03/04/17 02:46PM
What do you look for in hypno content?
Everyone's got their own kinks, right? Let's talk about them maybe!

I'm kind of a goober in that the only thing I really care much about is slow-burn consensual stuff, maaaaaybe borderline noncon but I can't do rapey. I guess I'm not very voyeuristic or something either because there's gotta be a story I can self-insert into or it doesn't really do anything for me.

There's... not a lot of F/f content I find like that though, so maybe I'll learn to draw or write or something and make it for myself! Gotta be positive about it, yeah!

Other than that I guess it's pretty fair game for me content wise. I know content is good when I'm feeling trancey looking at it so I guess my main metric is if the hypno aspect comes across as authentic/something I would actually trance to irl.
03/04/17 02:49PM
I'm not really sure what I look for tbh. I kind of go for the buffet approach if it looks good I go for it. Though I do tend to go for lots of transformation stuff.

And just because inb4 Pink says everything.
03/04/17 05:54PM
Generally, a loving dom and loyal sub.
Otherwise, high heels :9
03/04/17 05:57PM
Answers to all of life's questions. But usually I get distracted by the porn.
03/04/17 06:26PM
That which giveth me wood.
03/05/17 01:45AM
Imasuky said:
I'm not really sure what I look for tbh. I kind of go for the buffet approach if it looks good I go for it.

Mostly this :D
Mezzberry said:
That which giveth me wood.'re looking for minecraft trees? ;P
03/05/17 01:48AM
Anno1404 said:
Mostly this :D're looking for minecraft trees? ;P

Mezzberry just got the Bench Marking achievement.
03/05/17 01:58AM
Really well described power fantasies.

Light BDSM.

Consensual sex makes it so I don't have to wash the blood off my hands afterwards, as it were.

F/F usually, but m/f can be cool too.

Unique artwork. The kind of stuff people yell at because it isn't some vanilla anime chick from a set or call nightmare fuel. It's pure intellectual pleasure to look at some of that stuff. I think my good stars have a few things I just find stomach churning and repulsive but are just, fantastically executed.
03/05/17 02:41AM
consensual is what gets me on
03/05/17 03:24AM
A story. Even the simplest of hypno pics has a story
03/08/17 11:10AM
I like when the hypnosis/control/eye effects is(are) really's not always suuuuper important to me what happens later, haha.

Everything about a good hypno scenario can give me butterflies~ the premise, the parts before, how characters talk about it, who the hypnotist is, induction methods, mantras, any eye effects or just general hypnotized behavior...

Hope that makes sense...
03/08/17 01:11PM
I search that the Subject is happy, i can accept non consensual mind control if the subject is happy after the process, i hate when the subject is tortured for no reason(edging and cocktease are ok because they are fun), also i don´t like when the subject doesn´t feel anything at all that is inceridbly dull and of course the instantaneous trance is really boring.
03/08/17 09:57PM
Motorata said:
I search that the Subject is happy, i can accept non consensual mind control if the subject is happy after the process, i hate when the subject is tortured for no reason(edging and cocktease are ok because they are fun), also i don´t like when the subject doesn´t feel anything at all that is inceridbly dull and of course the instantaneous trance is really boring.

I think I can echo this
I like to see a sub who is happy. Sure they may be doing something against their nature, but are they enjoying themselves? Can be that enjoyment is as a result of the hypnosis changing their opinion of what is fun, or whether the hypno is a means to counter a hurdle to doing something fun;
03/08/17 10:00PM
Well, aside from "a story" (comics or captions are almost required for me to enjoy a good picture), I would say that what's important to me is that the primary focus is on the sub. I've seen tons of pics that could have been "interesting malesub" turned into "boring femdom" because to me, most female dominants are boring and the pic was more about "female dominates male" than "male submits, who cares who he submits to". And I won't say that it's just about femdom or malesub -- the same holds true for male dominants or female subs. If you write a piece about somebody dominating somebody else, you have to do a good job of writing the dominant's part or I'll be so uninterested in the dom that I can't even focus on the sub and the whole piece is ruined to me. Conversely, writing a piece about somebody submitting to someone else can be very interesting to me because I'm not a sub myself, I've never been hypnotized, and reading about what it's like or what's happening to the sub is fascinating.

Oh, and some other minor nit-picky things: Non-English text is usually an anti-boner for me. Whether it's translated in notes or not, something about most non-English languages being visible in the picture just turns me off and I have no real explanation as to why. (Japanese is about 50/50 on being an exception, as long as it's translated.) Also, having a reasonably good art style and quality of art is (obviously) very important. I am still here for the art, I'd be going to mcstories or something like that if the story was ALL that I was interested in. :P
03/09/17 01:23AM
Swirly eyes. @.@
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