03/23/17 07:52PM
StepfordCrimson tumblr page
Hiya~ Well considering I never really had much of a social media page, and tumblr is a thing I decided why not at least try it and see where it goes? So... If anyone wants to ask questions or possibly help me out with this here's the link
03/23/17 08:27PM
I feel like the blog's gonna need to be filled up and populated by all sorts of Stepford Wife pics. Would become its own HQ/Hub in a way :3
03/23/17 08:28PM
Since I can't get Yahoo to reactivate my old Tumblr account, I'll just have to follow anonymously. :P
03/24/17 02:12AM
StepfordCrimson said:
I decided why not at least try it and see where it goes?

My guess is it'll go down an MC path

03/24/17 02:58AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I feel like the blog's gonna need to be filled up and populated by all sorts of Stepford Wife pics. Would become its own HQ/Hub in a way :3

I approve this idea very much! :o
03/24/17 03:02AM
Mimikyu said:
I approve this idea very much! :o

Likewise. :3

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