03/24/17 09:34AM
Hypno Pop CYOA
Hey there all you Hunie Pop fans on the Hub, Ghost13 here and I've got some awesome news!

I'm making a hypnosis Hunie Pop CYOA!

Cue the singers! ...Of which there are none, sadly...

Okay, it's gonna work like this, you're a male with some considerable talent with the hypnotic arts (you're so good, you bearly need to say "look into my eyes" or swing that pocket watch in order to put someone into a deep trance. But surprisingly, your dating life has been, how to say it... Nonexistent.

Well, one night, something (or rather, someone) comes along and changes that!

Okay, now that the basic premise explanation is out of the way for anyone reading this that knows nothing of Hunie Pop, time to get to what makes this important. You readers will have some important choices to make over this CYOA, such as:
How dramatic is it?
How easily will the ladies be to hypnotize?
You just after some sex friends, or do you want a harem of devoted lovers?
Do any of your 'victims' even realize what you've done?
Do you let them stay in character, or do you change them so much it gets into OC is Serious Business territory?


I'll try to have the first few polls (which will determine things about our protagonist) as soon as I can, along with explanations of what those choices mean.

Until then, leave a comment to let me know what you all are thinking.

If anyone has ideas for a name, let me know, I'm open to suggestions. Otherwise, our name is Marshmallow.
03/24/17 10:49AM
Okay, here's the first set of polls, to help flesh out our protagonist:

Your Personality:

Basically, this first one determines what our protagonist's initial personality, which may change depending on what kind of choices are most frequently win.

Horny Bastard: In a nut shell, you constantly think with your dick. Most of your thoughts are focused on sex. You will do anything if you think it will get you sex with a hot woman, whether it involves seduction, lying, cheating, or stealing. Heck, you probably only learned hypnosis in the hope it would help you get girls into your pants. Fortunately, you're at least responsible enough to use protection. A good example of this personality is Glenn Quagmire (from Family Guy).

Dominator: For you, nothing turns you on like seeing other submit themselves before you, whether or not they're someone you find sexually attractive. You learned hypnosis because you thought it would give you great power over others. When you have someone under hypnosis, you'll always insist to be called Master/Sir/Lord/Etc and call them your slave.

Nice Guy: To you, making others happy is just as important as being happy yourself. You learned hypnosis to help others (especially sexually) and you make sure anyone you hypnotize enjoys the experience as much as you do. Of course, that does mean you always ask people if they wanted you to hypnotize them...

Weirdo: You aren't on any drugs, but most who meet you will be pretty sure you're high as a kite. You're not stupid, or anything, but your thought process is so out of sync with everyone else that it seems like you're in your own little world. You say bizarre things, ask odd questions, and you make people feel like they're in some kind of surreal comedy. Why you learned hypnosis is anyone's guess (a whim? a bet? Not even you know).

Nerdy: You are a colossal nerd. That pretty much sums it up. You can't go five minutes without making some kind of reference to a show, game, book, or comic; similarly, you find most any situation reminds you of something you read/watched/played. You learned hypnosis because you wanted to pull the kind of hypno-hijinks you saw in various media. You might even be a member of Hypnohub!

The next item is your preferred method of inducting someone (which isn't to say you can't use other methods):

I don't think I need to go in depth with this one...

And last is your ultimate goal, what you want to do now that you've met a certain Love Fairy:

I don't think this one needs much explanation either, but if I'm wrong, let me know on the thread and I'll gladly elaborate.
03/24/17 10:55AM
ghost13 said:
Okay, here's the first set of polls, to help flesh out our protagonist:

Your Personality:

Basically, this first one determines what our protagonist's initial personality, which may change depending on what kind of choices are most frequently win.

Horny Bastard: In a nut shell, you constantly think with your dick. Most of your thoughts are focused on sex. You will do anything if you think it will get you sex with a hot woman, whether it involves seduction, lying, cheating, or stealing. Heck, you probably only learned hypnosis in the hope it would help you get girls into your pants. Fortunately, you're at least responsible enough to use protection. A good example of this personality is Glenn Quagmire (from Family Guy).

Dominator: For you, nothing turns you on like seeing other submit themselves before you, whether or not they're someone you find sexually attractive. You learned hypnosis because you thought it would give you great power over others. When you have someone under hypnosis, you'll always insist to be called Master/Sir/Lord/Etc and call them your slave.

Nice Guy: To you, making others happy is just as important as being happy yourself. You learned hypnosis to help others (especially sexually) and you make sure anyone you hypnotize enjoys the experience as much as you do. Of course, that does mean you always ask people if they wanted you to hypnotize them...

Weirdo: You aren't on any drugs, but most who meet you will be pretty sure you're high as a kite. You're not stupid, or anything, but your thought process is so out of sync with everyone else that it seems like you're in your own little world. You say bizarre things, ask odd questions, and you make people feel like they're in some kind of surreal comedy. Why you learned hypnosis is anyone's guess (a whim? a bet? Not even you know).

Nerdy: You are a colossal nerd. That pretty much sums it up. You can't go five minutes without making some kind of reference to a show, game, book, or comic; similarly, you find most any situation reminds you of something you read/watched/played. You learned hypnosis because you wanted to pull the kind of hypno-hijinks you saw in various media. You might even be a member of Hypnohub!

The next item is your preferred method of inducting someone (which isn't to say you can't use other methods):

I don't think I need to go in depth with this one...

And last is your ultimate goal, what you want to do now that you've met a certain Love Fairy:

I don't think this one needs much explanation either, but if I'm wrong, let me know on the thread and I'll gladly elaborate.

For each one I picked "Nice Guy", "Pocket Watch", and "Scoring Sexy Slaves" respectively.
03/24/17 10:57AM
CJO1234 said:
For each one I picked "Nice Guy", "Pocket Watch", and "Scoring Sexy Slaves" respectively.

I like the way you think CJO!
03/24/17 03:04PM
Does "You are getting sleepy" imply general speach inductions, because if so then that seems like it would work much better for a text-based story than the other, visual, induction methods.
03/24/17 04:23PM
I had to go for Nerdy, Crystal, and harem because duh.
03/24/17 07:26PM
Question: Later down the line in development, could a "Player's Gender" feature be added where you can pick your gender at the start, and depending on which gender you pick, a parser changes the honorifics (with male, the gender based words like "dude", "guy", "sir", etc.) to the honorifics for referring to the selected gender (i.e.: feminine honorifics like "gal", "girl" (in the sense of how Kyu uses it in Huniepop when you pick female player gender), "ma'am", etc. when you pick female)?
("Sir" and "Ma'am" are being used here as examples of honorifics for when the character speaking to you at the time is hypnotized. "Master"/"Mistress" works for this purpose as well, but weren't used because "Master" is technically gender neutral (It can be used for both genders.))
03/24/17 10:34PM
Okay people, so far Harem seeking Dominator is in the lead, while induction method is tied between eyes and crystal. Keep voting and/or commenting!

Mahyma said:
Does "You are getting sleepy" imply general speach inductions, because if so then that seems like it would work much better for a text-based story than the other, visual, induction methods.

Sort of... but I'm not good at coming up with lengthy inductions though...

Imasuky said:
I had to go for Nerdy, Crystal, and harem because duh.

Yeah, that must have been a real no-brainer for you.

Anon_3.141 said:
Question: Later down the line in development, could a "Player's Gender" feature be added where you can pick your gender at the start, and depending on which gender you pick, a parser changes the honorifics (with male, the gender based words like "dude", "guy", "sir", etc.) to the honorifics for referring to the selected gender (i.e.: feminine honorifics like "gal", "girl" (in the sense of how Kyu uses it in Huniepop when you pick female player gender), "ma'am", etc. when you pick female)?
("Sir" and "Ma'am" are being used here as examples of honorifics for when the character speaking to you at the time is hypnotized. "Master"/"Mistress" works for this purpose as well, but weren't used because "Master" is technically gender neutral (It can be used for both genders.))

No Anon, you'll be a dude the entire CYOA. That is not changing. Sorry.
03/24/17 10:42PM
ghost13 said:
Okay people, so far Harem seeking Dominator is in the lead, while induction method is tied between eyes and crystal. Keep voting and/or commenting!

Sort of... but I'm not good at coming up with lengthy inductions though...

Yeah, that must have been a real no-brainer for you.

No Anon, you'll be a dude the entire CYOA. That is not changing. Sorry.

When I played I did try to pick the nerdy answers cause they were some of the best. I just have to say momo had better be in this or riot.

03/24/17 11:03PM
Imasuky said:
When I played I did try to pick the nerdy answers cause they were some of the best. I just have to say momo had better be in this or riot.

*Grabs his riot gear, just to be safe* Sorry Imasuky, but I haven't unlocked Momo... Maybe if I knew how I could add her in...

...Please don't riot.
03/24/17 11:04PM
ghost13 said:
*Grabs his riot gear, just to be safe* Sorry Imasuky, but I haven't unlocked Momo... Maybe if I knew how I could add her in...

...Please don't riot.

Buy a goldfish go to the park, try and throw the goldfish away. Get cat waifu.
03/25/17 12:32AM
Imasuky said:
Buy a goldfish go to the park, try and throw the goldfish away. Get cat waifu.

03/25/17 12:37AM
ghost13 said:

How about Celeste, the blue skined bounty hunter babe from beyond the stars?
03/25/17 12:37AM
So I went with nice guy, crystal pendant and harem builder~

As is evident, I like having likable protaganists, any chance our likely dominator will treat his harem right~?
03/25/17 01:43AM
Imasuky said:
How about Celeste, the blue skined bounty hunter babe from beyond the stars?

Fuck a girl, then give Kyu the two items you start with, then visit the beach.
1 2345>>>

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