02/08/17 12:03PM
Heidi Klum Hypnotized?
Just found out about this. There is a show called Seriously Funny Kids where Heidi Klum pretends to be hypnotized in episode 5 of the show. I can't find the full clip though :(. I was hoping someone on here could help me find it or upload the full clip of it somewhere. Alternatively you can buy the episode it on iTunes or Amazon. I would do it myself but money is tight right now for me :(. It also looks like the hypnosis scene might be a fairly decent length (maybe 5-7 mins if i had to guess). From what I'm reading on TV Guide atleast it looks like it's a good chunk of that episode.

Here is a link to the source I found:

Here is a link a clip I found (however its not the full clip):

I saw a skit awhile back of Lindsay Lohan getting hypnotized. Thought you guys might like it too.

Here is the link to that:

Also if you guy know of any other celebs being hypnotized (even if its fake) please do share. I would love to see them :).
02/08/17 12:32PM
It's cute...but a sucks for me.
(But Heidi Klum is soooooooooo Hooooooooootttttt)
02/08/17 06:57PM
Not exactly hypnosis, but how does an MC'd Rosamund Pike sound?


I actually posted this video about a year ago in a thread about music videos with hypnosis/MC in them.
02/08/17 09:26PM
sleepcap said:
the lindsay lohan one is an amazing find O:

Thank you.
02/08/17 09:28PM
Contorted said:
Not exactly hypnosis, but how does an MC'd Rosamund Pike sound?


I actually posted this video about a year ago in a thread about music videos with hypnosis/MC in them.

I bit weird but I liked it thank you for sharing.
02/08/17 09:47PM
I think I might do a separate thread on this soon. However since she is at least an internet celebrity I might just post it here for now. Have you guys heard of Poppy? Well there is a video of her being mind controlled that I think you guys might like. In fact most of her videos she acts hypnotized (or atleast like a robot). Even though I don't care for feeling hypnotized myself. Alot of her videos make you feel that way too. So for the people that like that stuff I think you might have hit the jackpot lol. Also speaking of internet celebrities also there is a dance show Hannah Minx was in where she was hypnotized.

Poppy link 1:

Poppy link 2 (if you watched film theory then you will know that the voice you can't make out is commanding poppy what to do. you hear the commands when you play the video backwards):

Hannah Minx link 1 (this one is short and it starts at around the 1:45 mark)

Hannah Minx link 2:
02/08/17 10:03PM
Poppy has her own thread already, as it happens.

02/11/17 03:44AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Poppy has her own thread already, as it happens.


I didn't realize Poppy had her own thread on here. I must have missed that lol. I guess I won't need to make a new thread for that then. Sweet less work for me lol.

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