02/09/17 06:56AM
Contest Deletion?
Is there a way to do this? Mod contact, PM's or something? Or how to know which mod deleted a picture?

I'm not too mad since it wasn't a picture I made, I was just trying to add content to the booru, but something I uploaded that looked pretty blatantly hypno to me was taken down immediately for being "non MC." No chance for defense/discussion in the comments or anything. :/

This isn't a thread about that specific picture, though, and I don't want to make it one. Just a newbie asking about how things work.
02/09/17 07:45AM
I would recommend sending a PM to an admin (<<hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies|Vanndril or Henry>>), along with your argument for why the image should stay.
02/09/17 08:11AM
As far as I can tell, the image you're referring to must be this gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=795668

Which... doesn't show any indication at all of hypnosis that I can see.
02/09/17 01:07PM
Mindwipe said:
As far as I can tell, the image you're referring to must be this gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=795668

Which... doesn't show any indication at all of hypnosis that I can see.

Maybe... it might be the candle? I would call it a stretch, but I could see why someone could argue why it indicates hypnosis. But, it's hard to say because most of the pictures we have on the hub usually have some form of indication in the subjects eyes (i.e. spiral, blank, heart, kaa, shrunken irises, ect.) One could make an argument saying that subjects in real life don't have any effects in their eyes, but then any random picture could be classified with hypnosis, so...
02/09/17 02:10PM
Mindwipe said:
As far as I can tell, the image you're referring to must be this gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=795668

Which... doesn't show any indication at all of hypnosis that I can see.

Just empty eyes...that's all.
02/09/17 08:08PM
She's pretty blatantly conscious but immobile. She's either been drugged or tranced into catatonia. Is mindwipe not a thing here?

The standards on this booru are very strange to me. As long as something is being done to the victim's mind against their conscious will, it seems to me like it'd qualify.

(EDIT: For pete's sake, I just noticed the first guy to comment on the picture is NAMED Mindwipe. T_T )
02/10/17 03:04AM
Xelrog said:
She's pretty blatantly conscious but immobile. She's either been drugged or tranced into catatonia. Is mindwipe not a thing here?

The standards on this booru are very strange to me. As long as something is being done to the victim's mind against their conscious will, it seems to me like it'd qualify.

(EDIT: For pete's sake, I just noticed the first guy to comment on the picture is NAMED Mindwipe. T_T )

Except... None of what you just said is actually correct.

"She's pretty blatantly conscious but immobile" Are you expecting her to move around a ton in that position? It's also a still image. We can't TELL if she's immobile.
"She's either been drugged or tranced into catatonia" What evidence do you have of this? The eyes are still brightened and look fine, she has an expression on her face, and there's no indication that any hypnosis took place.
The reason this was deleted is that there's no solid evidence of hypnosis. If you'd like to point out something specific, go ahead, but from what I can see it just looks like a girl getting cunnilingus. Nothing odd about it.
02/10/17 06:27AM
That dead, listless face? "Brightened?" Man, I'll say it: You're really terrible at reading facial expressions. :/ In fact, my experience here so far tells me that a lot of whistleblowers are just people who are really bad at recognizing common subtleties.

But, whatever. Again, not about the picture. I got my answer, PM a mod in the future if I need to. One mod was listed by name in the welcome thread, I just wasn't sure if you were supposed to contact the staff member who dealt with the pic specifically, which is how it's handled on sites where I'm a staff member.
02/10/17 06:35AM
Xelrog said:
That dead, listless face? "Brightened?" Man, I'll say it: You're really terrible at reading facial expressions. :/ In fact, my experience here so far tells me that a lot of whistleblowers are just people who are really bad at recognizing common subtleties.

But, whatever. Again, not about the picture. I got my answer, PM a mod in the future if I need to. One mod was listed by name in the welcome thread, I just wasn't sure if you were supposed to contact the staff member who dealt with the pic specifically, which is how it's handled on sites where I'm a staff member.

Where you see "dead and listless" I see exasperation and just general annoyance. She looks like she's saying "Ugh, fine, whatever". All subjective there, friendo.
02/10/17 07:01AM
Xelrog said:
That dead, listless face? "Brightened?" Man, I'll say it: You're really terrible at reading facial expressions. :/ In fact, my experience here so far tells me that a lot of whistleblowers are just people who are really bad at recognizing common subtleties.

Why are you getting so defensive over this pic? Go make your own site with looser rules.
02/10/17 08:06AM
Xelrog said:
That dead, listless face? "Brightened?" Man, I'll say it: You're really terrible at reading facial expressions. :/ In fact, my experience here so far tells me that a lot of whistleblowers are just people who are really bad at recognizing common subtleties.

But, whatever. Again, not about the picture. I got my answer, PM a mod in the future if I need to. One mod was listed by name in the welcome thread, I just wasn't sure if you were supposed to contact the staff member who dealt with the pic specifically, which is how it's handled on sites where I'm a staff member.

What Salty meant by the "Brightened" comment was that the girl in the image did not have empty eyes (where the light reflection is removed from the eyes). Hence, it's "Brightened".

Hypnosis and Mind Control, at least in drawn media, are usually depicted with common indicators such as empty eyes, spiral eyes, glowing eyes, etc. This is usually what is meant in the rules regarding 'clear signs of hypnosis or mind control'. We are not able to look into a subject's mind directly, so this is how most artists communicate that they are indeed hypnotized/being controlled. Otherwise you simply end up with subjective arguments like what is happening here.

Furthermore I would like to point out that there's a difference between an administrator and a moderator (as well as a forum moderator on this site). They have different roles and duties, so mixing them up may lead to more confusion down the line.
02/10/17 10:30AM
Xelrog said:
That dead, listless face? "Brightened?" Man, I'll say it: You're really terrible at reading facial expressions. :/ In fact, my experience here so far tells me that a lot of whistleblowers are just people who are really bad at recognizing common subtleties.

But, whatever. Again, not about the picture. I got my answer, PM a mod in the future if I need to. One mod was listed by name in the welcome thread, I just wasn't sure if you were supposed to contact the staff member who dealt with the pic specifically, which is how it's handled on sites where I'm a staff member.

You do not win friends here by calling people who don't agree with you idiots.
02/10/17 01:38PM
Another fight, that's grrrreat.

*download the image * okay...now the empty eyes.
02/10/17 08:23PM
Do not provoke arguments. It's pretty understandable that the poster was a bit irked since their image was deleted with no way to contest it and they were not used to how hypnosis/mind control content is handled here. This does not justify their actions of lashing out though.

Regardless, the question is answered, thread locked.

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