02/09/17 05:52PM
Question about how dominance and submission are categorized here with regards to a possible project
Hey, I had a random idea for a potential future project while working to finish my current one, and it kind of blurs the lines between dominance and submission to the point where I thought I'd ask for clarification as to how I'd categorize this.

Basically the premise is that a female character puts on a necklace called the Amulet of Charity that grants them special powers or enhances the ones they already have (haven't decided who exactly the female character is) and is said to "purify the heart" of whoever wears it and makes them perfectly compassionate and kind. What the stories about it don't say, however, is that this most significantly manifests in a sudden "epiphany" that they have selfishly been depriving the world of the sight and feeling of her beautiful body, and so she voluntarily turns herself into a public sex slave and devotes her life to pleasuring all who lust for her.

The thing is though, since this takes place in a world without slavery, what she also does is use the amulet's powers to reshape the minds of those around her into accepting that this is her proper role in the world. The story would basically consist of some guy finding the woman late at night as she's preparing to put this plan into action, she announces her intentions to him, and then slowly hypnotically urges him to let go of his inhibitions and moral misgivings and simply indulge himself in her to his heart's content.

The way I plan to write it, if indeed I decide to do this, the woman's dialogue (there won't be any narration, just the woman's lines) will basically be along the lines of the femdom manips on this site, except she'll be urging him into a dominant role rather than a submissive one. Does that still count as maledom and femsub?
02/09/17 05:55PM
I'm not to sure how to qualify that either but I have to say I fucking love the idea and can't wait to see it!
02/09/17 06:07PM
A lot of the images with this theme would be tagged "femdom femsub maledom malesub". It's hard to say what it should be other than this, because both characters play a dominant and submissive role.

I do like this sort of theme in a story. It reminds me of a story I read a while back called "Finding Master", at least in as much as the sub hypnotically turning someone into her dom. Looking forward to see what you do with the idea, if you decide to write it.
02/09/17 06:42PM
It seems more like a masochistic fantasy, by my own skewed definition of masochism. A masochist to me is someone who seeks out extreme emotional experiences.

You have a female character that wants to feel charitable. So she's seeking confirmation and reciprocation from male characters.

It's a good idea. I'm a black hat creative so I naturally tend to find faults with things, even if they are good. There's two I feel like pointing out, because I feel like these can create interesting dramatic tension if handled well, or might need to be pushed out for the sake of the fantasy:

There are guys that get scared (raises hand) of being monstrous. Even if we enjoy participating in aggressive behaviors, there's an anxiety over where those behaviors will lead (if we stalk in an rp we'll become a stalker irl, if we are aggressive in a game we are making it easier to reach that in another context). Whether those fears are valid depends on the guy.

The second point is there are people who will not care and pursue their own emotional satisfaction. This does not mean they couldn't satisfy the character in question or be emotionally satisfying to be around. Some of those people, will be abusive however.

I thought this was in terms of a game or concept, which can be added and tagged later. I honestly don't know how to tag it. Was sharing some ideas.

Also, someone who is actually an English major or Cultural Analyst should double check me here...
02/10/17 08:10AM
I always thought the dom/sub tags were referring to which party hypnotized the other O_o

So for me I'd tag it femsub, femdom, and malesub.
02/15/17 05:22AM
Cradily said:
I always thought the dom/sub tags were referring to which party hypnotized the other O_o

So for me I'd tag it femsub, femdom, and malesub.

I'd think a possibly 'hypnotized hypnotist' and 'hypnotized dom' myself, at least tagwise. Probably put femdom/femsub and maledom/malesub, just because of how it works.
02/15/17 05:31AM
Incidentally, if anyone's interested in reading this story, I completed the rough draft recently and posted it here. I decided to go with Rarity from MLP:FiM as the subject. The text is in the thread "Rarity's Elemental Epiphany".

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