02/03/17 05:18AM
Real life Hypnosis and Manipulation more than possible now
Has anyone ever seen these patents? All by the same guy including one to send signals from screens to manipulate the nervous system.

02/03/17 05:21AM
But... Can't you hypnotize people without that stuff regardless? Since when was irl hypnosis not possible...?
02/03/17 05:39AM
It is to an extent but not full on mental reshaping like this. Some irl hypnosis techniques are plausible but most aren't really hypnosis so much as tricking the brain,etc. Plus some don't work for everyone like hypnosis seminars to quit smoking, lose weight,etc may not work on everyone and one could argue it's a placebo. Same thing for stage magicians, it's hard to know if it actually works, if they are plants, they're doing it for entertainment, or they psyched themselves out. Hypnosis isn't really like on this site. Not that i know of, I guess brainwashing is like they do to prisoners, but that's more conditioning and harming them physically to do what you want than mental rewriting.
02/03/17 06:39AM
Triple: hypnosis can be extremely effective your not going to just hypnotize someone and they will be changed forever but its not just tricking the brain hypnosis is implanting a suggestion into your subconscious and hypnosis is extremely effectitive and with repeated programing its effects are permanent
02/03/17 06:41AM
Dragon-Cana-Love said:
Has anyone ever seen these patents? All by the same guy including one to send signals from screens to manipulate the nervous system.


There are patents for it, but is there any proof that this technology works?
02/03/17 06:59AM
thing is, hypnosis doesn't work on everyone. maybe this might snag the few that can't feel through hypno?
02/03/17 09:02AM
Something doesn't have to work for you to patent it. I mean, just read the first one on that justia page. Clearly bullshit. There won't be real "mind control" until everyone's walking around with a bunch of implants that interface with the nervous system.
02/03/17 09:05AM
The thing is... The frequencies of sound, electricity, and electromagnetism mentioned in the patent proposal are entirely inert. Even if one was ridiculously hyper-sensitive to such stimuli, you'd feel nothing but the lightest buzz on your skin, or maybe itching, and nothing more. Furthermore, the patent at no point explains or details in any way how these signals are actually administered, not to mention how the procedures are explicitly administered. Even more, is that they don't explain in any way how it affects the potential subject of the processes/procedures.
Seems like a lot of pseudo-science and pipe-dreaming to me.
Everything I see here is A) from almost 2 decades ago, and B) all based on very vague ideas of how any of these mechanisms would work, if they had any potential basis. C) If highly funded research groups have just recently (2015) discovered how to dissociate emotion and very old memories in rats and mice, with imperfect success rates, I doubt some random dude in their basement has done anything those scientists hadn't already tried.
I read through everything just to see what both the links had to offer, and I was less than impressed. An interesting read, but one I find infinitesimally unlikely to be real and functional.
02/03/17 09:11AM
akaece said:
Something doesn't have to work for you to patent it. I mean, just read the first one on that justia page. Clearly bullshit. There won't be real "mind control" until everyone's walking around with a bunch of implants that interface with the nervous system.

Yeah pretty much. If these had come from peer reviewed papers or something I'd be more interested. Pretty sure there are people out there with patents on perpetual motion and free energy machines. Don't mean we've beaten the laws of thermodynamics
02/03/17 09:20AM
I just have to say it because it's more or less expected but...This would work on Pink.
02/03/17 10:15AM
Imasuky said:
I just have to say it because it's more or less expected but...This would work on Pink.

pink would probably ask for this to be used on him.
02/03/17 10:19AM
bullet said:
The thing is... The frequencies of sound, electricity, and electromagnetism mentioned in the patent proposal are entirely inert. Even if one was ridiculously hyper-sensitive to such stimuli, you'd feel nothing but the lightest buzz on your skin, or maybe itching, and nothing more. Furthermore, the patent at no point explains or details in any way how these signals are actually administered, not to mention how the procedures are explicitly administered. Even more, is that they don't explain in any way how it affects the potential subject of the processes/procedures.
Seems like a lot of pseudo-science and pipe-dreaming to me.
Everything I see here is A) from almost 2 decades ago, and B) all based on very vague ideas of how any of these mechanisms would work, if they had any potential basis. C) If highly funded research groups have just recently (2015) discovered how to dissociate emotion and very old memories in rats and mice, with imperfect success rates, I doubt some random dude in their basement has done anything those scientists hadn't already tried.
I read through everything just to see what both the links had to offer, and I was less than impressed. An interesting read, but one I find infinitesimally unlikely to be real and functional.

There are some diagrams he had made out that show how they work

I agree it's pseudo science, the title was merely something to grab attention ^^; just thought it was interesting tbh.

Although about the basement I did some digging and found out

He worked at, Douglas Aircraft Advanced Research Dept in 1967
He also worked for DARPA and has been working for the Govt since the late 1960's.

Course not sure if that's all real or not or was the same guy if it was. Hard to do a real thorough check, plus a lot of conspiracy muck that really makes it hard to find what's real and what's fake.
02/03/17 06:00PM

crazyman said:
pink would probably ask for this to be used on him.

02/03/17 06:56PM
Dragon-Cana-Love said:
There are some diagrams he had made out that show how they work

I agree it's pseudo science, the title was merely something to grab attention ^^; just thought it was interesting tbh.

Although about the basement I did some digging and found out

He worked at, Douglas Aircraft Advanced Research Dept in 1967
He also worked for DARPA and has been working for the Govt since the late 1960's.

Course not sure if that's all real or not or was the same guy if it was. Hard to do a real thorough check, plus a lot of conspiracy muck that really makes it hard to find what's real and what's fake.

I think reading some of that paper made me stupider. He did some high school level physics to show that the frequency would have the same "effect" at a certain distance away. What does that have to do with the patent's claim? The entire thing is based on some test where you roll your eyes and see if your eyelids flutter and measure that against changes in the surrounding temperature. This was written by the kind of guy that uploads shitty generic way-too-long stories to EMCSA. Lots of work ethic, heart is just in the wrong place.

Also, could someone upload that first picture on here and tag him as the artist?
02/04/17 04:12AM
Well is clear that this isn´t real but someday we will see it something close to this, they already make mind controlling helmets that worked in mouses, they didnt force the mouse to move they make it feels a lot of pleasure when they moved in certain direction.
That seems like the plot of many mcstories

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