03/24/17 06:15PM
Story Commissions by Imasuky
I will write original stories, or stories based on any series with which I am familiar enough to do it justice. If I feel that I lack knowledge, I will suggest a different subject. I will specialize in working with OC's, as well as adding stories to image pools. I will also offer special pre-written stories that will be exclusive to buyers.

I will only do yuri, but I am open to a fairly wide variety of heavy kinks, so long as they do not include any of the ones below.

How does this work?
There will be two kinds of stories: commissions, and special stories that I wrote on my own and will sell to those interested.

Costs? How much is this?
Commissions will be set at a rate of $10 = 1000 words, rounded up to the nearest dollar (example: 4512 word story = $46). Prewritten stories will cost a flat rate of $5, up to a length of 10,000 words. I doubt that I will be making any prewritten stories over 10,000 words, but if I do, the price will be adjusted to better reflect my time and effort.

When do you pay?
You’ll only pay once the story is finished. As proof that I've finished it, I’ll share a portion of the story with you, and the rest will be made available once payment is confirmed.

How long will it take?
Difficult to say. I can generally get a story finished inside a couple of weeks. I reserve the right, however, to take longer if necessary. In addition, all of my stories will go through my personal proofreader, to assure the best possible quality of your story, and she leads a busy life. To put it bluntly: it's done when it's done. But I will keep you updated about its progress.

What if I don't want to share?
Prewritten stories are yours to keep; if you don't want to share them, you don't have to. It is my strong preference that I am given the option to share commissioned stories publicly, since regularly publishing stories is how I maintain a presence to get more commissions. I will respect your wish to keep a commission private, but you must inform me from the start that this is your wish, and I may ask for an extra 10% fee for this, depending on whether it's a story I would have really liked to share.

Alright I'm updating this. I will now be doing het and futa stories, I will be using a differnt editor than normal for these so there will be a difference in some ways on these stories.

Just PM me here, and we'll work out the details.
How do we contact you?
PM me

How do we pay you?
Through PayPal, once we get a price set.

If you want to just give me a tip, any amount will be greatly appreciated.

I will not work on any of the following content:
Gore and/or Vore
Scat and/or Watersports
I reserve the right to refuse other extreme fetishes at my discretion, but I think you'll find me fairly open.

Samples of My Work


Blood on the brain-Skullgirls

Taming the Flame- Pokemon

Since I'm Not Popular, I'll try hypnosis.- Watamote

Taming the Flame- Pokemon- The first chapter was written for fun Chapters 2 and 3 however are commissions.

Wild Lust-Pokemon

Bound to Serve-Little Witch Academia

Dreamers Dreams -Orginal

Stories for sale
Sweet Poison Price 7 dolloars
Free Sample

Janey's past, for those who enjoy my CYOA the story of how Janey became Hilda's second in command. Price 7 bucks
Free Sample
03/24/17 07:08PM
Imasuky said:
I will not work on any of the following content:

What about Futa on female w/o males present?
03/24/17 07:10PM
Anon_3.141 said:
What about Futa on female w/o males present?

Sorry girls only. It's pretty much all I've ever written and it's what I have the most confidence in.

Even though I like it I just don't feel like I could do that well enough.
03/24/17 07:13PM
Imasuky said:
Sorry girls only. It's pretty much all I've ever written and it's what I have the most confidence in.

Even though I like it I just don't feel like I could do that well enough.

Fair enough. I'm of the mindset that unless you're intentionally doing something outside of your comfort zone, it's best to stay within that comfort zone as much as possible.

A wise man once said:
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
03/24/17 07:15PM
Anon_3.141 said:
Fair enough. I'm of the mindset that unless you're intentionally doing something outside of your comfort zone, it's best to stay within that comfort zone as much as possible.

True enough.
03/25/17 01:33AM
Just wanted to say that I am working on my first project.

A Skullgirls story for RoboFonzy. Eliza dominates Ms. Fortune and Cerebella.
03/25/17 02:20AM
Imasuky said:
Just wanted to say that I am working on my first project.

A Skullgirls story for RoboFonzy. Eliza dominates Ms. Fortune and Cerebella.

Had the preview done fairly quickly; everything looks amazing can't wait to see the finished product. Skullgirls needs more love. Here's the preview for anyone interested (please note this only a first draft and will most likely be revised and rewritten before the story is actually out): Cerebella let out a low groan as she woke up, her head throbbing with a dull ache. Looking around she realized by the general decorations of the room she was in she was in one of the many side rooms of Eliza’s bathhouse. She was tied to a chair and it took only a few seconds to realize that she was separated from Vice-Versa. Not only that but she was completely naked.

Why was she here, why her usual partner was gone, and why she was fucking naked!?

None of this clicked in her mind right away, but she knew that it was odd. In particular because of the pain throbbing in her head. Struggling to think she recalled the last thing she saw before getting knocked out.

Eliza’s heel coming right down between her eyes.

The confusion cleared quickly replaced by anger. That double crossing bitch, no one betrays the Medici family and gets away with it!

Struggling against the ropes she found very quickly that even with her strength they were too strong to break free from.

“When I get free I am so going to make you regret this!” She shouted “I’ll beat you down and drag you to Vitale!” she added straining even more.

The chair started to creak a little, even though the ropes wouldn’t snap it would seem the chair would. Just as she felt it start to give the door opened up and standing silhouetted was none other than Eliza herself.

“Would you please not break my furniture, I paid a good amount for that.” The woman said with a smirk.

“Don’t worry about the chair, when I’m done you’ll be more worried about the everything!” Cerebella snapped.

Eliza chuckled as she stepped into the room.

“Such big words for a girl who’ll soon be my plaything. Just like the other.” Eliza said with a grin.

Before Cerebella could ask what that was supposed to mean she got the answer.

The cut-up catgirl crawled into the room on all fours, she was completely naked showing off her lithe figure, as well as all the scars that covered her body. She nuzzled against Eliza’s leg purring happily.

“The hell did you do?” Cerebella asked more confused than anything else.

“Just a simple trick I figured out a while back, I hardly ever make use of it but for such a cute kitty I made an exception.” Eliza said reaching down to give the cat girl a scratch behind the ear.

“Ms. Fortune here is such a happy little pet now.” Eliza added as she knelt down running her hand along her back making her moan and purr.

Cerebella felt a chill run down her own back, something about seeing this was making her skin crawl.

“And soon enough you’ll be just as happy and loyal. In fact by the time I’m done you’ll love me more than Vitale.” Eliza said standing back up. She gave a self satisfied chuckle as the bound girl in front of her snarled her eyes flaring with rage.

“You’d have to kill me first!” She snapped tugging at the ropes again.

“I thought about it.” Eliza said reaching down and cupping Cerebella’s chin. “But that would be a real waste.”

As she said that she kissed the girl, her tongue sliding into her mouth.

Cerebella tried to fight against her, to bite her tongue but as she did the coppery taste of blood filled her mouth. Dozens of tiny strands reached out and held her teeth at bay. A few seconds later some more blood entered her mouth, heading to the back of her throat.

The usually rough and tumble girl felt a sense of dread unlike anything she experienced in her life as the blood traveled upwards. Somehow she simply knew that it was heading up toward her brain.

Fighting harder to try and break free Cerbella quickly realized that it was futile.

Eliza brook the kiss and took a step back, licking her lips clean of a bit of blood.

“Now just relax and soon you’ll feel wonderful.” She said petting Fortune again who merely purred.

For a moment Cerebella felt perfectly normal. For a second she felt like maybe this wouldn’t work and she might be able to escape and deliver the punishment this traitor deserved.

But that hope faded all in a second as a rush of pleasure hit her. It felt like every single pleasure sensitive nerve in her brain was struck all at the same time. The girl could feel her body tense and shudder as a massvie orasgm washed over her. Her entire world was nothing but flashes, her mind overwhelmed with ecstasy.

Eliza watched with cruel enjoyment Cerebella’s eyes rolled back in her head small streams of tears rolling down her face, not from pain or anguish, but sheer overwhelming bliss. Her whole body was twitching as a pool of cum was spreading out from between her legs, Small droplets of it splattered to the floor.

“Oh look at the mess she’s making.” Eliza said “Why don’t you clean that up Fortune.” She ordered.

Fortune answered with an excited meow and crawled forward. She stared at Cerebella’s feet lapping at the pool of juice on the floor and working her way up, along her toned calves, up to her powerful thighs. The feeling of her warm, slightly rough tongue was able to penetrate through the haze of her brain being assaulted by blood.

Though it didn’t help her break free, if anything it made her cum even harder.

As Fortune buried her face in Cerebella’s cunt, going straight for her clit Eliza decided to join in on the fun.
03/26/17 06:37PM
i'm probably not gonna get this on the count of it not technically being yuri, but fuck it i'll put it in anyway

Ahri X Reader where ahri uses charm to entrance/brainwash them. because i always wondered what it looked like from the perspective of someone who got hit with that ability

the thing is it's left vague as to the readers gender
03/26/17 07:52PM
skullman2033 said:
i'm probably not gonna get this on the count of it not technically being yuri, but fuck it i'll put it in anyway

Ahri X Reader where ahri uses charm to entrance/brainwash them. because i always wondered what it looked like from the perspective of someone who got hit with that ability

the thing is it's left vague as to the readers gender

I'll look into that idea. I've done reader POV stories before but usually did give a female reader POV.
03/26/17 10:45PM
Soo can i pay 4 the Subjugation Salvation?

Im tinking of somting like up the speed or sugesting mass hypno/conquest?
03/26/17 10:48PM
nemesis said:
Soo can i pay 4 the Subjugation Salvation?

Im tinking of somting like up the speed or sugesting mass hypno/conquest?

Well that would be a bit tricky to do but I appreciate that you are that into it.
03/26/17 11:11PM
Imasuky said:
Well that would be a bit tricky to do but I appreciate that you are that into it.

so im just paying you then?
03/26/17 11:12PM
nemesis said:
so im just paying you then?

I'm looking t making a Patreon to see if others would be interested as well. That might be the best solution for all of us. On the CYOA's only, story commissions would be separate from that.
04/01/17 12:39AM
Just wanted to announce that I have finished chapter 1 of the story requested by RoboFonzy. Once payment is confirmed the story will be made publicly available as per agreement with him.
04/08/17 05:20AM
With my commission finished, can't recommend enough, super nice to talk with and the writing speaks for itself. Takes a great idea and puts it down on paper to amazing effect. Chapter 2 of my Skullgirls commission should be up later tonight and it's fantastic.
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