03/09/17 10:26AM
Stolen manips
So I finally bothered to do the roundabout set of steps to be able to access Exhentai and not get that sad panda image, and it worked, which was great until I did a tagged search for hypnosis and found that someone has stolen my "mindblow popsicle" manips and uploaded them as their own.

Now I'm ok with my stuff being shared elsewhere, I made it for fun and the quality certainly isn't high enough that it couldn't be recreated. However having this be done without asking my permission or notifying me is not ok.

I have started a expunge petition thing to get the gallery taken down, not sure how the system works but anyone who can also help get it taken down please do so. If someone else wants to upload it to that site with my permission and not passing it off as their own work, that will be ok, but I will not stand for the blatant plagiarism of my manips.

tedturner07 is the name of the uploader and here is the link

And if the thief sees this topic (I presume they are a member of this site since this is the most likely place they'd have seen it), just take it down. Perhaps this was merely an oversight on your part and you forgot to ask. Maybe you didn't think you needed to ask since it was just manips, whatever your reasons, if you see this just take it down and apologize so we can move on.
03/09/17 10:40AM
Looking into the uploader a bit more, he's uploaded a bunch of stuff from a lot of people here...
03/09/17 11:20AM
Triple: yep this was brought up in the past

03/09/17 11:40AM
That person has actually responded to this:
tedturner07 said:
Ok that worked, thanks. And sorry about that other thing, just thought that I would make it easier for people to read those pools and also let people who don't or haven't used this sight get introduced to their works.

Edit: I'd like to pat myself on the back for that bit of detective work (and totally not recalling obscure information)
03/09/17 07:27PM
Its funny and a bit hypocrite because the majority of the manips on hypnohub are from artists who haven't given consent to having their artwork modified and uploaded here.

If you put something on the internet and its somewhat good, expect it to be shared elsewhere.
03/09/17 07:41PM
slayerduck said:
Its funny and a bit hypocrite because the majority of the manips on hypnohub are from artists who haven't given consent to having their artwork modified and uploaded here.

^ Thiiiiis. Like...'plagiarized manips', seriously?
03/09/17 07:47PM
I'm confused on the issue though.
Is the person uploading them and claiming to be the one who manipped them, or is just simply reposting to another site? Cause the latter is not the equivalent of plagiarism at all...
03/09/17 09:01PM
slayerduck said:
Its funny and a bit hypocrite because the majority of the manips on hypnohub are from artists who haven't given consent to having their artwork modified and uploaded here.

If you put something on the internet and its somewhat good, expect it to be shared elsewhere.


One of my manips had been uploaded there and I think the original artist not being credited is the much greater crime then me not getting credited
03/09/17 09:28PM
While I personally haven't been involved in either side of this issue while on the Hub, I figured I'd put in my "two pence", in the form of a numbered (and spoilered to avoid Dick Greyson telling Batman about my "holy wall of text") list (with point 1 being what I consider to be the most important one).

1) If you put something on the internet, you can be 100% certain that, at some point in time, someone will reupload it somewhere else (or manip it, and upload it somewhere else) without your permission. After all, a vast majority of things on the internet fall under public domain.

2) If your aforementioned work is copyrighted, then you need to defend the copyright, or else risk losing your copyright entirely (if you live in the US.). Either that, or (if you're an incredibly generous person) retroactively give the person permission.

3) If any sort of effort was made to alter the work by the "reuploader", then I think that it then falls under fair use. If I'm mistaken on this, feel free to tell me.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Is the person uploading them and claiming to be the one who manipped them, or is just simply reposting to another site? Cause the latter is not the equivalent of plagiarism at all...

What RCBC said.

EdgeOfTheMoon said:
One of my manips had been uploaded there and I think the original artist not being credited is the much greater crime then me not getting credited

And what EOTM said...

hypnoslave1095 said:
So I finally bothered to do the roundabout set of steps to be able to access Exhentai and not get that sad panda image, and it worked, which was great until I did a tagged search for hypnosis and found that someone has stolen my "mindblow popsicle" manips and uploaded them as their own.

Now I'm ok with my stuff being shared elsewhere, I made it for fun and the quality certainly isn't high enough that it couldn't be recreated. However having this be done without asking my permission or notifying me is not ok.

I have started a expunge petition thing to get the gallery taken down, not sure how the system works but anyone who can also help get it taken down please do so. If someone else wants to upload it to that site with my permission and not passing it off as their own work, that will be ok, but I will not stand for the blatant plagiarism of my manips.

tedturner07 is the name of the uploader and here is the link

And if the thief sees this topic (I presume they are a member of this site since this is the most likely place they'd have seen it), just take it down. Perhaps this was merely an oversight on your part and you forgot to ask. Maybe you didn't think you needed to ask since it was just manips, whatever your reasons, if you see this just take it down and apologize so we can move on.

Question: Are they actually claiming "ownership" of the manips? If so, then I sympathize with you a bit, but will reference back to points 1 and 2. If they are not actually claiming "ownership" then, once again, I will reference back to point 1.
03/09/17 11:09PM
yeah the same guy also posted my madoka magica manip pool, but i pretty much came to the same conclusion as everyone else in this thread. i was more upset at the fact that people who commented didn't seem to like it, one commenter even hoping that the gallery is "not long for this world." i don't think they're my best work, but still ouch.
03/10/17 09:36AM
well I would point out that they didn't credit the original artist either (whereas here we manippers tend to make an effort to credit the original artists if we know who they are), and that the person has uploaded original artwork from people that isn't just manips (I know I saw Zko's stuff there).

Personally I still feel like manips being stolen is a valid complaint because while yes, it is based of someone else's work to begin with, it's not like there's no effort from the creator of the manip put into it. It's still a creation of the manipper, especially when text/story is included. If nothing else the text is plagiarized in that case.

Now if this exhentai site is operating under the premise of the uploaded not necessarily being the creator I'm not as peeved about it. I'm used to sites like this or deviantart, where most of the time the person who uploads a thing is the one who made the thing, and in the cases where they aren't they clearly state that fact. Thus when I saw my stuff being uploaded elsewhere my assumption was that someone was taking stuff from the hub and uploading it there to pretend it was their own.

If it's just being shared there so that more people can view it, I still think sending the person you took it from a "hey FYI your thing is here now too" would be prudent, if only so that any feedback the works get can be read by the creator, what if constructive criticism was commented on a piece that got reuploaded somewhere, if the maker doesn't know its there they'd never get that feedback. Feedback is essential to improving skills so that'd be a real waste. It doesn't take too much work to just send that quick little message to the creator as a courtesy.

hypnofish said:
yeah the same guy also posted my madoka magica manip pool, but i pretty much came to the same conclusion as everyone else in this thread. i was more upset at the fact that people who commented didn't seem to like it, one commenter even hoping that the gallery is "not long for this world." i don't think they're my best work, but still ouch.

yeah my stuff got torn a new one too, not surprised considering the stuff there seems to more often be manga that depicts the sex itself whereas my stuff just had implied sex, plus I'm a super inexperienced manipper anyway, but still, ouch... I didn't think I sucked THAT bad.. just a more moderate amount of my sucking >_<

03/10/17 10:01AM
hypnoslave1095 said:
well I would point out that they didn't credit the original artist either (whereas here we manippers tend to make an effort to credit the original artists if we know who they are), and that the person has uploaded original artwork from people that isn't just manips (I know I saw Zko's stuff there).
If it's just being shared there so that more people can view it, I still think sending the person you took it from a "hey FYI your thing is here now too" would be prudent, if only so that any feedback the works get can be read by the creator, what if constructive criticism was commented on a piece that got reuploaded somewhere, if the maker doesn't know its there they'd never get that feedback. Feedback is essential to improving skills so that'd be a real waste. It doesn't take too much work to just send that quick little message to the creator as a courtesy.

You say that you credit the original artists, but are you ever asking for permission to (in some cases completely) manipulate their art work? Especially as to tailor it to your specific fetish...? Have you ever at least tried to let any of them know what you're doing to their work?

And seriously, stop saying that they're being stolen if they're just being reuploaded without asking. It gets into stealing territory when credit's deliberately being taken (user declares that they are the creator/owner), or when the work's being profited off of. Which I figure as much, people here will argue over what defines how artwork's actually "stolen" online, but either way, I think this dilemma you got going on is kinda being blown outta proportion...

On a side note, how come you've never credited the artist for some of your manips...?
Their signature's in the pic, and yet you hadn't made an effort to link nor add the artist tag to them. We had Spirals do that for the first example, and yet still, a bunch of your uploads hadn't been updated... Believe only one or two you properly tagged, but even then, I don't know why others uploaded later on weren't.
03/10/17 04:33PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
You say that you credit the original artists, but are you ever asking for permission to (in some cases completely) manipulate their art work? Especially as to tailor it to your specific fetish...? Have you ever at least tried to let any of them know what you're doing to their work?

And seriously, stop saying that they're being stolen if they're just being reuploaded without asking. It gets into stealing territory when credit's deliberately being taken (user declares that they are the creator/owner), or when the work's being profited off of. Which I figure as much, people here will argue over what defines how artwork's actually "stolen" online, but either way, I think this dilemma you got going on is kinda being blown outta proportion...

On a side note, how come you've never credited the artist for some of your manips...?
Their signature's in the pic, and yet you hadn't made an effort to link nor add the artist tag to them. We had Spirals do that for the first example, and yet still, a bunch of your uploads hadn't been updated... Believe only one or two you properly tagged, but even then, I don't know why others uploaded later on weren't.

Wow... That's just like damn that's a burn there.

But yea some people actually building collections has lead to me finding neat artists by reverse image searches... Especially the base images of manips which were subpar at best but on a hot as fuck image.

And not figuring out how to get around SadPanda. It's 2017, you should know how to get in without any silly plugins.
03/10/17 08:18PM
Zelinko said:
And not figuring out how to get around SadPanda. It's 2017, you should know how to get in without any silly plugins.

The way you get around it is by simply making a g.e-hentai account. Simple as that. Then you delete the "yay" cookie from your browsers cookies and then open exhentai while logged into g.e-hentai. I mean, sure, the creating an account part isn't what some people want to do, and some people don't know how to access the browser cookies list in order to delete specific ones, but for the later (which is an excusable reason, since it's rare that someone would need to do that), there's youtube video guides, and for the prior (also excusable, since some people don't like having to use their email address to sign up to sites), there's (wo)manning up and realizing that g.e-hentai accounts only use your email for password recovery (just like the Hub), or you create a "throwaway email address" who's only purpose is making accounts on sites you don't want associated with your main email address.
03/11/17 11:35AM
Zelinko said:
And not figuring out how to get around SadPanda. It's 2017, you should know how to get in without any silly plugins.

It was less about not being able to learn how and more it being too much of a hassle when I could just go to a site without the annoyance of the process. My reasoning was always that I could find plenty of good material here on the hub or on DA, where I had accounts and didn't need to do anything to actually access the sites. It was only recently that I decided to stop being lazy and actually go ahead and look up how to get in, at which point I found a plugin that does the work for me so I used that.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
You say that you credit the original artists, but are you ever asking for permission to (in some cases completely) manipulate their art work? Especially as to tailor it to your specific fetish...? Have you ever at least tried to let any of them know what you're doing to their work?

For these manips I haven't done it, usually my images come from google image searches rather than me searching through sites like deviantart, so I lack the means to contact the creators. When I've used artwork for other things in the past I've asked permission but that's a different context. In fairness even if I did have the means to contact the artists I'm not entirely sure if I would, "hey do you mind if I make your art into porn" is a bit of an awkward question to ask a stranger... I have plenty of social awkwardness problems in regular conversations and questions already

And seriously, stop saying that they're being stolen if they're just being reuploaded without asking. It gets into stealing territory when credit's deliberately being taken (user declares that they are the creator/owner), or when the work's being profited off of. Which I figure as much, people here will argue over what defines how artwork's actually "stolen" online, but either way, I think this dilemma you got going on is kinda being blown outta proportion...

I refer you to the paragraph in which I already admitted I misinterpreted the situation due to exhentai being different than what I was used to. I'm used to the assumption of the uploader of a thing being the creator, and so seeing the stuff uploaded by someone made me think they were claiming to be the creator by default. Since Exhentai evidently runs on the premise of reuploads from other places rather than each user just creating/uploading their own original content, my thinking the manips were "stolen" was mistaken. I already admitted I was wrong in the response directly preceding yours, so your complaining about my being wrong is a bit redundant.

On a side note, how come you've never credited the artist for some of your manips...?
Their signature's in the pic, and yet you hadn't made an effort to link nor add the artist tag to them. We had Spirals do that for the first example, and yet still, a bunch of your uploads hadn't been updated... Believe only one or two you properly tagged, but even then, I don't know why others uploaded later on weren't.

I pull most of my pics from google images as I mentioned above, and thus usually don't know the artist to credit, I also rarely ever notice artist signatures in images because my focus is on the image itself and the signatures are often made in such a way as to not distract from the artwork, if there are images with those sigs that don't have the right tags I'll have to go fix that. But I don't intentionally leave off the tags, I'm just not a detail oriented person and miss these sorts of things, especially at the hours of the day I tend to do NSFW stuff like this (late at night, where my adderall has long since worn off for the night). I simply just legitimately fail to notice that the signatures are there.

I'll just reiterate one more time to be entirely clear, I now realize that my assumptions about what happened with the manips being reuploaded were incorrect and am not afraid to admit that.

I assumed that because the person uploaded them, they were claiming ownership unless specifically disclosing that it was not originally theirs, because that's the assumption for uploads in other sites like this one. Being unfamiliar with Exhentai, I was unaware that reuploads are a common thing there and a person uploading a thing does not necessarily mean they are claiming to be the creator of said thing.

Thus my reaction of thinking the manips had been stolen was wrong. My assumptions and initial reaction were incorrect and had I not had those misconceptions this thread would never have happened.

I am sorry I jumped to conclusions based on erroneous information.
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