02/21/17 06:08AM
A new Tournament!
I've been thinking about a future comic, I want to involve several OC.

(Of course, I would like to know if the artists give me their permission)

I know that my drawings are not pleasing or are not of total attention to some, but at least I want to do my best for this project.

I will accept 2 OC for each artist.
02/21/17 06:18AM
Is this the World Martial Arts tournament, or the Cell Games?
02/21/17 06:22AM
someguy231 said:
Is this the World Martial Arts tournament, or the Cell Games?

Sponsored by Hetap.
02/21/17 06:28AM
Imasuky said:
Sponsored by Hetap.

Now in Diet Kooba.
02/21/17 06:31AM
someguy231 said:
Is this the World Martial Arts tournament, or the Cell Games?

I think.
02/21/17 07:48AM
I was just wondering if you need pictures or if descriptions are fine
02/21/17 09:24AM
reader8363 said:
I was just wondering if you need pictures or if descriptions are fine

I need pictures.
02/21/17 12:14PM
Joyce and Inma :D

I think your drawings are good doudile ^^
02/21/17 12:32PM
Myuk said:
Joyce and Inma :D

I think your drawings are good doudile ^^


Team Myuk: Joyce and Inma.
02/21/17 11:27PM
I may have my DBX character for this if you're cool with that:

She's a Saiyan named Yuki. :D
02/22/17 12:13AM
aww and I thought this thread would be about an actual fighting game tournament we'd host here on the hub X3

Feel free to use Pippa if you'd like
(still working on more OCs for her project so that's the only OC I have for now ^^')

02/22/17 02:05AM
someguy231 said:
I may have my DBX character for this if you're cool with that:

She's a Saiyan named Yuki. :D

Kracky said:
aww and I thought this thread would be about an actual fighting game tournament we'd host here on the hub X3

Feel free to use Pippa if you'd like
(still working on more OCs for her project so that's the only OC I have for now ^^')

I see a team on you two.
02/22/17 02:10AM
Is this limited to members who regularly do art, or does this extend to those of us who have done some art of our OCs, but prefer to commission others who are better at art? Just curious.
02/22/17 02:31AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Is this limited to members who regularly do art, or does this extend to those of us who have done some art of our OCs, but prefer to commission others who are better at art? Just curious.

There will be 12 teams, each team will have 2 OC...for now only me, Myuk, Someguy and Kracky are on the list.
02/22/17 02:42AM
Then I'll volunteer my OC, Bianca. I'll provide links to some art that has her when U get home.
1 2345>>>

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