03/04/17 11:17PM
Help Me Plan A Contest?
Hey guys, it's LillyTank.

I want to plan a contest for <<|Saimin Booru>> to generate interest and content. The problem is I don't know where to begin. I'd like to have prizes that anyone would enjoy but I don't know what to offer. Any help from those with experience would be deeply appreciated.
03/04/17 11:26PM
Steam or itunes or amazon gift card code could do.
Or just get an artist to make something nice and simple for the winner.
03/05/17 04:30AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Steam or itunes or amazon gift card code could do.
Or just get an artist to make something nice and simple for the winner.

Those are pretty good ideas. I'm also missing a theme for a contest. Any help there would be great.
03/05/17 05:33AM
LillyTank said:
Those are pretty good ideas. I'm also missing a theme for a contest. Any help there would be great.

Well, seeing as this is your first contest, and the site lacks any sorta "polish" right now...
Why not have there be a design contest for a new friendly Mascot to represent it, like Hypno-tan here? Don't know what sorta requirements you'd wanna set for the mascot, but I figure there should at least be like at least a name, short bit of background about em (like personality, not their origin story or anything crazy), maybe a few different expressions/outfits being shown off, etc.

Then set up one of those polls for users here and on the other site to vote on the best design. Either that, or get some people to help judge the entries.
03/05/17 05:44AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Well, seeing as this is your first contest, and the site lacks any sorta "polish" right now...
Why not have there be a design contest for a new friendly Mascot to represent it, like Hypno-tan here? Don't know what sorta requirements you'd wanna set for the mascot, but I figure there should at least be like at least a name, short bit of background about em (like personality, not their origin story or anything crazy), maybe a few different expressions/outfits being shown off, etc.

Then set up one of those polls for users here and on the other site to vote on the best design. Either that, or get some people to help judge the entries.

You must have missed the time when I posted pictures of <<|Somna Anoese>>. If you checked the site you could see that I've already made her the mascot.
03/05/17 05:45AM
LillyTank said:
You must have missed the time when I posted pictures of <<|Somna Anoese>>. If you checked the site you could see that I've already made her the mascot.

There's only one pic of her.
Why not have the contest be MC art involving her?
03/05/17 05:50AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
There's only one pic of her.
Why not have the contest be MC art involving her?

Well there's actually two pics but that's not a bad idea.
03/05/17 05:58AM
Have more pics of your site's OC to give us a better idea of what she's like.
Just like what we've done here for Tan.

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