03/04/17 04:30PM
Curiosity About the Authenticity of Hypnotism
So, gotta ask, cuz even though I love the idea of hypnotism being a thing, I'm still a mite bit leery of it. In the hypnosis chat logs, about how much of it is roleplaying, and about how much of it is true-blue hypnosis? Because I don't want to end up believing it's real only to find out the wool was pulled over my eyes cuz of my gullibility.

Edit: Changed the title from 'Curiosity' based on recommendation from the user directly below.
03/04/17 05:56PM
Probably should change the title to be more specific about your curiosity.
03/04/17 07:40PM
you know, it may just be my personal bias (ahem, hypnotist, ahem), but yes, hypnosis is actually a thing. Now I can't speak about the authenticity of chat logs, since without context you can only really guess, but chat based hypnosis is certainly possible
03/04/17 07:54PM
I grapple with this from time to time, being a neurotic mess myself (enough so that I'm often surprised I have enough self-confidence to even be an amateur 'tist).

Personally I won't ever know for 100% sure that my sub's gone under unless I could look right into their eyes once I trigger them and watch their pupils dilate. So part of the confidence necessary for being a good 'tist is not only having faith in your abilities, but faith in your partner to not lead you on.

A professional 'tist will probably have some better advice, but complex triggers can give you plenty of confidence that your sub is truly under. For example, instill in them a list of trigger words and various reactions to hearing them: 'when you hear the word 'apple,' you will do ten jumping jacks and not realize why you are doing them.' I give them 5-10 of these, then snap them out and have a normal conversation into which I slowly work the trigger words naturally into whatever I'm saying. If they're really under, it'll work like a charm and you'll both have a lot of fun. If they're faking or just roleplaying, you'll probably start to see them miss triggers and / or get them wrong. If that's the case, it's possible they might have exceptionally good memories, and it's also possible that they're scribbling down notes so they don't forget. But then you have to ask yourself: just how much fun and enjoyment can they actually be having on their end if they're going that far just to maintain the ruse / illusion?
03/04/17 08:59PM
Mezzberry said:
I grapple with this from time to time, being a neurotic mess myself (enough so that I'm often surprised I have enough self-confidence to even be an amateur 'tist).

Personally I won't ever know for 100% sure that my sub's gone under unless I could look right into their eyes once I trigger them and watch their pupils dilate. So part of the confidence necessary for being a good 'tist is not only having faith in your abilities, but faith in your partner to not lead you on.

A professional 'tist will probably have some better advice, but complex triggers can give you plenty of confidence that your sub is truly under. For example, instill in them a list of trigger words and various reactions to hearing them: 'when you hear the word 'apple,' you will do ten jumping jacks and not realize why you are doing them.' I give them 5-10 of these, then snap them out and have a normal conversation into which I slowly work the trigger words naturally into whatever I'm saying. If they're really under, it'll work like a charm and you'll both have a lot of fun. If they're faking or just roleplaying, you'll probably start to see them miss triggers and / or get them wrong. If that's the case, it's possible they might have exceptionally good memories, and it's also possible that they're scribbling down notes so they don't forget. But then you have to ask yourself: just how much fun and enjoyment can they actually be having on their end if they're going that far just to maintain the ruse / illusion?

Huh... I've never actually been around a hypnotized person before but do their pupils really dilate? I've seen it drawn before but never seen it in real life. Why does that happen?

Also, yes! Another person who acknowledges how great complex triggers can be! You said that you have experience so I want to ask you a question; can the complexity of a trigger ruin a trance? I mean besides from the obvious (insert near-impossible task here), does the intelligence of the subject affect how complex a trigger they can handle?
03/04/17 09:15PM
As a hypnoslut who is used more than daily?

Pretty sure it's a thing.
03/04/17 09:30PM
PiquedInterest said:
So, gotta ask, cuz even though I love the idea of hypnotism being a thing, I'm still a mite bit leery of it. In the hypnosis chat logs, about how much of it is roleplaying, and about how much of it is true-blue hypnosis? Because I don't want to end up believing it's real only to find out the wool was pulled over my eyes cuz of my gullibility.

Edit: Changed the title from 'Curiosity' based on recommendation from the user directly below.

As far as a professionally trained hypnotist I talk to frequently, but I only do hypnosis with my fiance as it's intimate to me and I never do it with the professional about only 20% of people can go into a hypnotic state easily enough that in one session you can set some triggers and see the results as Mezzberry said. Plenty others can be hypnotized but it's not as easy and you can't get huge results quickly. Your sample pool in the hypnohub is going to be skewed as here as, well, everyone here is interested in mind control so people who are more susceptible too it are more likely to be here.

If your question is "is it possibly to be hypnotized over text? Whether it be roleplaying subconsciously or legitimate?" that works but is much harder as the physical signs someone is entering a hypnotic state simply can't be seen when talking to someone over text. It's possible to, it's harder than in person, and it could be roleplay or legitimate.

Now, if your question is the hotly debated "is it real or is it just roleplaying?" anyone roleplaying unconsciously would not be able to meaningfully tell you if they were or were not really hypnotized. Which makes it indistinguishable from someone who was legitimately hypnotized. Current science is split on this.
03/04/17 10:03PM
averageguy17 said:
Huh... I've never actually been around a hypnotized person before but do their pupils really dilate? I've seen it drawn before but never seen it in real life. Why does that happen?

Haven't yet been blessed with hypnotizing someone in-life (just over the internet through text and voice), but according to my hypno sensei, this does happen. The eyes also tend to become fixed and the whole head is more likely to move in order to look at something. And they become more watery and reflective - which is why I've never gotten behind the 'empty eyes' trend and people thinking eye glistens =/= hypno, since it turned out to be counter to reality.

Also, yes! Another person who acknowledges how great complex triggers can be! You said that you have experience so I want to ask you a question; can the complexity of a trigger ruin a trance? I mean besides from the obvious (insert near-impossible task here), does the intelligence of the subject affect how complex a trigger they can handle?

Well, any time I give hypnosis advice I'm always expecting an actual professional to swoop in and knock me upside the head ^^ I'm an amateur who's only interest in real hypnotism is erotica, so take anything I say with a grain of salt.

But my general rule of thumb when giving any suggestions, commands, triggers, what have you is to ask myself 'will this make the sub stop and think?' The more they have to actively get their brain-gears spinning, the more it will pull them out of a trance and closer to consciousness. So you can make a trigger as complicated as you want as long as everything you are saying is easily understandable and / or familiar to the sub. I can say something like 'whenever you hear the word 'apple,' do 10 jumping jacks' because the sub is already very familiar with both the word 'apple' and how to do a jumping jack. A big key to successful hypnosis is being able to tell a story as descriptively as possible, so think of it like having a person read a book you wrote - the better it flows and easier to understand, the more your reader will get immersed in it, but if you're using obscure words, unfamiliar references, run-on sentences, etc you're going to lose them.

Along these same lines, like kirux said, text hypnosis is indeed possible and under the right circumstances can be just as satisfying as voicework. But it's inherently more difficult for the sub, because they still have to use their hands to type responses and focus their eyes to read the 'tist's words, which will take them at least slightly out of trance. With voice chat, they just have to hear and respond, allowing them to get fully immersed.

Like anything, it helps if you already have experience with your sub and are in-tune to their personalities and preferences. I'm not really big on randomly meeting people and jumping right into the hypno-sack. I prefer having a smaller group of devoted friends to play with, and at this point I'm pretty in-tune with the things they like and don't like, and can give them a good hypno experience. So in addition to the previous reasons, I'm not the best person for advice on how to knock out strangers on Omegle or wherever ^^;
03/05/17 04:30AM
it's fake
03/05/17 10:03AM
Monochrome said:
it's fake

funny meme
03/05/17 11:26AM
Kalyrian said:
funny meme

memes aren't funny
03/05/17 11:29AM
Monochrome said:
memes aren't funny

Same goes for puns.
03/05/17 11:32AM
Imasuky said:
Same goes for puns.

03/05/17 11:34AM
VioletRiot said:

When I'm dead. And I will have you know my hate for puns is well justified...I am a true pun master. I can hold entire conversations in pun form..So I know how awful they can get.
03/08/17 04:12AM
as a tist, and one of the people who gives pink a good time, i can say its real.
1 2345>>>

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