03/03/17 12:25PM
Want a Nintendo Switch?
Clickbait title is Clickbait
It is accurate.

<<|There's an art contest, and a switch is for the 1st runner up>>

So here ya go. Thought you'd be interested in potentially trying.

If anyone enters, good luck!

Otherwise, I might be heading back to the veil of 'who the fuck is that shadow over there?' that I had before.
03/03/17 04:52PM
They don't even say when the submission deadline is.
03/03/17 07:48PM
Bah, who shoots for 2nd place?! I guess in this case it makes sense, because I kinda don't want the first prize...

Seems like it's right up my alley subject matter-wise, but since I use Photoshop I'm out of the running already.
03/03/17 09:55PM
akaece said:
They don't even say when the submission deadline is.

They do actually say when the submission deadline is. It's April 13th at 10 pm. (No idea what timezone, though.)
03/03/17 09:56PM
Anon_3.141 said:
They do actually say when the submission deadline is. It's April 13th at 10 pm. (No idea what timezone, though.)

Ah, it just didn't say on the mobile version; now that I'm on the desktop site it's there.
03/04/17 12:16AM
Just got one!

Plus i can't draw anyway.
03/04/17 12:28AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Just got one!

Plus i can't draw anyway.

Why'd you waste your money?
03/05/17 08:05PM
I do want a switch. xD I don't think I would come close though to second place on that contest lol already at least three entrees that look better than what I can do.

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