12/02/13 08:45PM
Hub of Hypno Translators!
Mainly Japanese -> English, though other things could be cool too.

As you might be aware, I have done a fair bit of hentai translation work over the last two years (starting in April 2011 when i was on forced hiatus from college due to a long story involving the Tohoku earthquake and feared my Japanese would slip). Some of my work has involved the mind control genre, and so a few of the projects i've spearheaded (rather than bounty work) have involved that genre, thus:

g.e-hentai.org/g/397849/6f35dc769c/ A Yu-Gi-Oh! work, involving Tea, Alexis, and Aki

g.e-hentai.org/g/532308/5cfed4b1db/ One Piece, and a little hard to follow (essentially all of the induction occurred before the book started, offscreen, and Nami's already in a cycle where she keeps having sex with her hypnotist and then forgetting about it)

g.e-hentai.org/g/634471/7d8fc2d98e/ and its sequels, a Death Note parody, but any woman whose name is written in the book (and then he has to make physical contact with her somehow) will become mad for sex with him.

And of course, exhentai.org/g/645685/239d34cd88/ an absolutely scrumptious piece involving a girl getting brainwashed, impregnated, going through childbirth, transformed and corrupted into an insect-hybrid

Anyone else on the hub into translation? Someone else here must do all these translation requests that keep popping up. Show yourselves, and share your work!

(PS: I'm looking for someone to help me with the sequel to that last one. It's damn long, and it wouldn't hurt to split the work)
12/02/13 09:39PM
Oh oh ooooooh! You're the one who translated that Yu-Gi-Oh doujin? Major props, that's gotta be my all-time favorite hypno comic.

That One Piece one looks great too, might have to check that out.
12/02/13 10:06PM
Well, HypnoMangaEditor is translating a manga for which I'm cleaning the raws. Mostly turning a page like <<i.imgur.com/j7SQfyy.jpg|this>> into <<i.imgur.com/u4cSoA7.jpg|this>>, and <<i.imgur.com/rOVGeDZ.jpg|this>> into <<i.imgur.com/oZ67TUX.jpg|this>>.

I'm almost finished with doing that and he's almost finished with translation, but for reasons I had to give it a hiatus; hopefully you guys will see it soon :P There's just a couple of pages left to clean up.

If I could translate I certainly would, but if any of you has a need for cleaning raws, I might be of some help, especially after I stop being so busy with life lol. This is the first time I do this though, so I'm not sure I'm up to drawing genitalia completely from scratch (like when the censoring is really massive). Cleaning kanji and such is no problem though.
12/02/13 10:28PM
So you do cleaning, but not typesetting? Usually the editor does both.
12/03/13 04:00AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
So you do cleaning, but not typesetting? Usually the editor does both.

Well, it just happened to be that way. I can typeset, but since HypnoMangaEditor was doing it I just didn't complain. The workflow is me sending him the cleaned-up pages and him putting text back into the respective places (minus that huge amount of sounds).
12/03/13 08:03AM
I've done a little bit here, but only when no one else has already gotten to it, as I'm on the low end of intermediate. Most of my Japanese exposure consists of watching niconico douga, or let's plays (実況) on youtube. I usually don't feel comfortable translating images on the internet because they're usually based on a manga or anime that I've never heard of (or if I'm lucky, have heard of but never seen). They tend to have references to famous quotes or running gags in the source material, and it goes right over my head since I don't watch anime or read manga.
12/04/13 06:42AM
^^ Low-intermediate is about where i started. A semester in Japan and one hell of a lot of anime later, and i'd say i'm sub-advanced/high intermediate. Nothing wrong there.
12/10/13 07:30AM
Bump to say i've finished the script for Shojo Mushi Plus. Now it's the editor's problem.

114 pages, no assistance :/
12/10/13 07:38AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Bump to say i've finished the script for Shojo Mushi Plus. Now it's the editor's problem.

114 pages, no assistance :/

Not surprising. :P

But hey, at least you finished. :)
12/30/13 07:27PM


Actually i don't think you need to dodge the sad panda for this one. Not sure if it's been fjorded or not
12/30/13 07:41PM
Ogodei-Khan said:


Actually i don't think you need to dodge the sad panda for this one. Not sure if it's been fjorded or not

Yeeees! <3
12/30/13 10:41PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Actually i don't think you need to dodge the sad panda for this one. Not sure if it's been fjorded or not

It's not, see?

I love how bestiality and lolicon are fjorded, but parasitic mind takeovers and death of self consciousness are perfectly okay!
12/31/13 05:43AM
That's the thing, it's still bestiality and loli (although the protagonist makes no overt references to the fact that she is underage, unless you had read the first one and realized that the "older sister" is herself well underage). Perhaps none of the mods (or whoever the hell has the power to tag stuff that will get it fjorded) noticed...
12/31/13 06:41PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
So you do cleaning, but not typesetting? Usually the editor does both.

There's a reason for that. I am still VERY unexperienced about translating japanese. It's basically me editing out every single Kanji/hiragana/katakana out of the image, putting them from up to down direction into a left to right direction and letting OCR convert it into something I can save in a doc-file. After that I use the internet to find the most appropriate translation.

It takes me between 1.5-3h for a single page to translate. After that I want to see the text in the image, and make appropriate changes, so the text fits more and isn't a word-by-word translation that looks out of place. This can also change translations of the previous pages, because I suddenly find out that they meant something completly different.

It's translating more due to stubborness and willpower than anything else. Anyone can do it the way I do it, I can probably due it a little better because I have a better grasp of what certain words mean once I have them translated into romaji, but this is only because of watching anime for the past 20 years.

For this reason I only translate stuff no one else does. So it's either my translation or no translation. You'd probably find quite a lot of mistakes in there easily if you look at it.

Stem_Cell isn't doing the normal work of a cleaner. I have NEVER seen a manga being cleaned so thoroughly. It's not just removing a couple of text in speech bubbles, he is even removing the SFX signs. If I look at translations from LWB for example, they do not do that.

So yeah, if it would be as easy for me as just reading the japanese signs and then writing the translation into a txt file than I would probably leave typesetting to someone else, but I am more of a typesetter than a translator myself, so I have to do it like that so the translation is at least halfway decent.
01/01/14 12:15AM
That sounds like a huge amount of work. Thanks for taking so much time to work on it and make sure that it came out as great as it did.
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