02/17/17 11:40PM
UNOFFICIAL Hypnohub Discord server: Saltyhub!
So a few days ago I proposed a Discord server to serve as a possible replacement to the vent room, at least for those of us who have Discord. This way, we can basically say whatever the hell we want, and because it's unofficial, we aren't breaking any rules! I also named it Saltyhub, which is both a reference to my name because I need my ego stroked, and also I figure most of us are pretty salty when we need to vent. Anyways, there's currently 3 text channels. A General channel, a Personal channel, for issues pertaining to you, and a User-Based channel, for any issues that are about a certain user. There's also two voice channels, one for General and one for Relief, should you need it. After all, the purpose of this is to get advice/relief for your issues too, not just to shout them at an audience.

If you'd like to join, the link is
Hopefully things won't get too mercilessly out of hand here. If so, I... Guess I can ban if it gets too bad? I'd like to avoid that though, so please don't start shit just to start shit.
02/18/17 12:03AM
At this point I'm wondering if we just need a single post with a compilation of all the hypnosis Discord servers around. I can think of at least four, including this one, hahaha.

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