02/14/17 06:06AM
How-To Questions
Just a couple of usability questions from a newbie.

1) How do I favorite authors? Copyrights? Characters? I see the options in my profile but can't figure out where to set them.

2) How do I make a series of images a set? I know how to parent/child, as that's a field when you upload, but not how to make an image set. I've got a couple hypno pages from a somewhat well-known hentai author I'm a little amazed aren't here yet.
02/14/17 09:33AM
Xelrog said:
Just a couple of usability questions from a newbie.

1) How do I favorite authors? Copyrights? Characters? I see the options in my profile but can't figure out where to set them.

2) How do I make a series of images a set? I know how to parent/child, as that's a field when you upload, but not how to make an image set. I've got a couple hypno pages from a somewhat well-known hentai author I'm a little amazed aren't here yet.

1.) Thats done by the system. It checks your tags, edits and faves and then, based on this data, guesses your favourite tags & authors

2.) "Pool" is the keyword here. Create a new pool with name and desciption, (public if you want other users being able to add/remove pics).
Upload the pictures you have. Then, at the uploaded picture site, click add to pool and choose the one you created...

Hope I could answer all your questions.
02/15/17 09:51PM
Appreciate the answers. I've made a pool and uploaded the first image, but I don't see an "Add to Pool" option anywhere on the image page.
02/15/17 09:58PM
Xelrog said:
Appreciate the answers. I've made a pool and uploaded the first image, but I don't see an "Add to Pool" option anywhere on the image page.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
>Go to the upper menu where pools is listed, and bring down the tab to find create new pool.
>Name it, don't bother adding description unless you feel it's needed, and save it.
>Look at the below options, and go to index view.
>Look in the left hand search bar, where you'll see "pool:____"; copy that
>Go into any of these posts, and simply paste it into the edit section for tags. After you save it, should be added to the pool.

02/17/17 05:21AM
In case anyone finds this thread in the future and wants to know: The problem was pointed out to me in the image contents.

You need to have "Advanced Editing" options checked in your profile in order to see the pool options on an image.
12/02/17 01:36PM
I want to know,
How to combine tags? there is an artist who goes under latexity (mainly) and lexi is an alt name for Pixiv and I want to combine the tags
12/03/17 08:52PM
FuyuGraycen said:
I want to know,
How to combine tags? there is an artist who goes under latexity (mainly) and lexi is an alt name for Pixiv and I want to combine the tags

This is done via tag aliases or tag implications, under the tag menu at the top.

If A aliases to B, then all instances of A will be replaced with B.

If A implies B, then all images with A will automatically be tagged with B.


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