02/13/17 02:15AM
Bringing back an Ask blog
About a year ago, I created a Tumblr ask page called Ask The Mind Control Overlord but discontinued. Now I'm considering bringing it back. But I might change the main character, so help me out here:

Should I bring back Ask The Mind Control Overlord with the same main character, a different main character or don't do it at all?

Here's the link to what I had before I discontinued it:

Here's the poll:
02/13/17 05:39AM
i say bring her back, but with a redesign
02/13/17 07:15AM
skullman2033 said:
i say bring her back, but with a redesign

I've been considering that once the polls have spoken and if any of you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.
02/14/17 06:44AM
I'm currently redesigning Lomi's look. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

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