02/16/17 09:59PM
What is your favourite type of MC?
A question I've been wondering for awhile, what is everyone's favourite type of mc? Are you into classic pendulum swinging hypnosis, or more into drugging or machine related control? Are you one for complete brain drain, or more into bimbofication or stepfordization? (Of course these aren't the only types of mc, and many of us like more than one type)
02/16/17 10:11PM
MissMistress said:
A question I've been wondering for awhile, what is everyone's favourite type of mc? Are you into classic pendulum swinging hypnosis, or more into drugging or machine related control? Are you one for complete brain drain, or more into bimbofication or stepfordization? (Of course these aren't the only types of mc, and many of us like more than one type)

I personally like pretty much all types of MC. Lobotomization is a no, as is Haigure, but pretty much any other induction method is something I can enjoy to some degree.
02/16/17 11:39PM
Brainwashing and corruption, are delicious and desirable.

Mindless entrancement and zombification are fun too...

Pretty much a fan of most kinds hypnosis and mind control except bimbofication.

02/16/17 11:54PM
Anything kind of hypnosis that is weird, silly and cute. Age regression, inflatable/blow up doll TF, hypnotic kiss, intelligence dropping, haigure, motor mania, clown girls, stepford, subs with big goofy smiles, drooling, chanting mantras while aimlessly zombie walking. That's all I can think of at the top of my mind right now.
02/17/17 12:09AM
In terms of delivery I love the Jedi Mind Trick, other than that I also love post-hypnotic suggestions. Basically I'm a fan of just saying a few key words and causing an unconscious reaction.

In terms of the kinds of suggestions I like, body control's good but only when unaware or blank during (body control with resistance feels too 'rapey' for lack of a better word).
02/17/17 12:42AM
Post hypnotic suggestions and trigger phrases go great with stuff. Big fan of common sense manipulation, or making someone believe whatever they're told, no matter how perverted or wrong or weird. Feeling things that aren't really there is a good one too. Watchin a girl struggle to stop her body from obeying every triggered command is cute as heck!
02/17/17 01:37AM
DisasterDan said:
Post hypnotic suggestions and trigger phrases go great with stuff. Big fan of common sense manipulation, or making someone believe whatever they're told, no matter how perverted or wrong or weird. Feeling things that aren't really there is a good one too. Watchin a girl struggle to stop her body from obeying every triggered command is cute as heck!

Basically this plus orgasm manipulation/denial
02/17/17 01:44AM
Gojulas said:
Basically this plus orgasm manipulation/denial

Cum on command is so fun~
02/17/17 01:57AM
triggers are my favorite
02/17/17 02:08AM
Anything involving spirals, kaa eyes, blanking the subject our, big tits, and zombie walking.
02/17/17 03:58AM
Weirdly enough, I tend to not so much focus on the method of induction as much as I think very specifically about different categories of behavior.

for instance, there's...

- eyes wide open, arms stiffly out in front, somewhat quick, exaggeratedly stiff movements like one leg at a time marching and speaking more like a tightly programmed robot.

- heavy eyelid drooping and fluttering, mouth hanging open, arms limply held up in a ditzy way, or just hanging and dangling down by their sides, a stumbling, slow zombie-like shuffle, with lots of deep moaning and slurring, long, drawn out words.

- bubbily-cute happy trance, childish and incredibly vulnerable, mentally regressed bimbo-ish behavior like a happy drunken dummy who possess no common sense and easily obeys and suggestible because they see no reason not to comply with anything.

- expressionless, empty, dizzy, senseless, puppet-like movements like one is being controlled or overtaken mentally and physically from another source, (possibly controlled by a psychic, that kind of thing).

- Strict, military-like compliance like an unthinking soldier, saluting, showing a brainwashed level of complete and total unwavering loyalty, yet extremely competent and adept at all motor skills.

- creepy, obsessive, brainwashed, wide-eyed, empty smiling, zealous, yandere-like devotion to the degree of insanity brought on by an outside force like mind-control and not actually brought on by themselves. (Like say, being mind controlled or brainwashed into it, rather than being this type of girl on their own)

- Delusional hallucinations and being placed in a drugged, illusionary fantasy world where things aren't what they really are, combined with a drugged up, or severely drunken kind of stumbling, out-of-it behavior where the victim can be manipulated into doing things she dosn't know or understand that she's doing because she thinks or sees it as something else.

- Straight-up possessed by another entirely different entity, so that entire personality and psyche has overtaken and replaced that other one outright.

Those are as many categories as I can think of.
But also, for creativity's sake, it's always neat to mix and match some of these traits. Some are my favorites and some much less so, but I at least kinda like all of them to some extent.

02/17/17 05:07AM
Brain Drain/Bimbofication, Corruption, Possession and transformation, and general MC also works.
02/17/17 05:20AM
I don't like MC, really. Just hypnosis. As in, hypnotic suggestion, where the hypnotist is only influencing the victim's mind, not outright controlling it.

It's only enjoyable for me if the victim is conscious of themselves. That said, I also love it when they're unaware that they've been hypnotized and they've been convinced that whatever they're doing is normal behavior. As long as they can think and speak, is all.
02/17/17 08:02AM
Inductions are my thing, and light D/S play. It kind of sucks because it seems like the best inductions come from really intense sources. I like seeing people who are happy and mindless.

That's what I think is sexy anyways. It's frustrating because few people can illustrate a process really well. And fewer people can illustrate and write effectively enough to put it into comic format. So I don't see that hit all my buttons very often.

It's like how there's many, many fight scenes, but very few people every manage to make something where you can see the logic, care and method behind it. A good induction you can see language and thought getting used to express power.

Then there's the stuff I just love the hell out of, even if it isn't really arousing. Really creative anatomy. Well drawn situations and concepts. I just love the creativity that gets brought to this fetish even if it isn't my thing. There's so many ideas here! Even if not all of them work out it's incredible to see how they are all tried and the ones that are well executed have an incredible emotional pull to them.
02/17/17 08:10AM
hm, ritual, tech, and hypnosis
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