02/17/17 10:13AM
Ask Bianca Or DrgnmastrAlex!
I know I don't art, don't manip, and the only contributions that I've provided are offering ideas/advice to help some through tough times, joking around with others and getting out of my lurk-shell, or the piecemeal commissions that other artists have been kind enough to do for me (and the occasional argument that I'm not too proud of causing or getting involved in). But I have (surprisingly) encountered fans of my writing and fans of Bianca on here. I'm not a big/important enough figure to justify this topic, but I figured why the hell not? This can be something for the few fans of mine/Bianca's that are on here, at least, and it gives me something to do on occasion. It could also be a good means of hammering out new friendships on here, so there's that aspect too.

Please keep in mind that if a question is asked that I feel might be too personal or that could cause an issue, I will reserve the right to not answer it. Bianca feels the same way, and will do the same. Otherwise, the thread's open for you guys. Have at it.
02/17/17 11:28AM
02/17/17 12:42PM
Nazwa said:

*hugs from both!*
02/17/17 03:25PM
how long have you been invested in hypnosis? any particular spark that got you into it~?

02/17/17 03:32PM
If a pretty woman offered you a free necklace would you take it?

I think I already know the answer.
02/17/17 03:49PM
Lord_Derik said:
how long have you been invested in hypnosis? any particular spark that got you into it~?

Hard to say when I first got into hypnosis, but I think it really got ignited with season 2 of Sailor Moon when it first played on Toonami; Chibi-Usa had her fears and anxieties exploited by Wiseman, and they were used to put her in a trance and corrupt and brainwash her into Black Lady. Think that's where my corruption fetish first started, too. Anime and JRPGs are a pretty good source of the "evil is sexy" trope, and I took to that in my late teens. I had seen hypnosis prior to that (saw Kaa in the Disney Jungle Book animated movie) as a kid, but didn't really have a vested interest in it at that time. I was pretty innocent even into my teens, so the erotic aspect of it was beyond me until I was around 18.

As for actually writing about hypnosis/MC, I've been doing it since...I think 2009 or 2010 (it could've been a year or two earlier, though), when I first joined the Ricobanderas9 Yahoo groups. Got introduced to that through pure circumstance while lurking somewhere one day. Might've been on /d/ or /h/, but I don't recall. The rest is history.

Imasuky said:
If a pretty woman offered you a free necklace would you take it?

I think I already know the answer.

*blushes* ...probably. What about you, Bianca?

"I already did that, silly. You should try it."

*blushes a bit brighter*
02/17/17 11:46PM
I feel even worse than I usually do for doing something like this, since I've already done it once today, but: Bianca Or DrgnmastrAlex?
02/18/17 12:09AM
JksAccount said:
I feel even worse than I usually do for doing something like this, since I've already done it once today, but: Bianca Or DrgnmastrAlex?

Ow, the pain of being a no-name! Bianca, let's commiserate!

"Okay! I'll form the head!"

Wait, what?

"I said I'll form the head. Now get on all fours so I can stand on top of you and make explosion and zoom sounds."


"Don't you ellipses me! You're not a Persona Protagonist, you don't get to be the cool ellipses guy!"
02/18/17 02:06AM
hey, yeah, dragon master alex, i got a question i always wanted to ask u. whats the deal with ur girl luna? back in the ending of dragon song, she decides her racially segregated little moon queendom doesnt need her as goddess any more, but then centuries later before silver star, shes aparently changed her mind cuz shes back to being althena, right before the beardy deadbeat makes her a human baby again and she grows up in ur home as ur sister who u have no moral qualms at all about boning. but then once she gets all old and grody she decides again that the moonworld doesnt need her. y she so flip-floppy on this issue bro?

also y u only know how to make 1 single facial expression?
02/18/17 02:15AM
Yumberduddle said:
hey, yeah, dragon master alex, i got a question i always wanted to ask u. whats the deal with ur girl luna? back in the ending of dragon song, she decides her racially segregated little moon queendom doesnt need her as goddess any more, but then centuries later before silver star, shes aparently changed her mind cuz shes back to being althena, right before the beardy deadbeat makes her a human baby again and she grows up in ur home as ur sister who u have no moral qualms at all about boning. but then once she gets all old and grody she decides again that the moonworld doesnt need her. y she so flip-floppy on this issue bro?

also y u only know how to make 1 single facial expression?

That's a different dragon master Alex you're referring to. Also, as far as I know, Luna was a childhood friend of that Alex that was raised as a kind of surrogate step-sister to him, so the boning is perfectly fine. :P
02/18/17 02:19AM
Since it hasn't been asked yet.

Would you rather fight a horse sized duck or a hundred duck sized horses?
02/18/17 02:28AM
Imasuky said:
Since it hasn't been asked yet.

Would you rather fight a horse sized duck or a hundred duck sized horses?

A horse-sized duck is essentially a big duck, and those things can get nasty. I could easily punt a duck-sized horse, but there's a lot of them, so they could feasibly swarm me....

I'll go with a hundred duck-sized horses. I can handle quantity, I think.

"NO, go with the horse-sized duck!"

Uh, why?

"Because when you beat it, you get your own mount!! It'd be like your own chocobo!"
02/18/17 02:31AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
A horse-sized duck is essentially a big duck, and those things can get nasty. I could easily punt a duck-sized horse, but there's a lot of them, so they could feasibly swarm me....

I'll go with a hundred duck-sized horses. I can handle quantity, I think.

"NO, go with the horse-sized duck!"

Uh, why?

"Because when you beat it, you get your own mount!! It'd be like your own chocobo!"

I once heard a really good point about how even of they are duck sized horses are still really strong and have hard hooves.

Plus as some one who's seen a bucking horse up close a hundred is scary.

Though a giant duck is also scary due to the fact they ducks are rapist with weird corkscrew penises.
02/18/17 02:40AM
Imasuky said:
I once heard a really good point about how even of they are duck sized horses are still really strong and have hard hooves.

Plus as some one who's seen a bucking horse up close a hundred is scary.

Though a giant duck is also scary due to the fact they ducks are rapist with weird corkscrew penises.

"Oh god yes, a PlagueofGripes reference! I'm still more pervy than he is, though!"

Dammit, now you've got her fangirling over Plague. ARE YOU HAPPY?
02/18/17 02:43AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
"Oh god yes, a PlagueofGripes reference! I'm still more pervy than he is, though!"

Dammit, now you've got her fangirling over Plague. ARE YOU HAPPY?


I'm never happy
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