03/29/17 03:04AM
Hypnohub date sim
Just another dumb idea that will probably never go anywhere but still fun to talk about. It'd be all about the OC's.

It'd have the super trope heavy setting of high school and such.

Hypno-tan would have to be the 'main' girl. The one who's in the center of images and such. She would probably the childhood friend who the player has always known.

Awake-san would be a tsundere upperclassman, probably part of the student council.

Mrs. Erickson would be the homeroom teacher.

Erika would need to be in there somewhere.

And cause it wouldn't be fair to leave him out Pink would be there. Not sure what to do with him though.
03/29/17 03:10AM
Imasuky said:

And cause it wouldn't be fair to leave him out Pink would be there. Not sure what to do with him though.

I think we all know what to do with him
03/29/17 03:26AM
Jabberwocky said:
I think we all know what to do with him

I meant in the story cause not much plot you can really have there. Just a spiral and he's yours to do with as you please.
03/29/17 03:30AM
Imasuky said:
I meant in the story cause not much plot you can really have there. Just a spiral and he's yours to do with as you please.

He's the third part of the friend group.
03/29/17 04:05AM
I kind of like this idea... I mean, it could work
Just drawing a some OC's in two or three poses, with different face expression each, steal some background images from schools from different visual novels if we are too lazy, get people to write the script together... and somehow get a programmer and/or use an already existing program to put every single trigger, dialog, some free piano music from youtube,pictures/reaction, sound and internal calculation(If i left something left) together on the game itself
Yeah, doesn't sound that easy now that I think, getting people to work together for free it's tricky and it's too much for just one dude. But it's not thaaaaat difficult amaright?

03/29/17 04:19AM
Imasuky said:
Erika would need to be in there somewhere.

And cause it wouldn't be fair to leave him out Pink would be there. Not sure what to do with him though.

<<|Erika>> would be the chill friend that you can always talk to, or go to the zoo with and check out the snakes there... <_____<

Pink would prob be class clown // the very happy-go-lucky kid in class, that overtime you'd come to understand their deepest, darkest <<|secrets>>.... >_____>

As far as other suggestions go:

Kassidy, the foreign exchange student that seems to be from some "country" you've never quite heard of before...

<<|Crystal>>, the girl who loves more than anything her games and Fruit Loops.

<<|Alex>>, the hardcore chick that drops by to check in on her little sister's shenanigans.

<<|Katie>>, the little goody-two-shoes that's just toofuckingadorableandinnocent.....
[spoilers]Clearly not showing any bias[/spoilers]

Andra, someone's science project gone horribly wrong (or totally right, depending on your perspective).
[spoilers]Zko, if you're reading this, you should when you can make a character sheet for Andra :3[/spoilers]

Karen, the mischievous student in class that wants to someday rule the school. Probably the least popular kid in class, but makes up for it with her overly ambitious attitude to be respected by her peers (which for that alone, they find cute).

Inma and Joyce, the two inseparable best friends that are always seem to be getting into some sort of trouble. Probably be "side-characters" you can interact with, rather than being ones you can romance.

Myuk-ko, the upperclassman that's too pure of heart. Doesn't understand why Inma and Joyce tend to be weary around her... <<|Wonder why>>

Pippa, that one underclassman that's also getting herself into lots of trouble with either teachers or snakes. Unsure why she's always "cosplaying" as a fox girl in school...

Probably more I can throw out there, but for now, this is what I got.
03/29/17 04:24AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
<<|Erika>> would be the chill friend that you can always talk to, or go to the zoo with and check out the snakes there... <_____<

Pink would prob be class clown // the very happy-go-lucky kid in class, that overtime you'd come to understand their deepest, darkest <<|secrets>>.... >_____>

As far as other suggestions go:

Kassidy, the foreign exchange student that seems to be from some "country" you've never quite heard of before...

<<|Crystal>>, the girl who loves more than anything her games and Fruit Loops.

<<|Alex>>, the hardcore chick that drops by to check in on her little sister's shenanigans.

<<|Katie>>, the little goody-two-shoes that's just toofuckingadorableandinnocent.....
[spoilers]Clearly not showing any bias[/spoilers]

Andra, someone's science project gone horribly wrong (or totally right, depending on your perspective).
[spoilers]Zko, if you're reading this, you should when you can make a character sheet for Andra :3[/spoilers]

Karen, the mischievous student in class that wants to someday rule the school. Probably the least popular kid in class, but makes up for it with her overly ambitious attitude to be respected by her peers (which for that alone, they find cute).

Inma and Joyce, the two inseparable best friends that are always seem to be getting into some sort of trouble. Probably be "side-characters" you can interact with, rather than being ones you can romance.

Myuk-ko, the upperclassman that's too pure of heart. Doesn't understand why Inma and Joyce tend to be weary around her... <<|Wonder why>>

Pippa, that one underclassman that's also getting herself into lots of trouble with either teachers or snakes. Unsure why she's always "cosplaying" as a fox girl in school...

Probably more I can throw out there, but for now, this is what I got.

That sounds perfect. If this goes anywhere I would be ne of the writers for sure.
03/29/17 04:30AM
Imasuky said:
That sounds perfect. If this goes anywhere I would be ne of the writers for sure.

i still want that ms erikson route,
and hypnotans mom

....i like older women, what?
03/29/17 05:05AM
If i was in it, I'd be the bookworm type person who normally keeps to myself, but turns out to be really sociable to those who are close to me.
03/29/17 05:48AM
Would the Player Character have a name and backstory?
03/29/17 05:50AM
Swirly said:
Would the Player Character have a name and backstory?

Don't know. After all this was started mostly as just a fun idea since games like this rarely go any farther than the idea.
03/29/17 06:15PM
Imasuky said:
Don't know. After all this was started mostly as just a fun idea since games like this rarely go any farther than the idea.

Maybe this is where Sir Wiffleton Winnebago the Third of Kensington and Downing Street could come in?
03/29/17 06:27PM
Imasuky said:
Don't know. After all this was started mostly as just a fun idea since games like this rarely go any farther than the idea.

it needs to be comically tropey
03/29/17 07:52PM
I have no idea how to code this, but I'd like to volunteer to help with art! Backgrounds or characters, either are fine :)
Perhaps it's best to keep it in a traditional anime/manga style?
03/29/17 08:01PM
Friye said:
I have no idea how to code this, but I'd like to volunteer to help with art! Backgrounds or characters, either are fine :)
Perhaps it's best to keep it in a traditional anime/manga style?

I doubt would happen (as there was another project game idea that sorta came and gone as far as I know), but curious as for what kinda art style you'd offer up :0
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