03/10/17 03:36PM
people we want to see more of on here
I was looking around on the comments to see some people wanting more of people, so I decided to make a topic for it and just to see.

Kiwako Seto, Uncle Death, and Detox (Let it die)
Me Me Me
Zoe Drake (Dinosaur King)
Cinder and Spyro (Spyro series)
Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, and Chloe Frazer(Uncharted series)
Soul Eater characters

that's all I can think of, I'll add more when I think of more.

03/10/17 03:38PM
There's already a thread with this general idea.
03/10/17 04:16PM
Imasuky said:
There's already a thread with this general idea.

Oh, I didn't remember that being on here.

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