02/15/17 05:54AM
Vent Room Thread Locked?
Why's the Vent Room thread locked? Is it because of that guy that's complaining about the new logo, or did the thread derail too much?
02/15/17 05:57AM
I think it's more that the complaints about the site kept happening after mods asked for it to stop. I ended up posting one in it without seeing initial warnings about keeping it out there (which I apologize, I hadn't actually seen those warnings at the time) and his posts about it were likely the last straw.
02/15/17 05:59AM
wut said:
I think it's more that the complaints about the site kept happening after mods asked for it to stop. I ended up posting one in it without seeing initial warnings about keeping it out there (which I apologize, I hadn't actually seen those warnings at the time) and his posts about it were likely the last straw.

Ah. Well, it's sad to see it go... The Vent Thread served an honorable purpose on the Hub, and shall be greatly missed.
02/15/17 06:09AM
I've been told that the closing isn't permanent, so don't despair yet.
02/15/17 06:20AM
Mindwipe said:
I've been told that the closing isn't permanent, so don't despair yet.

Just a cool down then so that people can get it in their heads that the Vent Thread is for sharing irl problems in the hopes of receiving advice from their fellows? Well, at least it's (hopefully) not gone for good.

[spoiler=P.S.]Also, I'm wondering if my original comment for this thread is infringing the rule about "not targeting specific users", since I do mention a specific user (not by name, but the description I used is still specific enough that anyone who was following the comments on the post that became the new logo would know who I referred to.)... If it is, then in my defense, I have no idea how I could have worded it differently for the message I wanted to get across.[/spoiler]
02/15/17 06:43AM
Out of curiosity, is there any kind of opposite thread? Like a thread where people can gloat or just share about positive or happy things or things that happen to be going well in their life? SHOULD there be one as a counterbalance?
02/15/17 07:39AM
KarmaX said:
Out of curiosity, is there any kind of opposite thread? Like a thread where people can gloat or just share about positive or happy things or things that happen to be going well in their life? SHOULD there be one as a counterbalance?
02/15/17 12:03PM
KarmaX said:
Out of curiosity, is there any kind of opposite thread? Like a thread where people can gloat or just share about positive or happy things or things that happen to be going well in their life? SHOULD there be one as a counterbalance?

You're a saintly being
02/16/17 02:42AM
I'm debating making a Vent Server on Discord so we can talk about stuff without the Hub's rules in place.
02/16/17 02:48AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
I'm debating making a Vent Server on Discord so we can talk about stuff without the Hub's rules in place.

Much as I can see the benefits of such a thing, doesn't that also run the risk of being a haven for those who want to insult others behind their backs and breed hatred?
02/16/17 03:10AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
I'm debating making a Vent Server on Discord so we can talk about stuff without the Hub's rules in place.

That actually sounds like a good idea. It's been stated by mods that they don't want people to passive aggressively or directly criticize other members of the site, which by some could feel a little over reaching. The vent room was always a huge exception to the rules and the fact it lasted this long without creating trouble is something I find remarkable as well. So a general room for hypnohub members to go to so the mods don't have to break their own rules sounds like a great idea.
02/16/17 04:16AM
JksAccount said:
Much as I can see the benefits of such a thing, doesn't that also run the risk of being a haven for those who want to insult others behind their backs and breed hatred?

Ain't gonna be much "behind their backs" really. If someone blatantly insults another person with no basis, it's not like we're letting that slide. I won't, anyways.

As for what Kirux said, that's a way better reasoning than what I had, so I guess I'll go ahead and do that. I'll probably wait and see if the vent room goes back up, and post a link there if it does. If not I'll either post it here or make a forum post with the link.
02/16/17 07:50AM
The vent thread will be unlocked in a few days [or now since I made the guidelines], though I wouldn't object to the creation of an (unofficial) Discord room for venting. Hopefully that'll make things easier to mod. (Not on the site, so you're free to create your hate group xD)

Anon_3.141 said:
If it is, then in my defense, I have no idea how I could have worded it differently for the message I wanted to get across.

I don't remember what you said, but perhaps if you can't get the message you want across, said message is probably not allowed?

I'll try to write some guidelines for the vent thread when it's re-opened. Furthermore site related complaints are okay, just keep it civil.
02/16/17 07:53AM
Why reopen the old thread rather than just create a new thread with a better title and better OP? That might help distance it from the problems of the old one.
02/16/17 08:18AM
akaece said:
Why reopen the old thread rather than just create a new thread with a better title and better OP? That might help distance it from the problems of the old one.

You'd have to ask Henry for that (or wait for them to reply). If it were me I'd leave it locked forever =P
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