01/19/17 11:08PM
An Ohio lawyer hypnotized six female clients
Now, don't get me wrong; what this man did was wrong and illegal - there are things that I fantasize about that I would not wish to happen in real life

still, as wrong as it is, divorced from seeing the consequences I must admit I find this... intriguing

01/19/17 11:11PM
Damn...This sounds like something you'd see in a comic on this site not in real life. Hope when he goes to jail he finds out what it's like.
01/19/17 11:47PM
I honestly don't really understand this story. I mean; from what I've heard through talking with ACTUAL hypnotists I thought you couldn't get people to do things against their will. To me something smells kinda fishy here.
01/19/17 11:50PM
Mindcollector13 said:
I honestly don't really understand this story. I mean; from what I've heard through talking with ACTUAL hypnotists I thought you couldn't get people to do things against their will. To me something smells kinda fishy here.

That is true. Which means that the 6 women wanted it to happen.
01/19/17 11:53PM
Anon_3.141 said:
That is true. Which means that the 6 women wanted it to happen.

To be fair, you can WANT something, but still not be ok with someone doing it, you know? Like... rape?
01/19/17 11:58PM
Mr Krabs will speak on my behalf.
01/19/17 11:59PM
See, the issue with this outside of the particulars of the case and its immediate impacts is that it paints communities like ours in a bad light by extension, regardless of our own intentions and beliefs.
01/20/17 12:00AM
JksAccount said:
See, the issue with this outside of the particulars of the case and its immediate impacts is that it paints communities like ours in a bad light by extension, regardless of our own intentions and beliefs.

True hope there's not a witch hunt
01/20/17 12:04AM
Imasuky said:
True hope there's not a witch hunt

One bad apple ruins the bunch. Definitely won't be surprised if more people view hypnotism in a taboo is really sad to be honest
01/20/17 12:05AM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
One bad apple ruins the bunch. Definitely won't be surprised if more people view hypnotism in a taboo is really sad to be honest

True over all the pepole I know here are some of the nicest I've met online.
01/20/17 12:11AM
Imasuky said:
True over all the pepole I know here are some of the nicest I've met online.

Sorry to derail the thread for a moment, but the furry fan base is in a similar situation. There are some very kind people that love drawing anthro and feral animals in a non sexual context; but instead of looking at that portion of the community, a lot of people just see us as only sexualizing animals. And now back on track
01/20/17 12:12AM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
Sorry to derail the thread for a moment, but the furry fan base is in a similar situation. There are some very kind people that love drawing anthro and feral animals in a non sexual context; but instead of looking at that portion of the community, a lot of people just see us as only sexualizing animals. And now back on track

As someone who writes a lot of stories that cover several taboos I get it. I mean I love lolicon stuff but real kids are beyond off limits in any way shape or form.
01/20/17 12:16AM
Imasuky said:
As someone who writes a lot of stories that cover several taboos I get it. I mean I love lolicon stuff but real kids are beyond off limits in any way shape or form.

And you know what friend, I applaud you for that :)
01/20/17 12:19AM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
And you know what friend, I applaud you for that :)

Thanks I would never do anything to harm a child in anyway.
01/20/17 12:40AM
This is just a damn shame, it's going to paint hypnofetishes in a very bad light for a while.

I mean, that guy is a disgusting excuse for a human being. That much is obvious. I also know that all the people I've spoken to on here would never do this sort of thing. We enjoy the fantasies, sure, but we keep them as just that. Except for the lucky few who might play it out with their partner - nothing wrong with that either, as long as both parties trust each other and agree to it beforehand.

However, not everyone sees it that way. There's going to be some people who see a hypnofetish and immediately think "filthy rapist". And that's a damn shame, that that's going to get perpetuated by guys like that Ohio lawyer.
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