03/25/17 01:38PM
General Dating Advice needed!
I'll have a date next weekend and i don't know if the hypno fetish is a bad thing to have in any type of relationship. So if anyone have any advice tell me please! I mean things such as should i keep this thing in secret? Thanks for all advices
03/25/17 02:00PM
Desmond-san said:
I'll have a date next weekend and i don't know if the hypno fetish is a bad thing to have in any type of relationship. So if anyone have any advice tell me please! I mean things such as should i keep this thing in secret? Thanks for all advices

Hypno in a date? really man? rest in peace for yu. :^|
03/25/17 02:02PM
Although...there is a small chance that your date has certain fetishes.
03/25/17 03:04PM
I think that you should know the other person a little before telling your fetishes
03/25/17 03:10PM
I've only met a few people who were extremely irked by my hypnosis fetish. I'd recommend just mentioning it when the conversation comes up.
03/25/17 04:04PM
Not really a first date topic.
03/25/17 04:19PM
Seriously, first date?! Doesn't matter if your fetish was bondage, BDSM, furries, etc. You'd be a fool to bring this up on the first date of all things. Don't bring it up at all until later down the line, you and said person have a pretty solid relationship going on, and you think they're open minded enough to hear about it. But just be careful as for how you go about it......
^As long as this video is, anyone should watch the parts involving the hypnosis VHS (most of it's in the beginning, rest of the video they go over other VHS tapes). It's really fucking cringey.
03/25/17 04:22PM
Yeah, kink isn't a first date discussion topic unless you met through a kink outlet. I'd be incredibly weirded out if someone brought their kinks up unprompted when we're literally just getting to know each other.
03/25/17 05:55PM
First dates are for getting to know each other on a superficial level. Kinks and fetishes are for when you're getting to the part "we might have sex" and even then I'd wait until you're absolutely sure about that person.

Like for instance on the internet I'm comfortable enough in my anonymity to say I have trouble connecting to people, am very flirty but wouldn't know flirting if it hit me in the face with a brick and have a tentacle- and hypnosis fetish. But none of these topics are ones I'd bring up myself on a first date. (Maybe after a month or maybe two of dating, depending on how comfortable I am with that person.)

Now's the time to decide if you're Marvel or DC, Star Wars, Star Trek or if you like both (we exist, damn it! :p) and if you're looking for something serious or just some good fun to have.

If it comes up naturally, don't lie about it but don't go blurting out everything at once. If I was on the receiving end of such a blurt, I might be really worried what the other person ISN'T telling me - like people dressed in furry suits chained up in their basement bad.

Maybe this kind of worst case scenario thinking is why I'm single, though :P Or maybe it's why I'm still alive :o
03/25/17 06:21PM
sleepyxo said:
Yeah, kink isn't a first date discussion topic unless you met through a kink outlet. I'd be incredibly weirded out if someone brought their kinks up unprompted when we're literally just getting to know each other.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Seriously, first date?! Doesn't matter if your fetish was bondage, BDSM, furries, etc. You'd be a fool to bring this up on the first date of all things. Don't bring it up at all until later down the line, you and said person have a pretty solid relationship going on, and you think they're open minded enough to hear about it. But just be careful as for how you go about it......
^As long as this video is, anyone should watch the parts involving the hypnosis VHS (most of it's in the beginning, rest of the video they go over other VHS tapes). It's really fucking cringey.

akaece said:
Not really a first date topic.

Motorata said:
I think that you should know the other person a little before telling your fetishes

guys! i meant let say soon 2-3 mounts later this girl will be my girlfriend. and let say she and i are talking about stuff and the fetishes(sorry ir typed it wrong) and at that moment i don't lie becouse i want to answer quick and i accidently say "i have a hypno fetish.". this isn't a good situation so i want to avoid it... or i shouldn't
03/25/17 06:27PM
Well, if you are so worried about it, try to find out her standing on such fetishes during that time.
There is no definite formula and you told us next to nothing about her in the first place, noone can help you with that.
03/25/17 06:37PM
As others have said, kinks and fetishes are not for first dates (well not unless you first met in a BDSM dungeon or fetish forum or the like, because most fetishes have a high potential to freak out the muggles. That's why they're fetishes, and not main stream

Get to know this person before you broach this sort of thing
03/25/17 08:44PM
Thread title changed so it's less clickbaity (and less personal).
03/25/17 10:04PM
Unless your partner is really forward about that sort of thing, i wouldn't get into kinks at all until you've slept together at least once. Need to find out if that basic compatibility is there.
03/25/17 10:11PM
I'd save fetish talks for a second/third date if the subject turns to sex

in my case, most of the girls i end up talking to with a date as a possibility come from a dating site/app, so it's entirely possible that the fetish talk comes up before the actual date, in which case, i wouldn't volunteer it too soon, like i said, wait for the subject to turn to sex and kinks, rather than volunteering it up-front, that's best for important "need to knows" rather than fetishes
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