03/18/17 05:39PM
Real Image Post
So here I am to contest a deletion once again. The rule was cited as "manips of real photos and images are not permitted," as here.


Can someone explain to me, then, what that rule in the Tagging Guidelines is doing there?


"Any pics featuring real people (as in photographs) must be tagged as 'real'?"

If real images aren't allowed on the booru at all, why is that line there? And I understand that we wouldn't want them to become a majority of content on this booru, but I would think this counts as extenuating circumstances.

In any case, the rules shouldn't contradict themselves.

Original image (explicit)
03/18/17 05:41PM
keyword: manips

real images featuring actual hypnosis or hypnosis related content are allowed
03/18/17 06:08PM
No manipulating a real photo...

This is why we are happy to see Lex's 'Entrancement' pics, since they come from his Hypnosis themed photo and video shoots.
This is also why the recent 'Haiguti' gif remained. The pictiures/gifs on their own contain hypnosis through original intent

They get to be tagged as 'real'

Taking a series of porn pics and painting on spiral eyes, photoshopping in a pendulum, or adding a hypnosis story by the side, etc is against the rules, and will get taken down
03/18/17 07:47PM
Excellent, I was hoping you'd put it up somewhere else. May I suggest starting a tumblr, putting it on imgur and posting to a subreddit like /r/xxxcaptions or putting it on the hypno pics collective? But a tumblr qould be best, easiest way to find new manips of yours.
03/18/17 08:28PM
Just gonna leave this here....

lasci_me said:
No manipulating a real photo...

This is why we are happy to see Lex's 'Entrancement' pics, since they come from his Hypnosis themed photo and video shoots.
This is also why the recent 'Haiguti' gif remained. The pictiures/gifs on their own contain hypnosis through original intent

They get to be tagged as 'real'

Taking a series of porn pics and painting on spiral eyes, photoshopping in a pendulum, or adding a hypnosis story by the side, etc is against the rules, and will get taken down

Yeah, this sums it up. Cause last thing we need is some guy taking pics from somebody's facebook/online account and pasting spirals over their eyes or some shit.
03/18/17 08:29PM
Just going to bring up the time that Sleepyhead unknowingly put up something with a 15 year old girl.
03/18/17 08:34PM
Imasuky said:
Just going to bring up the time that Sleepyhead unknowingly put up something with a 15 year old girl.

To be fair we don't know if she was actually 15. We just no that she could fit into a shirt that said as much.
03/18/17 08:36PM
LillyTank said:
To be fair we don't know if she was actually 15. We just no that she could fit into a shirt that said as much.

Wan't sure if someone knew more about her. But either way it's a good reason for real stuff to be very limited.
03/18/17 08:57PM
Imasuky said:
Just going to bring up the time that Sleepyhead unknowingly put up something with a 15 year old girl.

I feel like this is gonna follow me to my grave :l
03/18/17 09:03PM
Sleepyhead97 said:
I feel like this is gonna follow me to my grave :l

That and the great haigure flood.

No hard feelings about that from me it's just almost funny how that went.
03/19/17 05:31PM
lasci_me said:
No manipulating a real photo...

Think you can define "manip" somewhere in the rules? None of the images had been shopped, which I assumed was the definition of an image manip--an IMAGE that has been manipulated. I was not aware the addition of text was included. I was debating whether I should've even included my own tag on it or not.

I'm a bit calmer now and can explain my reasoning a little better.

I'm annoyed because once again, my day began waking up to find that something I'd worked on for a month that was being universally well-received was taken down without any chance for defense and without any comment by the acting moderator so that I'd know who to talk to.

I'm annoyed because once again, action was taken out of a bureaucratic hard-on for the word of the law rather than the spirit of the law and the best interest of the website and its community. This was not a low-quality project that threatened to overrun the search pool with low-quality photoshops, which is the reason the rule described exists. Deletion is not an automated process--the mods are already looking at images on a case by case basis, but it feels like common sense is not being employed.

I'm annoyed because each time this has happened, it has been frustrating enough to make me stop visiting the site completely for several days, and consider not coming back. This has been a very discouraging experience for a new member of the community.

It baffles me that text is not even considered part of the equation in judging whether an image belongs on the booru, regardless of how well it ties together with the imagery and brings it to the topic of hypnosis. Especially so since this is the only place I've seen where adding stories to images is a regular practice.

The "must have a visual representation of hypnosis" rule makes perfect sense for standalone images--otherwise the person viewing them (again, thinking about the SPIRIT OF THE LAW and the REASON THE RULE EXISTS in a pragmatic, applicable, real world situation here) wouldn't be able to recognize them as hypno pics.

Bodies of text are another story. Context matters. That's what the pendulum or the eye manips in a hypno pic add. Context. Text also adds context. If the imagery clearly ties in to the hypno-themed text, then the context is supplied, and there should be no issue for the viewer, regardless of whether there are visible manips present in the image. If there's just a body of hypno-text with an apparently unrelated image thrown next to it so it can be put on the booru, that's another story, and that should be addressed by moderation because it makes logical sense that this is not useful to the site viewer.

The rules need to allow for text images to do what they were intended to do. If no one is reading this and taking this seriously, who do I talk to to put this into effect? This is no longer about the original image, this is about a rule that does not make logical sense. An image should need SOME inclusion of hypnosis, but it should not have to be visual to be considered present.
03/19/17 06:31PM
Not really Xelrog. See we've pointed out previously, when this rule had a more serious debate on it, that there are other sites for real life manips. The thing is while context matters, arguing that adding a decent story or visual manipulation is not arguing for the people to view rai vs raw. What you're requesting is that exceptions be made based on quality which just adds more work to quality control as then you'd have to add a tier based on "is this good enough to exempt from a rule that it is clearly violation of?"
03/19/17 06:57PM
I think it's best to just take this issue up with a mod or two, and not the general community's opinion on it.
I stand by my stance as far as having a strong bias against any real life manips, even if they're just of text added on. I have seen DA users use ordinary photos of ordinary people for whatever fetish they wanna write about, and that shit makes my skin crawl. No matter my disdain for manipping artists' works without their knowledge, manipping/using real people's likeness to depict someone's fetish is just too fucking unreal for me.
My reasoning doesn't have me fully up in arms against you or your manip; rather, it's just why I support the rule we enforce on the site.
03/19/17 07:06PM
As far as I was aware, text that gives an image context as hypnosis wasn't something that was disregarded when it came to determining whether something was fit to be on the site or not, and it has nothing to do with why that particular piece got removed, so I'm not sure what that whole bit has to do with anything?

03/20/17 01:48AM
The rule exists because this site was not intended to be a repository for manips of photographs of any kind. My understanding is that the staff who carried over from Hypnochan were not impressed with the quality of photographic manips in the general hypnosis community and decided to keep them off the Hub. The rule was written and intended to keep any edit of a photograph off the site, text-only or otherwise. Yes, it keeps some good content from being posted, but there are trade-offs to every decision.

Text-only manips of non-hypnosis related art are allowed - that's what the caption_only tag is for.

If you think the rule should be changed, take it up with Vanndril. He writes them around here. :P
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