02/05/17 01:45AM
Comment moderators desired. Sign up now.
Oh boy, here we go again.
Given the recent increase in nonsense and trolling in the comments section of the gallery (most likely due to increased forum moderation), we are in need of some Comment Moderators.

If you're interested in becoming a Comment Moderator for HypnoHub, please reply to this thread so we can contact you about it.

h3. Information On Comment Moderators
Comment Moderators will be responsible for combing through the comments for trolling, flaming, offensive, and otherwise reprehensible posts. They will be able to issue users warnings for breaking the rules, and will be allowed to delete comments when necessary.

Comment Moderators will only be allowed to ban a user for a 48 hour period maximum, and only in the case that the user refuses to cease breaking the rules after being told to by said Comment Moderator. The purpose of bans handed out by Comment Moderators is to give the Head Comment Moderator time to decide on a proper course of action and, possibly, an appropriate punishment for that user.

These Comment Moderators will need to report any actions they take - including but not limited to warnings and post deletions - to the Head Comment Moderator (position yet untaken - inquiring prospective users). In this way, the Head Comment Moderator will coordinate the efforts of the Comment Moderators and keep track of warnings and the like.

Note: If a Comment Moderator deletes a comment, they need to send a copy of the deleted comment to the Head Comment Moderator.
02/05/17 02:22AM
A quick question; Are there any requirements needed to be a comment mod (experience, length of time on site, etc.?

Also, your plan is to have comment mods and then a Head Comment mod, correct? How many comment mods do you plan on having?

(Man, have things gotten that bad that we need mods for the comments? I only go on the site a few times a day, but still. I think I'm out of the loop on this situation. Though I'd still be interested.)
02/05/17 02:23AM
No harm in throwing my hat in, at least, I'd think.
02/05/17 02:28AM
averageguy17 said:
A quick question; Are there any requirements needed to be a comment mod (experience, length of time on site, etc.?

Also, your plan is to have comment mods and then a Head Comment mod, correct? How many comment mods do you plan on having?

(Man, have things gotten that bad that we need mods for the comments? I only go on the site a few times a day, but still. I think I'm out of the loop on this situation.)

There will be a head comment mod and no, no requirements. Just have a good record on the site and you'll be considered.
02/05/17 02:35AM
Henry-killenger said:
There will be a head comment mod and no, no requirements. Just have a good record on the site and you'll be considered.

Alright cool! Thanks for the quick reply!
02/05/17 02:40AM
Are there going to be new guidelines written for comment regulation or is it just the forum rules but applied to comments?

Also I would be interested and would be available almost all day everyday. (Though I do need sleep.)
02/05/17 02:44AM
kirux said:
Are there going to be new guidelines written for comment regulation or is it just the forum rules but applied to comments?

The comment rules can be found here: hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_of_conduct
02/05/17 04:04AM
welp, ive done this kind of work before.
it'll be interesting to do this again
02/05/17 04:17AM
Ooh can I join? OuO
02/05/17 04:39AM
screw it. I'll throw my hat in. If I'm going to bitch about the increase in troll posts I might as well contribute
02/05/17 05:47AM
I have previous experience as a chat and forum moderator at another site, and I'm around multiple times a day usually. I know personality is more important to the success of a mod than experience, but if there aren't any better qualified people, I'd be happy to help out.
02/05/17 06:53AM
I'm always happy to help the hub however I can! I'd be happy to be a comment moderator, and I'm actually awake during the night so I can cover more area on my days off.
02/05/17 07:04AM
Oh yeah b b hit me up suckas.
02/05/17 07:45AM
I'll throw my name in the bucket if you need people. Let me know if you're still searching and I'll do what I can to help out.
02/05/17 09:37PM
I would like to sign up.
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