03/12/17 03:53AM
My Birthday
Hi there fellow hypno-enthusiasts, Ghost13 here, and I wanted to let you all know that this Monday, March 13th, is my birthday. I'll be turning 27 years old, for anyone who is interested.
03/12/17 03:57AM
Happy birthday ghost13 mine is in may so i still have a ways to go.
What are you gonna do for your birthday?
03/12/17 04:04AM
03/12/17 04:34AM

Yeah... I was afraid of this. Sorry for breaking forum rules Mindwipe
03/12/17 04:52AM
Happy early birthday!
03/12/17 06:17AM
Argonis said:
Happy birthday ghost13 mine is in may so i still have a ways to go.
What are you gonna do for your birthday?

Thank you Argonis, I'll try to remember. Not much probably, just relax.

glub said:
Happy early birthday!

Thank you very much Glub.

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