Well, what's stopping me from not agreeing and letting you stay here?"

"Um... well, you won't learn much alone..."

"...true. I suppose I can do that. But when I think we've touched the full extent of my powers, I will separate myself from you as well as letting you keep what you've earned with my powers. But be careful, there will be those who wish to use you for their own nefarious purposes. Good luck."

Suddenly, you jump up awakened by Magnemite.

"Whoa... Strange dream..."

"That was anything but a dream."

The voice in your head startles you, but you quickly realize that it is MewTwo.

"I guess you're stuck with me," you thought to her.

"Yes, but I suggest we get started on training my psychic abilities."

You look at the Magnemite and realized it looked extremely attractive.

"I guess starting with her."

"You sure?"

"Do you want me to change my mind?"
02/06/17 03:49AM
Um, Blaster, your image links don't lead anywhere.
02/06/17 06:24AM
ghost13 said:
Um, Blaster, your image links don't lead anywhere.

They probably deleted it. Just use your imagination if they lead to nowhere.
02/06/17 09:30PM
Blaster1228 said:
They probably deleted it. Just use your imagination if they lead to nowhere.

Nah you just included the parenthesis in the hyperlink.
02/07/17 01:04AM
megahellreaper said:
Nah you just included the parenthesis in the hyperlink.

oh, thnx
03/26/17 02:32PM
So... Is this still running?
1 2>>>

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