03/27/17 05:49AM
Update: The Big Callout Post
UPDATE 3/27/17:

Thank you to ALL who have been sending me emails on what I owe you. You guys deserve to know how many is currently piled on me.


34 commissions... one of them is an animation, a few of them are comics and the rest are single images. And it's bound to keep climbing.

Keep in mind though, it's not like I NEVER finish my commissions. Notice how I have nearly 200 or so deviations and submissions on my galleries? About 95% of those pics are all commissions. I very rarely take time for myself.

That being said, I will be taking full responsibility for these comms. Either via refund (which nobody wanted) or by finishing them as fast as I can. I still haven't taken in any new comms so that's good. Thank you all for your support!


This is it guys. My consciousness can't take this anymore. So I'm going to be upfront. I took in way too many commissions. Too many to even count. Which is the problem. I CONSTANTLY ask people "shit what do I owe you"

I was desperate for funds and now I am almost never doing drawings that I want to do without feeling guilty for it.

So here's how I propose to fix this. I KNOW this is not perfect. But fuck it. Here goes.

Everyone who I owe PLEASE email me what I owe to [email protected] and leave a complete description of what you want. IF you leave anything, and I mean ANYTHING out, I will interpret the picture in my own way, no changes will be made to the final product. I will be giving you guys two weeks to do this. So on 4/10/17, if you haven't messaged me by this time, I will assume I do not owe you anything.

If I have owed you for a LOOOONG time and you feel like you want a refund, please let me know. I will ATTEMPT to refund anyone who I have owed for at least 6 months to a year (or more but I doubt I've kept anyone waiting THAT long)

I humbly ask for people to not abuse this. Please only message me if I ABSOLUTELY owe you anything. Do not try to scam me, especially now where I am not in a great financial state.

Once everyone I have ever owed has been compensated. Commissions will remain closed for at least a month after. When they open up. I will only keep 4-5 slots open at a time.

I am so sorry for being so irresponsible. I seriously underestimated how much work I was taking in. I thought it would be easy, and it has not. I have not been more mentally stressed in a LONG time. I'm losing my hair over this, YES REALLY. I NEED to clear my conscious of this mess. Once it's over, I PROMISE to be more careful and responsible with future commissioned projects.

Thank you for your time.
03/27/17 06:56AM
I admire you for being upfront and transparent about this!
03/28/17 08:45AM
Auri said:
I admire you for being upfront and transparent about this!

What (s)he said! I hope it all works out :) if you need help with glancing over sketches or anything, I'm sure the Art Critic Thread will be happy to help!

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