01/25/17 01:11PM
Maui! Demigod of the wind and sea!
Did it appear as if Maui had hypnotic abilities? Some believe he has her under some sort of a spell. At the end of the song she's got a dopy smile on her face till she realizes she's holding rocks and snaps out of it. The argument is though he may not have his magic hook he still may have natural gifts . One being his ability to charm others hypnotically. After all, he is a trickster demigod. The other side is that she may have just been influenced and caught up in the song/moment. His stories are so distracting that she doesn't even realize what his intentions are till the song ends.

What are your thoughts?
01/25/17 02:49PM
My thoughts are, have you seen the rock? He is the most charismatic man on the planet! All he's got to do is flash that smile and raise an eyebrow and chick will do anything for him! ;)
01/26/17 09:32AM
No. He gets her caught up in the song and dance and then a Disney Acid Sequence starts
01/27/17 08:44AM
I just realized, since he was able to turn into Sven as an easter egg, theres no reason why he couldn't turn into Kaa
01/27/17 04:50PM
Probably not, but she does get a nice doofy grin.

So it's fun to imagine. We could use a pic of a hypnotized Moana being fucked by the 2D girls.
01/27/17 05:26PM
Someone needs to contact Trishbot.
01/27/17 05:45PM
Regardless of anything, we need more Moana hypno.
01/29/17 04:22AM
Damn this song is catchy. I've been listening to it on loop more times than i'd like to admit.
01/31/17 05:41AM
Really, even if it isn't hypnosis, the imagery and idea of it is pretty dang neato.

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