02/28/17 10:40PM
Do Old Pics Ever get deleted?
I've been trying to find this amazing pic on here of a guy and a girl doing consensual hypnosis. He pulls her out of trance mid blow job to see how she is doing. It's really sweet and I want to show my boyfriend, but I can't seem to find it. Which led me to wonder how long stuff stays on the site for, and if I should be saving all of my favorites just in case.
02/28/17 11:14PM
chaossonic said:
I've been trying to find this amazing pic on here of a guy and a girl doing consensual hypnosis. He pulls her out of trance mid blow job to see how she is doing. It's really sweet and I want to show my boyfriend, but I can't seem to find it. Which led me to wonder how long stuff stays on the site for, and if I should be saving all of my favorites just in case.

To the best of my knowledge, old images are never deleted automatically. Should we discover that they break a rule, we may remove them, but I do not believe that anything is automatically deleted due to age.

I found <<|this post>> which seems similar to your description, and also <<|this one>>, which isn't a blowjob but otherwise fits.
02/28/17 11:15PM
As far as I know, they do not get deleted for age. The only reasons I know of for a piece to be deleted is if it doesn't meet QC standards, or if the artist requests it's removal.

You might ask in the requests thread for help finding the picture. Sometimes older pictures might not have newer tags and consensual hypnosis had not been a tag for a while. Not sure if it is now or not officially but there are results for the tag "consensual". There is also a pool for them though. The aware or unaware tags might be used though. (Unaware used to be used for aware, before aware became it's own tag.)
02/28/17 11:18PM
Changer said:
[...] consensual hypnosis is still not a tag for some reason [...]

Actually, it is from what I've seen. I've seen posts with the "consensual" tag on them before, and the last time I saw it, it had (I believe) 56 images associated with it.
02/28/17 11:25PM
Anon_3.141 said:
Actually, it is from what I've seen. I've seen posts with the "consensual" tag on them before, and the last time I saw it, it had (I believe) 56 images associated with it.

Yeah, I'd just edited my post after double checking. For a while it wasn't though, it was kept as merely a pool and I can't find when exactly Vaan's opinion on it changed, or if a user just kinda stealth added it as a tag.
02/28/17 11:29PM
Changer said:
Yeah, I'd just edited my post after double checking. For a while it wasn't though, it was kept as merely a pool and I can't find when exactly Vaan's opinion on it changed, or if a user just kinda stealth added it as a tag.

Seems to be the latter, the pool is still the more popular option for the consensual stuff.
02/28/17 11:39PM
Changer said:
Yeah, I'd just edited my post after double checking. For a while it wasn't though, it was kept as merely a pool and I can't find when exactly Vaan's opinion on it changed, or if a user just kinda stealth added it as a tag.

The tagging rules got relaxed a little bit ago.
03/01/17 12:38AM
Oh, I found it under finger snapping. It was in the consensual pool but not tagged as consent.
03/01/17 03:21AM
It wouldn't be a booru if we deleted old stuff, that's chans lol

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