03/14/17 04:13AM
New Manipper Looking For Advice:

Hey, all. I figured that, since there is a lot of stuff out there that I quite happen to like that ISN'T hypnosis-related, I'd try my hand at manipping them so that they are. That being said, I've got next to no idea on how to go about making sure that the manips I make are of decent quality. If I could get some information on the programs I should get to start manipping, and how to add text to the side like Arashidrgn (among MANY others) does, and whatnot, I would greatly appreciate it.
Also note that I have basically no artistic skill myself, so I can't really make my own pics, lel.
03/14/17 04:56AM
A potential future manipper!

So to begin you will need a program. I recommend Photoshop or Gimp, with the latter being free to download. Some users have done it using paint, but that's a lot more tricky to make decent quality manips.

I'm guessing you are referring to something like <<|this>> when you refer to how Arashidrgn adds their text. From a glance I assume a similar effect can be done by creating a new layer, then use the soft round brush in photoshop for how the background text color transitions to the image. To make the entire layer semi-transparent just turn down the opacity a bit. The text is then added on in another layer.

Here's some useful guides that others have posted up if you want to give manipping eyes a go:

If you have never used any photo manipulation program before it may take a few days or weeks to get used to it. What I did before was put an image into the program then play around with a few tools every one in a while to learn what they do. Good luck! =P
03/14/17 05:12AM
I will be perfectly honest... I have never actually used Photoshop or Gimp before. So on the plus side, hey, a hobby! On the down side... well, I've got a lot to learn. Ah well. I'll probably get Photoshop and start with that.

As for the Arashidrgn post you linked... something like that. I was actually thinking more along the lines of some of his older works, where you have the picture, and then the text (like <<|this>>), but with some practice I could probably pull that off.

Oh yeah, a friend of mine already sent me a few of those. I'll try and look at the rest. Being able to manip eyes (or breasts, or ass, or whatever hypnotic body part I'm using at the time... XD) to make a spiral or a glow will DEFINITELY be a big help.

I personally think that the best part of my manips will be the story I attach to them, so right now, learning to make text boxes and such is my main priority. Is there some sort of guide to doing that? Or can it simply be where I take a picture, put a text box to the side, give it a suitable background color, and use text with a different suitable color?
03/14/17 05:39AM
Making the text background like Arashidrgn is going to be a bit more tricky, because they sort of 'continue' or expand the background from the base picture (or maybe it's the background itself with a filter added on like <<|this>>). For the image you linked specifically I guess you could just use the soft brush tool to draw the darker lines yourself, then reduce the opacity as before.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by a guide for making a text box, because it's just the text tool xD Click and drag to make a box, then type in said box. If you need more space because the base image doesn't provide you enough, just make a new canvas with say, the same height as the picture but more width then you can put the text into the new area.
03/14/17 05:46AM
Cradily said:
I'm not quite sure what you mean by a guide for making a text box, because it's just the text tool xD Click and drag to make a box, then type in said box. If you need more space because the base image doesn't provide you enough, just make a new canvas with say, the same height as the picture but more width then you can put the text into the new area.

Yeah, I figured it'd be simple enough, I just needed some clarification. I guess I'll go download Photoshop now, and try making my first manip. I've already found a good pic to use too.

Anyway, thanks for the tips! I'll try and make good use of what I've learned.

I'd be a fool to turn down more tips, though, if anyone's willing. ;)
03/14/17 08:05PM
My advice: With your first few manips, try to be minimal in your use of alterations to the image itself. Start off with, say, only spiral/glowing eyes, and as time goes on, and your abilities improve, add in more types of alterations as you see fit. Starting with fewer alterations to the image itself means less chances for major mistakes that could end up requiring a fresh download of the base image if you forgot to layer correctly, saved the image then closed the image manipulation program, and only realized the mistake when you go back to it later to finish it. (Assuming you aren't able to do all the changes in one session.)

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