03/11/17 01:13AM
Manips, Drawing Commissions, and My Birthday!
Hi guys! Been busy lately, new Fire Emblem Manip coming soon, as well as one of a particularly cool lady from SFV! Life is kinda hectic, and, work takes up a good chunk of my time. However, I do have a friend trying to get back up on her feet after she quit her previous job. She's a part-time artist an is pretty great! Her commissions are also really cheap and, she doesn't mind doing fetish art. So, she agreed to let me post a link here!

Say Hi from PL, and maybe commission some art? Either way, beyond that, my Birthday is on the 14th, and, I aim to have the aforementioned manips out by then, so I can mellow. I hope everyone is doing great, and I look forward to chatting with you all later.

03/11/17 05:11AM
Happy Birthday! Coincidentally, my birthday is sixteen days after yours.
03/11/17 08:57AM
Merry birthday, Lucina. Or was it... Lucinya? I have quite the knack for forgetting things.
03/11/17 03:57PM
Shmecha said:
Merry birthday, Lucina. Or was it... Lucinya? I have quite the knack for forgetting things.

I just call them and move along. It's a lot simpler.
03/12/17 03:41AM
Happy B-day PL.

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