02/21/17 01:15AM
[Discussion] Submission or resistance?
First of all, sorry if a thread like this already exists, I must have missed it.

This is a topic that I think about quite often. Do you guys think that it's better when a subject resists? Or is it better when they submit immediately?

Obviously, I'm refering only to fiction. If somebody resists in real life, then you stop.

Here's my take on it:

Personally, as a sub, I prefer it when the sub displays resistance against the hypnotist's attempts to hypnotise them. I enjoy it since it helps build anticipation for me for the fall as well as allowing for the hypnotist to better show off their abilities as a hypnotist. I still love it when a hypnotist displays overwhelming power, that's still incredibly hot and depicts the level of their ability pretty dang well although it does often mean we don't get to see a lot of it because of that. In my experience instantaneous submission is the more common of the two, something I find understandable although a bit unfortunate. Depicting a slow fall is much harder than a faster one. Most good versions of resistance come from games and cyoas, media for which the player is nore involved in and as such, more effective at depcting the struggle.

Rants are encouraged but if they get too long, please contain them in a spoiler in the same way I have done above.
02/21/17 02:49AM
i dont like resistance, it makes me feel like im going against the sub's wishes, and therefore i feel like a horrible asshole of a monster of a person
02/21/17 02:59AM
crazyman said:
i dont like resistance, it makes me feel like im going against the sub's wishes, and therefore i feel like a horrible asshole of a monster of a person

Funny, I don't see it that way, mostly because I don't identify with the dom as much as with the sub, despite me not being a sub myself. I just like going into a femsub's mind and seeing their thought process.

So I don't really see myself as being the one "hurting" the sub. While this may indicate a flawed approach to my writing, I tend to view the dom not as a character to be identified with, but more as a force of nature through which to bring about the sub's change in worldview.
02/21/17 06:43AM
As with anything else involving hypnosis, I would say that consent is important. If both parties have consented to the sub resisting, or some amount of consensual nonconsent or anything like that, then it's fine -- and the mutual consent probably means that they will enjoy it quite a lot. But without consent it can EASILY lead to things happening like what crazyman said. I've had instances in which I got too used to being around a friend's sub on my hypnosis Discord server who resisted a lot and didn't have a formal safeword for "no longer joking, srsly pls stahp"...and then actually tried to hypnotize a friend and accidentally pressed against some barriers because I got used to resistance and tried to just overpower it and do something that the friend didn't want. Just be careful with resistance and make sure it's only when consented to and planned for, basically.
02/21/17 07:15AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:

I did mention that I was referring solely to the context of fiction. Obviously, there is NOTHING more important irl than both parties consenting to the hypnosis.
02/21/17 07:46AM
02/21/17 07:51AM
I feel like the safeword part that Miles brought up is really the key to this sort of thing. My submissive partner and I use the "yellow/red" system, where "yellow" means "I'm okay, but we're brushing up against my limits" and "red" means "stop right now." It's worked really well for us, especially when we're trying something brand new (like, say... hypnosis!)

I think as long as you have a system like that in place, then a little resistance roleplay can really add another dimension to trance play. There's nothing quite like a subject struggling to keep their eyelids open, now matter how heavy you're assuring them they are.
02/21/17 08:54AM
Well, as a sub myself, I gotta say I'm pretty big on the whole sorta 'actually 100% okay with and wants this but plays at resisting anyway' sorta scenarios. If the sub seems genuinely distressed tho', yeah, not for me.
02/21/17 06:31PM
I like my hypnosis as noncon as possible, excepting physical abuse (mental is fine though, though it usually ends up dominating the actual hypnosis). Consensual hypnosis is for pussies.
02/21/17 06:44PM
eldomtom2 said:
I like my hypnosis as noncon as possible, excepting physical abuse (mental is fine though, though it usually ends up dominating the actual hypnosis. Consensual hypnosis is for pussies.

Heh. Couldn't agree more. The whole appeal of hypno porn is robbing someone of their free will, and making it consensual just dulls the whole thing. It's like making consensual tentacle rape, I mean come on.
02/21/17 06:47PM
eldomtom2 said:
Consensual hypnosis is for pussies.

Now that sir, is utter bullshit!
I agree that resistance is awesome in a sense of porn, but consensual is pretty sweet too.
02/21/17 07:33PM

GrandDad said:
Heh. Couldn't agree more. The whole appeal of hypno porn is robbing someone of their free will, and making it consensual just dulls the whole thing. It's like making consensual tentacle rape, I mean come on.

As a maker of consentacle porn I feel slandered. :<
02/21/17 10:03PM
As others have mentioned above, I think the key here is consensual non-consent, at least when talking about real people (fiction is a whole different kettle of fish)

As with any Dom/sub play, be it hypnosis, or ropes, or handcuffs, or whatever where one party gives up control (physical or mental) to another, it is my strong belief that it be done with an understanding by both parties of just what is involved, and what is considered as play, and what the safewords (verbal and non verbal) are (R.A.C.K. Risk-Aware Consensual Kink)

Once those ground rules are set, then if the sub wants to resist, to fight the Dom, then good for them. If the sub wants to beg to be overwhelmed, then that goes too.

Now fictional hypno I find works better when there's a degree of non-consent is better. Makes for a more complex and interesting narrative
02/22/17 02:12AM
One of the main appeals of hypnosis/mind control is seeing the sub act in a way that is either completely different from who they are or warping their personality in such a way that it causes them to act against all logic beyond what the dom has laid out for them. That being said, having or not having resistance requires different approaches.

If you want no resistance from the sub, where the dom just completely steamrolls the sub's free will then there needs to be an effective buildup, showing how the sub's personality will eventually clash with how the dom will shape it. Having the dom just flip a switch and say "Ha! you're mine!" just isn't satisfying. It's that buildup to the breakdown that makes it so worth it.

Having resistance in the story also relies on buildup but with a slightly different mentality. Instead of front loading all of the anticipation before the dom uses whatever MC power they have, it's treated as a process where the sub slowly but surely slips under the doms' influence.

Personally, I prefer a mix of both with the sub initially refusing the more extreme commands of the dom but following the more tame ones until the end where the dom has gained such influence that disobeying the dom seems all but inconceivable.
02/22/17 03:21AM
Pinkanator said:

im cant read what your saying from this. as someone who can do that with nearly anything its kinda freaking me out
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