02/09/17 12:53PM
Thoughts/Advice & Tips For Personal Websites (That will include NSFW)?
I...I think that title is safe and doesn't break any rules? I hope so, at least... And I've done googling, but I'd like to hear some more direct thoughts. Especially since my hunting didn't have very helpful results.

So, um, I was wondering what everyones thoughts we were regarding personal websites. Whether it be for yourself, or when you go to visit a favourite (or any) artist, do you prefer to go to their personal website or to go to something like The Hub or some other image board/gallery out there?

Do they seem like a hassel to go there, as a viewer?

And to those that have your own - does it feel easier to just post it there, or do you prefer sites like this where you can keep tabs on bookmarks/comments? OR is it something you prefer to both?

What types of things do you prefer to see when you go to someone's personal website, as a viewer?

The "important" one, is what sites even *allow* for rather...nsfw images. Or things that the Hub will allow, but may have "auto-blacklisted"? I've done some research and not so sure what options there really are... Some I've found, but it's hard to tell since I'm not too familiar with what counts as "reasonable" or not in terms of service.

Finally, for those that have your own hosting/website; what are your thoughts on payment? Is it worth it for what you pay? Do you have suggestions on finding the cheapest places that are still worth it?

I don't really have any advice myself, and I suppose no need to answer my own questions since I doubt anyone here wants to hear that, haha. I just, um. I've been thinking about it for a long while and I need to set up a commission sheet and all and I prefer organization. So, I'm trying to look at my options.

I also know website information is a common thing to look into, so I'm hoping any answers (or further questions) found in this thread may help others as well.

Which leads me into my final question: Do people - generally speaking - find personal websites as important anymore anyways? I know it *used* to be more of a big thing, but with so many various galleries out there, I'm not sure if it's dwindled down or if I've just lost touch with those sources to know.

Th-thank you to anyone who put up with this post and any future responses. I'm pretty sure nothing here breaks any rules, so... I hope it's good...


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