03/12/17 11:29AM
Hey, Kaelin here! Apparently I'm popular on here? <3
Hiya, guys and gals! The name's Kaelin Yamamura, priestess of Amaterasu, practiced pyromancer, and guardian of Kozakura!

Well, I've decided to visit because I heard from a very close friend that I'm popular on this website! At least, a little bit. Partially? Apparently people have been drawing smut starring me on this website....you filthy horndogs!! ;//D

I was told I'm a "tag" on this site. Not sure what that is, but it was explained like...it makes it easier to find pics of me. Kaelin on demand! Hehe.

W-well...apparently it's not many pictures? But I apparently have well over a few thousand views! Wow!! Y-you guys think I'm that attractive? Heheheh. ^^ I hafta admit, I'm kinda...shocked at this. Not only was I expecting to be featured in erotic art (kinda random!!), I hear some of you think I'm really cute~! Thanks ya~! In sooth, I'm somewhat self-conscious about my bust size...but I'm glad you guys (and hopefully some girls ;) ) "enjoy" me. <3 I have to admit, Hypno-fetish isn't quite my thing...I've honestly never heard of it. But hay! Ya gotta try everything at least once!

So I figure I oughta tell y'all a bit about myself! As you know, my name's Kaelin. I'm a playful gal of fiery passion! I'm a bit of a mixed bag racially, my father is from Kozakura(far east!) and my mother from Waterdeep(far west!). I've been traveling the world studying to become a cultural anthropologist. I love studying culture! My favorites are DEFINITELY Dwarven and Kozakuran. I'm also a fashionista; I design and create kimono. I typically make my wardrobe all by myself...and it's typically something beautiful and fiery! With Phoenixes! I love those! I also love spending my time drinking and smoking (Not tobacco! ;P) and partying all day! And...masturbating. I did that before writing this...hehe! :D I also LOVE fire! I'm a pyromancer and I LOVE it; that's "fire mage" for the less magically inclined. It's so pretty, and explosions are the most incredible thing ever! If I could make love to fire I would. o.o

...But that'd be a bad. I'm not dumb!

I'm 5'4" and quite petite; and only 20 years young! Hehe. I have brown/red eyes, a lo~ong black ponytail that goes past my waist, and...below average endowment- b-but that doesn't matter! I'm still hot as the sun and cute as a button~! Then again...many of you are probably intimately familiar..;//)

I'm full of energy and never run out, I can do anything all day! I'll let your imagination take that and run with it...hehehe. <3

I have to admit, I haven't seen any of this art yet. I definitely want to see what people have done with this amazing, incredible body of mine (totally not narcissistic...nope not at all~); but I felt the need to introduce myself and greet you all! It seems a have a fanbase, however small or large, and I definitely want to recognize them. I love you guys~! Even if you prefer me in a kink that's not my cup of tea. Hypnosis seems kinda impractical to me, y'know? I wanna be conscious and experience all the fun! But who knows; I DID say ya gotta try everything once. Life without adventure isn't living at all!

...Though I'd have preferred to know that this was a thing. Because, y'know, reasons. :P Seems I'm a few months late to the party...But! I'm Here! At all!

I wish you all a wonderful day and amazing times to come. Maybe I'll be involved in some of those...? I'd like to see what all has been done for me and what all will be; I'd LOVE people to keep making those~! Maybe somethign more standard...non-hypno? Well, I guess that'd kind of defeat the purpose of the site...and might not be allowed. I understand. :c

But! The point is I can't believe this, and I'm incredibly flattered! You're all scorching hot, and I love you guys! I'm definitely going to see the art that was made of me and comment on it! If I find something REALLY hot happening to me, I might even need to rub another one out...<3

Keep the positive vibes flowing,
Kaelin Yamamura

(P.S. Writer's note: Hiya, so I found out that a character I made for a Dungeons and Dragons Oriental Adventures campaign was used for several commissions on this site...huh. That's something, ain't it? I had no idea but I'm strangely flattered I guess...something that typically doesn't happen LOL...but thankfully Kaelin is the kind of character not to mind this. She's a bit of a Hedonist...to under-exaggerate. Well, now I know that this is a thing, and I've found that between here and deviantart pictures involving her have accrued almost 18,000 views...WOW! Hahaha. While most people would be pissed that a character they made was used for something pornographic without their knowledge or permission, I can deal lol. I have to admit, I am kind of upset that I wasn't told about this earlier, but I'll live. It's really alright! I've since given someguy231 retroactive permission to use her in art, commissions, and the like if he lets me know...but Kaelin Yamamura DOES belong to me. My typical handle is "TheMysticMage" on pretty much anything. If you wanna use her in something for whatever reason, send him a message. You can easily contact me via him. If I was mistaken about anything in this post; whoops. I only know what I've been told, I'm afraid! If I screw up, then....oopsy doops! Thanks for your time and have an awesome one!)
03/12/17 11:40AM
Welcome to the hub, hope that you do enjoy out little community. Most of the pepole here are nice enough and we do have fun.

And yeah you may not have that much art but what is here is all pretty good stuff.
03/12/17 12:22PM
Imasuky said:
Welcome to the hub, hope that you do enjoy out little community. Most of the pepole here are nice enough and we do have fun.

And yeah you may not have that much art but what is here is all pretty good stuff.

I did look and definitely found some favorites! I DID mention hypno's not my thing, but I suppose I wasn't the target audience. ^^'

Thanks for your kind words! You're all amazing~! <3

Of all the gods of fire and fuck, I LOVE being a heroine! SO much fame, recognition, glory, and apparently free smut! *u*

...When do I get the free weed? :c

(P.S. Thanks man lol it's been an..."alternative" experience but I seriously can't believe a character I made gathered a following. Kinda rules, regardless of context lol. Btw, fucking love that pic dude. Proxy smoking a cig ftw)
03/12/17 12:23PM
KaelinYamamura420 said:
Btw, fucking love that pic dude. Proxy smoking a cig ftw

Nonononononono. Do not promote that avatar. You're making a terrible, terrible mistake.
03/12/17 12:26PM
Well even if hypno's not your thing there's still just good porn here. And if you should have any interest in monster girls and female adventures I have a game in the forums that popular. I take any chance I can get to try and gt anyone interested in...get ready for the name...

Lustful Lesbian Labyrinth.

Also thanks for the avtar, I had nothing to do with the art but the moment I saw it I knew what I had to do. For April Fool's I'm trying to get everyone to make this guy their avatar...Don't listen to JK.
03/12/17 12:28PM
KaelinYamamura420 said:
Hiya, guys and gals! The name's Kaelin Yamamura, priestess of Amaterasu, practiced pyromancer, and guardian of Kozakura!

Well, I've decided to visit because I heard from a very close friend that I'm popular on this website! At least, a little bit. Partially? Apparently people have been drawing smut starring me on this website....you filthy horndogs!! ;//D

I was told I'm a "tag" on this site. Not sure what that is, but it was explained like...it makes it easier to find pics of me. Kaelin on demand! Hehe.

W-well...apparently it's not many pictures? But I apparently have well over a few thousand views! Wow!! Y-you guys think I'm that attractive? Heheheh. ^^ I hafta admit, I'm kinda...shocked at this. Not only was I expecting to be featured in erotic art (kinda random!!), I hear some of you think I'm really cute~! Thanks ya~! In sooth, I'm somewhat self-conscious about my bust size...but I'm glad you guys (and hopefully some girls ;) ) "enjoy" me. <3 I have to admit, Hypno-fetish isn't quite my thing...I've honestly never heard of it. But hay! Ya gotta try everything at least once!

So I figure I oughta tell y'all a bit about myself! As you know, my name's Kaelin. I'm a playful gal of fiery passion! I'm a bit of a mixed bag racially, my father is from Kozakura(far east!) and my mother from Waterdeep(far west!). I've been traveling the world studying to become a cultural anthropologist. I love studying culture! My favorites are DEFINITELY Dwarven and Kozakuran. I'm also a fashionista; I design and create kimono. I typically make my wardrobe all by myself...and it's typically something beautiful and fiery! With Phoenixes! I love those! I also love spending my time drinking and smoking (Not tobacco! ;P) and partying all day! And...masturbating. I did that before writing this...hehe! :D I also LOVE fire! I'm a pyromancer and I LOVE it; that's "fire mage" for the less magically inclined. It's so pretty, and explosions are the most incredible thing ever! If I could make love to fire I would. o.o

...But that'd be a bad. I'm not dumb!

I'm 5'4" and quite petite; and only 20 years young! Hehe. I have brown/red eyes, a lo~ong black ponytail that goes past my waist, and...below average endowment- b-but that doesn't matter! I'm still hot as the sun and cute as a button~! Then again...many of you are probably intimately familiar..;//)

I'm full of energy and never run out, I can do anything all day! I'll let your imagination take that and run with it...hehehe. <3

I have to admit, I haven't seen any of this art yet. I definitely want to see what people have done with this amazing, incredible body of mine (totally not narcissistic...nope not at all~); but I felt the need to introduce myself and greet you all! It seems a have a fanbase, however small or large, and I definitely want to recognize them. I love you guys~! Even if you prefer me in a kink that's not my cup of tea. Hypnosis seems kinda impractical to me, y'know? I wanna be conscious and experience all the fun! But who knows; I DID say ya gotta try everything once. Life without adventure isn't living at all!

...Though I'd have preferred to know that this was a thing. Because, y'know, reasons. :P Seems I'm a few months late to the party...But! I'm Here! At all!

I wish you all a wonderful day and amazing times to come. Maybe I'll be involved in some of those...? I'd like to see what all has been done for me and what all will be; I'd LOVE people to keep making those~! Maybe somethign more standard...non-hypno? Well, I guess that'd kind of defeat the purpose of the site...and might not be allowed. I understand. :c

But! The point is I can't believe this, and I'm incredibly flattered! You're all scorching hot, and I love you guys! I'm definitely going to see the art that was made of me and comment on it! If I find something REALLY hot happening to me, I might even need to rub another one out...<3

Keep the positive vibes flowing,
Kaelin Yamamura

(P.S. Writer's note: Hiya, so I found out that a character I made for a Dungeons and Dragons Oriental Adventures campaign was used for several commissions on this site...huh. That's something, ain't it? I had no idea but I'm strangely flattered I guess...something that typically doesn't happen LOL...but thankfully Kaelin is the kind of character not to mind this. She's a bit of a Hedonist...to under-exaggerate. Well, now I know that this is a thing, and I've found that between here and deviantart pictures involving her have accrued almost 18,000 views...WOW! Hahaha. While most people would be pissed that a character they made was used for something pornographic without their knowledge or permission, I can deal lol. I have to admit, I am kind of upset that I wasn't told about this earlier, but I'll live. It's really alright! I've since given someguy231 retroactive permission to use her in art, commissions, and the like if he lets me know...but Kaelin Yamamura DOES belong to me. My typical handle is "TheMysticMage" on pretty much anything. If you wanna use her in something for whatever reason, send him a message. You can easily contact me via him. If I was mistaken about anything in this post; whoops. I only know what I've been told, I'm afraid! If I screw up, then....oopsy doops! Thanks for your time and have an awesome one!)

God damn it! I told ye we were gonna do this together after I get back from the field!
03/12/17 12:36PM
someguy231 said:
God damn it! I told ye we were gonna do this together after I get back from the field!


I do what I want. ;)

Hey, Kaelin is not chained down by anybody! I'm me and I will not be contained~! *somehow totally ignorant of the content saying this*

And you, mister pipe smoker!

....tell me more about these lesbians. o.o;
03/12/17 01:01PM
KaelinYamamura420 said:

I do what I want. ;)

Hey, Kaelin is not chained down by anybody! I'm me and I will not be contained~! *somehow totally ignorant of the content saying this*

And you, mister pipe smoker!

....tell me more about these lesbians. o.o;

Well the premise of the game is simple, The Overlady a powerful demon has taken over the world and every year towns must send girls to her as tribute. They are dropped into a maze filled to the brim with monster girls who want to make her their plaything.

So far two stories about them are in the thread.

First was the very first girl ever offered up Sue, the sacrifice.

Right now it is about the warrior Hilda who has entered cause the rich mayor of a town hired her to go in place of her own daughter. I could tell you how she's doing but that would be a spoiler.
03/12/17 01:08PM
KaelinYamamura420 said:

I do what I want. ;)

Hey, Kaelin is not chained down by anybody! I'm me and I will not be contained~! *somehow totally ignorant of the content saying this*

And you, mister pipe smoker!

....tell me more about these lesbians. o.o;

and thus began the indoctrination of our newest regular, may their mind forever rest in pieces~

(jk, seriously, welcome to the hub and I hope you have a fun enough time~ and I've gotta say, hilarious coincidence with the character there)
03/12/17 01:10PM
Lord_Derik said:
jk, seriously, welcome to the hub

I mean, I've been here for a ye- *Is bricked*
03/12/17 01:11PM
JksAccount said:
I mean, I've been here for a ye- *Is bricked*

Random to say it here but since I'm a huge weeb. JK in Japan is a slang term for High School Girls.
03/12/17 06:01PM
Lord_Derik said:
and thus began the indoctrination of our newest regular, may their mind forever rest in pieces~

(jk, seriously, welcome to the hub and I hope you have a fun enough time~ and I've gotta say, hilarious coincidence with the character there)

I-I am not into this! Mostly. Fully. Probably. e.e

(lol thankies...what coincidence, though?)

JksAccount said:
I mean, I've been here for a ye- *Is bricked*

Whoops! Kinda of a bad time to be the ONLY form of mage without healing.

Ehhh fire's worth it. <3

Imasuky said:
Random to say it here but since I'm a huge weeb. JK in Japan is a slang term for High School Girls.

I was aware of this! I'm considered a "weeb" by many, too. I love eastern culture. :)

(The IRL poster here is a Japanese major :P)
03/12/17 06:06PM
KaelinYamamura420 said:
I-I am not into this! Mostly. Fully. Probably. e.e

(lol thankies...what coincidence, though?)

Whoops! Kinda of a bad time to be the ONLY form of mage without healing.

Ehhh fire's worth it. <3

I was aware of this! I'm considered a "weeb" by many, too. I love eastern culture. :)

(The IRL poster here is a Japanese major :P)

I only know enough Japanese that I'd end up in a very awkward situation if I tried to speak it.

Cause most of what I know I learned form porn and anime...and anime porn.
03/12/17 06:53PM
KaelinYamamura420 said:
Whoops! Kinda of a bad time to be the ONLY form of mage without healing.

Ehhh fire's worth it. <3

Hey don't sell yourself short. Fire can be used to cauterize wounds. Not sure how that would help in this specific situation but it is a *kind* of healing!
03/12/17 07:01PM
Changer said:
Hey don't sell yourself short. Fire can be used to cauterize wounds. Not sure how that would help in this specific situation but it is a *kind* of healing!

The Warmth Pyromancy from Dark Souls, it's fire that heals.
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