01/23/17 05:27AM
Fire Emblem Fates - Marriage Help!
So I'm finally playing through the Fates trilogy of games now (Chapter 8 of Birthright), and I'm having a slight problem...


So I'm asking for the help of anyone who has played through it. For each game, who are good female candidates for marriage? Also, who did you guys marry? My only rule is they cannot be a family member, by blood or by relation(So no Camilla or Hinoka, for example). Right now, I'm thinking:

Birthright: Felicia

Conquest: Nyx, Peri

Revelations: Azura (the game sets you up for this one)
01/23/17 05:44AM
OrangeJuicestice said:
So I'm finally playing through the Fates trilogy of games now (Chapter 8 of Birthright), and I'm having a slight problem...


So I'm asking for the help of anyone who has played through it. For each game, who are good female candidates for marriage? Also, who did you guys marry? My only rule is they cannot be a family member, by blood or by relation(So no Camilla or Hinoka, for example). Right now, I'm thinking:

Birthright: Felicia

Conquest: Nyx, Peri

Revelations: Azura (the game sets you up for this one)

Male Corrin is actually a bad idea *unless* you marry Azura, and even then you can do more with female corrin. Corrin and Azura are the only two characters who will have babies no matter who they marry, thus are the only characters who, if women, will have children attached to them, otherwise the child is attached to the man, so that means that female Corrin, marrying anyone, will have two children, just as Azura will have two children.

Kana's a character that naturally gets a lot of bulk, without giving too much away. Kana will get more benefit from a parent who passes on speed and skill. I'm pretty sure none of their attacks are magic, so magic parent is a bad idea unless it's a high-Res parent for defensive purposes.

Your better bet is to always go female Corrin, though.

I actually married Azura and Jacob in Revelations.
01/23/17 05:48AM
you should totally marry felicia she's great
01/23/17 06:02AM
If you're insistent on Male Corrin and picked a talent that has good pair-up bonuses, pick Felicia and make her a pair-up bot with a partner seal into said good pair-up class to take best advantage of her amazing personal skill.

Don't worry about the limited wives problem, you're never going to get all of the children in a normal playthrough, so the only real disadvantage of picking male is that you don't get the efficiency of two paralogues for grinding from one pairing.

Kana's going to be either underwhelming or terrible without post-game grinding basically no matter what you do, so don't worry what your wife will do to Kana's stats.
01/23/17 05:54PM
I accidentally my marriage with my MC...
01/23/17 09:35PM
So, per each game, for their character and attitude alone, who are fun charaters to marry?
01/24/17 12:11AM
OrangeJuicestice said:
So, per each game, for their character and attitude alone, who are fun charaters to marry?

It really depends on the pairing itself. Camilla->Keaton was *hilarious* while Charlotte->Keaton was offensively boring.
01/24/17 12:46AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
It really depends on the pairing itself. Camilla->Keaton was *hilarious* while Charlotte->Keaton was offensively boring.


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