03/12/17 04:24PM
Known characters with mind control powers?
Hello everyone, DH here.

I've got an idea for a project. But first, I need some inspiration. I was wondering if someone could tell me some characters, either from animes or mangas, videogames, movies, or even characters known here, in the hub, like Imma (Myuk's OC), that have mind/body control powers.

It'd be great if I could get, at least one character with for each way of MC that follow.

-Hypnosis with a flame.
-Hypnotic cheff that hypnotizes with food.
-Hypnosis with eyes.
-A robot

If anyone knows about characters with that kind of theme, I'd like to know :D Remember they must have any type of MC powers.

Im not planning on copying anything, just getting ideas. Thanks everyone.
03/12/17 04:44PM
I'll try to avoid the obvious candidates. Off the top of my head:

-Tallion and Calebrimbor from the Shadow of Mordor game. A major game mechanic lets you brainwash orcs to build your own army. It's a vaguely defined magic power: you dominate them by branding their face with a flaming hand. It typically requires touching the orc's face, though upgrading the skill lets you do it from a distance.

-The Dai Li from Avatar: The Last Airbender. A corrupt, government conspiracy that brainwashes dissidents with hypnosis. They use the flame trick.

03/12/17 04:46PM
Lelouch from Code Geass I suppose.

One look into his eye and he can make a person do any one task. Later one he just give the blanket order to obey him.
03/12/17 07:21PM
Hmm. Do Tabletop games count? So long as the character is part of well established canon or a heroic NPC the system designer came up with? I'm having one of those 'lets evangelize Shadowrun' moments...
03/12/17 07:28PM
DisguisedHypnotist said:
-Hypnosis with a flame.



03/12/17 07:53PM

Dang, beat me to it >____<
03/12/17 08:21PM
Mr_Face said:
Hmm. Do Tabletop games count?

Everything counts.
03/12/17 09:43PM
I noticed robot on your list. Robot makes me think of AI's.

Deus, if you ever get a good look at his lore from System Failure, clearly read the manual "How to be an Evil AI overlord". If he really like you he ran you through this baptism like chemical shower, but he also used dolls to control kids (that had some fucking grim dark undertones that came with it though), had robot wasp hives that he could sick on you full of nanotech (not the mind controlling kind, again, grim dark). To maintain his control he used everything from post hypnotic suggestions to cybernetic implants.

In terms of motivations though, Horizon is an AI from 4E. He's a nice enough guy - he talked a fellow AI out of dropping a satellite from orbit into earths atmosphere. Swell dude. But he's also rather curious about how his fellow intelligent agents work, especially those human chaps.

One of the things he supposedly does is get groups of people together, without their consent or knowledge, and plays really realistic zombie sims or games of Fallout with them, in full matrix VR. Just to see how they react. That's sort of the grim-dystopic edge, but the motivation of seeing how some aspect intelligence works might be interesting for a robot and give them a bacon/necktie alignment. IIRC Horizon returns the people he games with. Robots usually aren't portrayed as just plain curious. Might be an interesting change of pace.

03/12/17 10:48PM
-Hypnosis with a flame.
-Hypnotic cheff that hypnotizes with food.
-Hypnosis with eyes.
-A robot

Well, let's see... Hypnotizing food would definitely be this:

Or perhaps Pizza Face...

Hypnosis with eyes is always a classic Kaa move, or perhaps Krinkle from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go with this robot:


As for robots?
03/12/17 11:58PM
Hypnosis with eyes...

For some reason I came into my mind the anime Kampfer, the antagonist Sakura has the power to manipulate people with their eyes.
03/13/17 02:19AM
I recently learned about this Marvel Villain called Purple Man - played by David Tennant in Jessica Jones I think? Never read any of the comics or saw that show, but a villain quote was pretty great. Or maybe not. It just caught my eye in a way not many things do I suppose.

I have a conscience. It's... just more selective.


And who doesn't love David Tennant? ^^
03/14/17 01:34PM
Swear we had this a while ago.

Red Alert 2 was all about one of these.
The Soviet Psychic Yuri (and his clones). I'll just let the opening for <<youtu.be/pvkZydL_0Bg|Yuri's Revenge>> explain. Of course certain units are immune by training. And for all his power he still got his ass handed to him in the end.

Both Satori Komeiji and Koishi Komeji have this.
Satori has mindreading and her Hypnotism spellcards which let her draw up attacks to use in the second phase of a fight
Koishi manipulates the subconscious mind usually keeping herself in a DON'T NOTICE ME effect

<<en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Pe...nse/Reisen_Udongein_Inaba|Reisen Udongein Inaba's>> ability to manipulate wavelengths can induce insanity, hallucination and other effects into people. If it can do outright mind control is unknown but it's definitely a mind warping effect. That might just be more a side effect of what else she's able to do with it. Also don't stare into her eyes directly

Clownpeice's flame induces Insanity to humans which is definitely mental manipulation. It's not control but it's a most definite warping.

The Prismriver Sisters result in Emotion Manipulation with their music.
Lunasa's music induces depression and losing motivation if they get too caught up into her music.
Merlin's music is pretty much the opposite inducing higher spirits and energy.
Lyrica well she doesn't have mind altering effects to talk to her.

Remilia and Flandre Scarlet have it and had done so with their Tupai, their pet Chupacabre. But that's tied more to the entire they ARE vampires after all.
03/14/17 03:24PM
A robot huh?
Bender from Futurerama.
I guess Blaze from the Sonic series can hypnotize with a flame. I dunno if she ever does but I have seen it on DA b4 (although she was the one hypnotized with the flame)
That's all off the top of my head.
03/14/17 07:19PM
DisguisedHypnotist said:
Hello everyone, DH here.

I've got an idea for a project. But first, I need some inspiration. I was wondering if someone could tell me some characters, either from animes or mangas, videogames, movies, or even characters known here, in the hub, like Imma (Myuk's OC), that have mind/body control powers.

It'd be great if I could get, at least one character with for each way of MC that follow.

-Hypnosis with a flame.
-Hypnotic cheff that hypnotizes with food.
-Hypnosis with eyes.
-A robot

If anyone knows about characters with that kind of theme, I'd like to know :D Remember they must have any type of MC powers.

Im not planning on copying anything, just getting ideas. Thanks everyone.

Kurumu from Rosario vampire can hypnotize with her eyes.
03/14/17 07:52PM
(these aren't according to the five different things you listed i'm just spouting off whatever i can think of lol)

anyone in the Artemis Fowl universe that can use magic (yall whomst've read literally any of the books know what i'm talking about)

heaven's door from jojo (i guess?)

takadox from bionicle

1 2>>>

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