03/05/17 05:17PM
Cosmic Scale
Sometimes the macroscopic scale of the universe can seem a bit overwhelming. Our own planet, something so big in comparison to us, so big that most of us will never see the whole thing, is actually one of the smallest things in the universe. Compared to the scale of the stars in the sky, we're roughly the same size as dust motes. We're insignificant in cosmic terms. But then I think that such cosmic terms are not a metric by which we need to be gauging ourselves. We'll never move a planet, build a star, or organize a galaxy, but that's fine. Those aren't things that we need to do. Everything we need is right here in this tiny corner of the cosmos, which is astoundingly convenient because that's just where we happen to be. The atoms that make up your body could just as easily have become dust on the moon, a swirling gas cloud on Neptune, or even wound up in the core of Proxima Centauri, but they didn't. Those atoms persevered for aeons to coalesce into you at just the right time for you to exist. With all that useless junk floating around up there, the fact that life exists at all is a miracle, and being a part of that miracle is an honor beyond compare. So stop worrying about how much bigger than you a hypergiant like VY Canis Majoris is, or how much more power the supermassive black hole at the center of every galaxy has than you. You're doing something that those things can't, regardless of their size or power; living.
03/05/17 06:59PM
Sorry, I can't read more than one sentence of this with that avatar attached to it. It's too funny.
03/05/17 07:41PM
That's a good way of looking at things, well-put.

To people who feel overwhelmed or insignificant in the face the infinitely-large universe, I believe that infinity goes in both directions; your body could be made up of millions of little universes, which is not a new theory to astrophysicists and stoners alike. But in believing that infinity stretches in all directions at once, up and down, in and out, big and should instill in you the knowledge that no matter who you are, where you go, where you were born, or what you do or how little or great your accomplishments, you are now and will always be in the very center of existence. Your works and deeds might pass unnoticed to a red giant star, but might also be the grandest and most awe-inspiring things an ant has ever witnessed.
03/06/17 09:57PM
BML-20XX said:
We'll never move a planet, build a star, or organize a galaxy, but that's fine.

Anything's possible ~if you believe in yourself!~
03/09/17 03:57AM
akaece said:
Sorry, I can't read more than one sentence of this with that avatar attached to it. It's too funny.

Happy to have made you laugh. Is it easier to read now that I've changed my avatar?

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